Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 169 Invasion

"You are such a devil!"

Jane roared angrily, feeling dizzy because she was hung upside down for a long time.

"As expected of a third-degree doctor, you can actually guess my identity." Luo Xia sighed seriously. He lowered his head and looked under the bridge and said: "Look at the audience below. I hope your Thor will not disappoint them." .”

At this time, onlookers gathered on both sides of Tower Bridge in London. From above, it looked dark, like dark clouds in the sky.

Police cars were already in place, and ambulances and fire trucks were trudging through the crowd. The police officers evacuated the safe area in an orderly manner. The police chief began to shout: "Put down the hostages, you are surrounded!"

"How come every universe is the same?" Luo Xia muttered.

Suddenly bursts of thunder rang out in the dark clouded sky, and the entire London area shivered in the violent storm.

"Thor..." Jane muttered, looking down at the sky.

The rain curtain tore a circular hole in the Tower Bridge, preventing the entire bridge from being hit by the heavy rain.

Luo Xia stood up and said: "What superhero is more arrogant than the devil..."

The next second, a dazzling colorful beam of light penetrated the rain curtain and hit the Thames River directly from the sky. The Rainbow Bridge came with high temperature, and a large amount of river water was instantly evaporated, creating a mist. A strong figure flew out of the mist quickly.

Thor flew out and immediately took away Jane who was dumped on the Tower Bridge of London. The two quickly landed on the riverside not far away.

"Your real boyfriend is back!" Darcy's voice suddenly sounded in Jane's ears.

"How will you be here?"

"I saw it on Facebook." Darcy raised his phone and said, "You didn't take me bungee jumping to London Gate?"

"Bungee jumping!?" Jane gritted her teeth, "That's murder."

"Hurry up and get your superhero boyfriend to beat you back. He should be able to beat him, right?" Darcy said with some doubt, "He should be real, right?"

Jane's method of identification was very simple. She slapped Sol on the face and made a crisp applause.

"One hundred percent true!" Darcy agreed.

"I'm sorry that the person just turned into you and lied to us..."

"It's okay, Jane." Thor turned back to look at Luo Xia, who was still standing on the bridge base. The anger in his eyes was undisguised, "I am the bravest warrior in Immortal Palace, and no one on earth can be my enemy. …”

"Pah!" Jane slapped Sol's face with her backhand again.

Facing Thor's puzzled gaze, Jane immediately said: "He is coming for you! Your friend Tony Stark just warned me that he is very dangerous!"

Sol was a little surprised, but he still trusted Tony very much.

Thor turned the Mjolnir in his hand and said coldly: "No matter what conspiracy he has, I will make him pay the price!"

Jane wanted to say something else, but Thor flew out and shot straight towards the Tower Bridge in London.

"Do we need to cheer him up?" Darcy said excitedly, "I'm really lucky today. I can watch the battle between superpowers live. This is much more real than the special effects in movies. Your ex-boyfriend should be able to do it, right? …”

Suddenly Darcy's voice stopped abruptly, and the two of them watched helplessly as Thor's extremely heroic figure arrived at the Tower Bridge and was blown away by Luo Xia's punch, streaking over their heads like a meteor. And disappeared among the outlines of high-rise buildings on the horizon...

"K.O with one move?" Darcy's eyes widened, "There seems to be a big difference in level between the two of them..."

Jane was also stunned, "Thor!" She ran in that direction.

"I'll drive!" Darcy said immediately.

Luo Xia activated the spatial displacement of the snake charm and came to Thor's side. Thor was knocked unconscious by Luo Xia's punch, but before he could stop, Luo Xia grabbed Thor's head and pushed him into the asphalt road. , a burst of sparks burst out, leaving a deep charred groove on the road, and Sol also woke up from the severe pain.

Luo Xia struck extremely harshly, knowing that he had to fight quickly.

The Supreme Mage's reputation is not in vain. Even if Luo Xia casts these powerful spells on the other side of the earth, the energy fluctuations caused will be felt by Ancient One.

With Ancient One's ability, she can quickly locate the exact location and open any door directly to London. Things will get tricky then.

The worst-case scenario is that Ancient One uses the time stone again to pull Luo Xia into the time loop. If this happens again, just getting out of the time loop will be enough to cause Luo Xia trouble.

Saul was lying on the sloping road, with heavy rain falling in his face, and the gathered water hitting his body.

He was still struggling hard, and Luo Xia reached out and lifted him up.

An invisible energy shield opened above Luo Xia's head to isolate the heavy rain. The water flowing downward on the slope also automatically diverted to the left and right to avoid Luo Xia.

"Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge, or I will kill your future king on earth!" Rosha said, holding Thor high.

Rosha's calm voice was neither loud nor quiet, but he was sure it could reach Heimdall's ears.

After all, Heimdall's senses are so keen that he can hear the sound of sap flowing in the trees, and he can hear everything that happens in Asgard or on Earth.

"No..." Thor said with difficulty, "This is his conspiracy... Don't do this, Heimdall!"

There was no response from the calm sky. It might be that Heimdall was distracted at this moment, or he was following Thor's instructions. But Luo Xia had no patience.

Luo Xia threw Thor heavily onto the road, and several huge cracks spread from Thor's back to the main street, even endangering several nearby buildings.

Luo Xia punched Thor hard in the face, a stream of blood spurted out from his right eye, and the cheekbone on his right face was sunken...

"The last three seconds, Heimdall!"

Luo Xia picked up Thor and punched him in the chest. Thor was blown away and crashed through several buildings without stopping. His chest also collapsed, and the broken ribs pierced his lungs. If he were a mortal, he would have been dead. But Asgardians all have strong vitality, let alone the son of Odin. Thor.

Luo Xia shook his head. The dragon-shaped totem in his palm was lit up, and the flames rose up and surrounded his arm.

Luo Xia said coldly: "Heimdall, this is your last chance..."

In Asgard's observatory, Heimdall, who was wearing golden armor, was holding the sword of the Rainbow Bridge, Boltsteel, with both hands. Seeing that his long-time friend and future king was dying, he wanted to turn the Boltsteel, but he hesitated. Intuition Telling him that his actions may bring disaster to Asgard, Heimdall's dark face was full of deep thoughts...

Suddenly Odin's ancient and steady voice entered his ears. After receiving instructions from the Lord of the Gods, Heimdall no longer hesitated.

On the streets of London, a Golf speeds through the heavy rain.

"I already know the streets of London!" said Darcy.

"Faster!" Jane's tone was full of worry...

At the next intersection in the street, Rosha stopped just as he raised his fist, the flames on his arms dissipating.

"I thought Thor's life was worthless..."

A circular pattern lit up at the feet of Luo Xia and Sol, with complex and mysterious lines in the middle.

The gorgeous Rainbow Bridge instantly fell down and enveloped the two of them. The second before the space force of the Rainbow Bridge came into effect, Luo Xia saw circular fireworks sputtering in the air not far away...

A powerful lifting force acted on the two of them. Luo Xia walked through the familiar space passage, and he invaded Asgard again!

On the streets of London, Gu Yi walked out of any door. She looked at the Rainbow Bridge and frowned...

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