Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 173 Wakanda

East Africa, Wakanda, on the outskirts of the capital Bonin Zana.

On a hill, T'Challa fed an apple into the mouth of the white rhinoceros, and he stroked the white rhino's thick and smooth skin.

"Blessed by Goddess Bastet, he is still growing!" said the smiling black man next to him.

He is dressed like a herdsman, but being so familiar with the son of the King of Wakanda proves his noble status.

"That's true," T'Challa said lightly, "just like Wakanda, it still needs to grow."

"The white rhinoceros has no natural enemies on the grassland, and Wakanda is also the most powerful country..." the black herdsman whispered.

"Many white rhinos will lose their ears or have their tails cut off. White rhinos can only run away in front of groups of hyenas and lions." T'Challa looked at him and said, "And they have natural enemies, humans with firearms!"

The black herdsman shook his head and did not refute. He glanced at T'Challa and said, "Your bodyguard Okoye is looking for you. It seems that His Majesty the King needs you to pay an audience."

Seeing that T'Challa remained silent, the black herdsman continued to ask with concern: "You and His Majesty the King..."

"It's just some quarrels, nothing." T'Challa said calmly.

"You have often quarreled over the years. I'm used to it." The black herdsman shrugged.

"Because with the rapid development of outside society, Wakanda's secrets can no longer be hidden." T'Challa looked at the high-rise buildings in the capital behind and said: "We must make changes in order to integrate into this era. If we always maintain the tradition If you remain stubborn, you will only leave this planet."

"Change, this is really a beautiful word. I agree with the idea of ​​'change', but how to change is contrary to your opinion." The black herdsman said with a smile, "Is your quarrel this time about these things?"

"We are discussing the matter of accepting refugees," T'Challa said, feeling a little depressed. "Father vetoed this proposal of mine."

"The king made the most correct choice!" the black herdsmen praised, "Those refugees represent trouble. If they are allowed to enter Wakanda, the consequences will be disastrous."

"But we can't just watch them die on the edge of Wakanda, right?" T'Challa shook his head and said, "We have enough food, water and medical care to completely save them."

"But you also know that our good deeds will not bring gratitude, but will only attract greedy hungry wolves. Those countries have been coveting our resources for a long time..." the black herdsman said, "Also, the most precious vibranium! Vibranium! Gold is our treasure, but it can also bring disaster to Wakanda."

"But we can't always escape, these things have to be solved." T'Challa said.

"These things are your responsibilities. You are the next king and the next Black Panther." The black herdsman smiled, and he patted T'Challa on the shoulder. "If you change your mind and are willing to launch a battle against the whole world, I will Be your vanguard, the world needs Wakandan rule."

T'Challa shook his head, not arguing on this topic.

"It's time for you to go back. Okoye has been waiting for a long time." The black herdsman turned around and led the white rhino to the water source.

T'Challa watched his back disappear into the tent building before turning and leaving.

He didn't take a few steps when the female guard Okoye followed him...

On the border of Wakanda, a group of ragged refugees emerged from the canyon and migrated along the almost dry river.

Suddenly, there was a howling sound in the distance, and the refugees turned their heads to look, their dull eyes immediately filled with a hint of shock.

A figure flew across the sky at high speed, kicking up dust all over the sky.

Although the figure had no intention of slowing down, the crowd evaded in panic. They had just crossed the war zone like a flock of frightened birds.

There was a roar, and the figure passed by at low altitude, and the strong wind blew up the refugee group.

Rorsha continued to fly in the sky, and his destination was naturally the mysterious country Wakanda.

Wakanda has always been isolated from the world. Internationally, Wakanda is a poor and backward agricultural country, but in fact it is the most technologically advanced country on earth. Compared with the United States, Wakanda's scientific and technological level is hundreds of years advanced. , let alone those backward developing countries.

Of course, what attracts Rorsha to Wakanda is not its technology, but the unique and rare resource they possess - vibranium!

The so-called common man is not guilty, but he is guilty of having a jade! Wakanda may attract the most powerful enemy today. Of course, Rorsha is too lazy to take action now. It would be best if the vibranium can be obtained through diplomatic means.

Luo Xia's eyes fell on a mountain range in the distance. Wakanda used its own science and technology to hide those high-rise buildings. The outside world could not break in. Satellites and reconnaissance planes flying from high altitudes could not detect abnormalities. Other countries All that could be seen was a wasteland and scattered tents.

But Wakanda's disguise couldn't be hidden from Rorsha's eyes, and he didn't even need to use the Space Stone.

Luo Xia rushed towards the mountain peak. As he approached, he already felt a powerful protective shield. Luo Xia activated the pig spell, and his eyes burst out with lasers that penetrated everything. The vibranium barrier protecting this mysterious country instantly shattered. crack.

Just like when the vibranium meteorite fell, Luo Xia flew into this country.

The scene changed in an instant, and the undulating mountains and herds of cattle and sheep turned into high-rise buildings. The city-state of Wakanda was built around water flows, and there were flying warships in the sky.

Luo Xia flew among those high-rise buildings. He even saw vibranium on some buildings, and designed to use vibranium to increase the defense and service life of the building.

Rorschach was still watching this mysterious country, but there was a burst of chaos in the orderly society below. Alternate broadcasts in Wakanda, Hausa, Yoruba and English soared into the sky and spread throughout the entire country. city-state.

"The enemy invades! The enemy invades!..."

Several high-rise buildings suddenly began to deform, and the walls opened up with gun muzzles sticking out. Several infrared networks swept across the sky, instantly capturing the location of the intruder Luo Xia.

Luo Xia looked at the dense red dots on his body and couldn't help laughing, because his speed was not very fast, and the red dots he aimed at also moved with him.

Soon a drone took off from the ground and flew around Luosha. The drone took turns broadcasting messages in Chinese, English, Arabic, Russian, Spanish and French.

"Intruder, you have been locked. Land to the ground immediately. If there is any attack or abnormal behavior, Wakanda will open fire immediately!"

Luo Xia turned to look at the drone's external camera and smiled.

In the palace of Wakanda, King T'Chaka and a group of ministers frowned. They looked at Rorsha's smile on the screen and remained silent. This was the first invasion of Wakanda in a hundred years.

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