Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 174 How much do you want?

Although there is only one intruder this time, everyone pays great attention to it... because this person is Mr. Luo!

Wakanda's closure of the country does not mean a complete blockade to the outside world. On the contrary, they have been vigorously developing external information channels.

Wakanda not only has rare metals, high-tech weapons and advanced education, but also has its own intelligence agency - PRIDE.

This little-known intelligence agency even surpasses the CIA of the Ugly Country, and is only slightly inferior to S.H.I.E.L.D.

The moment Luo Xia appeared, the detection equipment in the city-state captured his facial information and entered the database for search. Finally, it was concluded that the intruder was Mr. Luo.

Wakanda has collected a lot of information about the anti-hero Mr. Law. After a large amount of data, they concluded that Mr. Law has a 71% probability of being the most powerful person on earth.

Coupled with the camp he was in and his unscrupulous behavior, Mr. Luo's danger level was directly marked red by the intelligence department and raised to the highest level!

What's more important is that Mr. Law has almost no flaws. He can easily defeat the powerful anti-demon alliance. His only weakness is probably his superhero girlfriend, Gwen Stacy.

"No firing!" King T'Chaka immediately issued an order, and the other ministers and leaders of each tribe also nodded secretly.

Although Wakanda is very powerful and unafraid of conflict, it still requires caution and patience when facing a super powerful anti-hero like Mr. Law. Once a war begins, Wakanda will not be able to easily defeat Mr. Law.

T'Chaka was about to talk to him through the drone tracking Rosha, but the screen went black as Rosha ended his smile. This meant that Rosha had destroyed Wakanda's drone, and this was definitely a start of war. The signal was given. If it were anyone else, Wakanda's army would already be on the way.

But Wakanda is facing Mr. Law, and even if it is not afraid, it must be more cautious...

Rorsha observed the layout of the buildings in the city-state, and flew towards the center, where there was the tallest building, the palace where the King of Wakanda lived.

More and more aircraft took off to follow Luo Xia, but they did not fire, or even lower their muzzles.

In the huge square in front of the palace, Wakanda's army has completed its assembly. King T'Chaka stands in the center, surrounded by female guards.

Facing the layers of vibranium spears, Luo Xia landed on the open ground with a smile.

When Luo Xia landed, the aircraft that had completed the exploration mission also raised their altitude and prepared to disperse. Suddenly Luo Xia raised his hand.


There were piercing explosions, and all the aircraft carrying ammunition behind Luo Xia were detonated, like a powerful firework. The soldiers in the front row were thrown away by the heat wave, but the people behind him immediately rushed up to fill in. vacancy.

The Wakanda soldiers held vibranium spears in one hand and waved their sleeves with the other, lowering their vibranium cloth shields and neatly blocking them in front of them.

But still no one launched an attack without permission, which shows the strict discipline of this army.

King T'Chaka looked at the injured soldiers, and then looked at the female guard aside.

The female guard operated the screen on her arm. After a few seconds, she shook her head at T'Chaka... meaning that no one died.

Starting from birth, every Wakanda citizen will receive a high-tech device that looks like a bracelet. The bracelet can analyze the health status of the holder at any time and give health advice. The function of this bracelet on the battlefield is to detect the number of deaths and the injuries of each soldier.

After there were no casualties on the straight road for the time being, T'Chaka turned his attention to Luo Xia, and continued to speculate about Mr. Luo's purpose of coming and the content of the next conversation.

Wakanda is very aware of Mr. Luo's power, but they also have their own dignity and bottom line. If Luo Xia hurts their citizens... But whenever Luo Xia kills a citizen, there will be no room for mediation between the two parties. Well, only a war can maintain the dignity of Wakanda.

"Mr. Luo!" a minister shouted in English, "Explain your purpose?"

Luo Xia ignored the minister's shouting and walked toward the neatly arrayed soldiers. He had no defense against the sharp vibranium spears.

In an instant, countless red dots hit Luo Xia's body again. As long as the king gave an order, a violent storm of ammunition would drown him!

The meaning expressed by Luo Xia was very obvious, and a minister was not qualified to talk to him.

As Rorschach approached, everyone on the Wakanda side became nervous, the soldiers looked even more wary, and those who faced Rorschach were even shaking their hands holding the spear.

But even though they were very frightened, no one flinched. The soldiers raised their vibranium spears and pointed them at Luo Xia. Only he crossed the cordon. They would not hesitate when thrusting out their spears, regardless of whether they would attack Mr. Luo Xia. What are the consequences.

As Rorsha approached, the situation continued to heat up. It was impossible for Rorsha to stop, and Wakanda's army had no intention of retreating. Just when the situation was about to break out, King T'Chaka suddenly raised his hand.


The ministers were panicked. Everyone knew that Rorsha's target was the king of Wakanda.

"Spread out!" T'Chaka shouted.

The king's instructions were transmitted to the ears of every soldier through the combat channel. Those soldiers who were wearing hard-wearing armor finally breathed a sigh of relief. They slowly dispersed to both sides, leaving a narrow road behind. When Luo Xia passed by, another They followed him and surrounded him.

Luo Xia suddenly stood still. His body slowly floated to the level of T'Chaka, and then rose higher. The vibranium spears aimed at him were raised higher.

"You seem to be afraid of me?" Rosha said, looking down at T'Chaka.

"It's not fear, it's respect." T'Chaka pushed up his glasses. He looked at Luo Xia's floating figure and said calmly, "Show your intention, Mr. Luo."

"Do you think there is anything else in Wakanda that would attract me?"

Everyone knows that the intention of any intruder is vibranium, without any exception.

"How much do you need?" T'Chaka said solemnly, "Wakanda is willing to be your friend."

Luo Xia smiled, "I like peace, this is the best."

He held out an open hand.

T'Chaka looked at the five raised fingers and asked, "Five kilograms?"

Luo Xia stopped talking.

"Five hundred kilograms?" T'Chaka's face looked ugly.

But Luo Xia still shook his head.

"Five tons?" T'Chaka laughed angrily, "That's absolutely impossible."

Unexpectedly, Luo Xia still shook his head. He glanced at everyone with disdain in his eyes.

"I mean five percent, fifty percent, half of all the vibranium reserves in Wakanda!"

The whole place was in an uproar for a moment, but Luo Xia's voice overwhelmed them!

"Otherwise, after today, Wakanda will cease to exist!"

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Everyone go and take a look.

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