Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 23 Tony Stark

At night, many workers on the south side of the World Trade Center felt dazzled because they had just seen a red and yellow figure flying across the sky.

"Sir, Miss Potts is calling."


"Hey, where have you been? The equipment manufacturing department that you suspended has already had a large-scale resignation event, and it happened this afternoon!" Virginia Potts said in a series, "Why did I hear so much? Loud noise…”

"I'm... driving! Taking a drive in a convertible." Tony said vaguely, "Okay, I understand."

"You don't know! You should meet with Agent Phil in the office now and tell him how you escaped from the terrorists." Potts spoke quickly, "I remember writing this on the agenda It's on the surface, but now you let him go."

"I remember that the CIA, the Department of Defense, and the FBI all looked for me?" Tony was very confused, "Where did this Agent Phil come from?"

"The Strategic Homeland Defense Attack and Logistics Support Agency, okay, it's a mouthful, but there is such a government department."

"Okay...I'm rushing back!" Tony gasped.

"Why are you panting?" Potts asked in surprise.

"Because...I'm running!"

"Aren't you taking a drive?"

"Yeah, I'm going for a run in my car!"

Potts didn't believe his lies anymore: "Agent Phil has been waiting for you for two hours. If you don't have time tonight, I'll ask him to go back..."

"I'm heading back, fast!" Tony said.

The red and yellow steel suit streaked across the New York night sky, leaving an arc-shaped flight path.

"Jarvis, how much longer?"

"Sir, we expect to arrive at Stark Industries Building in 7 minutes."

A few seconds later, Jarvis's voice sounded again: "Sir, a UFO has been detected behind you."

Tony looked at the detection picture sent by Jarvis on the screen. It was a very small flying object, and its speed was not slow, about three hundred kilometers per hour, and it was approaching him quickly.

"Drone tracker? He followed us when we entered the city?" Tony looked at the high-rise buildings below him but gave up on the idea of ​​shooting down the flying object, "Forget it, get rid of it!"

"Okay, sir."

Tony increased the output power of the four arc pulse thrusters on his hands and legs, and he greatly increased his speed in a short period of time.

"Sir, the target is accelerated to about 400 kilometers per hour."

Tony continued to accelerate, but Jarvis still reported that the target following him behind him also increased his speed.

Tony kept accelerating, but the gap between them continued to shrink. No matter how much Tony speeded up, the target behind him could always keep up.

This aroused Tony's interest. He was curious about what energy source the drone tracker behind him used to achieve such a speed. You must know that he used the Ark Reactor to supply energy to the steel armor.

The person who built the aircraft behind him must be as great a genius as he was, Tony thought.

Just when he was about to speed up the Mark 3 to completely throw away the tail behind him, Jarvis reminded him in time: "Sir, it is not recommended to speed up to above the speed of sound in urban areas."

"I don't know how to fly high?"

Tony continued to increase altitude, until at an altitude of nearly three thousand meters, his speed exceeded Mach 1.5.

But as soon as he increased the distance, Jarvis prompted that the flying objects behind him also increased their speed, even reaching Mach 2.

"Shet!" Tony cursed.

He raised the steel armor to its highest speed, but he couldn't get rid of the UFO! He began to slow down his flight speed and altitude.

The speed of the steel suit decreased rapidly, and finally the ailerons and flaps were opened. Jarvis showed that the distance between Tony and the UFO was rapidly decreasing.

"'It's coming, sir."

"I know!" Tony watched as the number symbolizing the straight-line distance changed from four digits to three digits, and then to single digits and stopped in an instant.

"But where is 'it'?" Tony controlled the mecha to turn around in confusion. He scanned for a week and found no UFO, but the numbers symbolizing the straight-line distance were clearly displayed on the screen.

"At your 3 o'clock position, sir!" Jarvis reminded, "'it' is invisible, in the optical sense."

Stealth in the aviation field refers to the effect that a stealth fighter cannot be tracked by radar by coating its fuselage with a material that efficiently absorbs radio waves.

"Hell!" Tony raised his right hand and fired the arc pulse palm cannon!

Luo Xia was originally driving on the St. Lawrence River, but suddenly a red and yellow figure flew across the sky. It was Iron Man, and Luo Xia recognized it.

It should be the Mark 3 that Tony Stark just finished researching. It is painted the same as his classic car and is very recognizable.

He chased after him without hesitation. After all, after seeing the news about Tony Stark, Rorsha still wanted to navigate to Tony's house over the weekend. It seemed that he didn't have to go to that trouble now.

Although he was invisible, he was unable to block Jarvis's electromagnetic wave scan. Watching Iron Man speed up, he also speeded up.

Fortunately, Rorschach's rabbit charm has been unsealed, so he won't be easily thrown away by Iron Man.

But even though he had reached the maximum speed of Rabbit Charm Lv7, he could not catch up with Iron Man. Luo Xia immediately upgraded the Rabbit Charm to Lv8 in the villain system. Now his villain value is very sufficient, allowing the Rabbit Charm to increase his maximum speed. After reaching 2 times the speed of sound, he caught up with Iron Man.

As soon as Luo Xia caught up with him, Iron Man was about to blast him with his palm. How could he back down?

Fortunately, the power of Iron Man's palm cannon is not very powerful now. Even if the Dragon Talisman has not yet been unsealed and the palm cannon is fired, it should not be at a disadvantage. After all, it is now a Mark 3 armor.

A violent explosion erupted, and part of the explosive power of the Dragon Talisman dissipated on the steel armor.

Tony hurriedly controlled the shaking and continued flying while hovering.

His gauntlet retracted and opened, and small anti-armor missiles were shot out chaotically, aiming accurately at Luo Xia behind him.

Luo Xia instantly used the Rabbit Charm to speed up and open a safe distance, and then used the Dragon Charm to detonate these bombs.

"Instant supersonic speed?" Tony's jaw dropped in shock, "What kind of monster is this?"

"This is not a monster, it should be a demon." Jarvis showed Tony pictures of demons circulating on the Internet. "Based on his abilities and fighting methods, he should be a demon, a well-known criminal in New York."

Tony quickly browsed one report after another about demons, "Oh my god, so many things happened in New York during the two months I was imprisoned in the desert! Why didn't anyone tell me? Tell me what else is happening in this city. Are there such interesting characters as Devil and Spider-Woman?”

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