Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 24 Unsealing the Talisman

The flames after the explosion dispersed, and the devil's figure flew out.

Just one glance at the strange demon mask left a deep impression on Tony, which was far more shocking than seeing the pictures and videos.

"Good evening, Mr. Demon." Tony controlled the steel armor and slowly retreated, "What are you looking for for me?"

"Make a friend." Luo Xia smiled.

"OK! Is it like you and Spider-Woman? I like making friends the most, but this is my first time making friends with a devil!" Tony said nonsense, "Then can I leave now? The night is beautiful , shouldn’t be wasted in the sky.”

"Not yet." Luo Xia continued to approach. The villain's system hadn't even prompted him that a spell had been unsealed. Naturally, he couldn't let Tony go.

"what a pity."

Tony activated the armor with all his strength, the power of the arc pulse thrusters on his hands and feet instantly increased to 300%, and the six-barreled mini-cannon on his left shoulder was fired.

Tony also discovered the weakness of the devil. The devil's physical defense should not be strong. Even if he uses acceleration to pull away and then detonates a bomb, which is a time-consuming method, he will not choose to resist the bomb to save time.

So he can use constant attacks to limit the speed at which the demons chase him, but the problem is that he doesn't have a lot of ammunition loaded on this generation of steel armor. He hopes that the remaining ammunition can support him in getting rid of the demons.

But Tony's plan soon came to nothing. The weapons on his arms, such as stealth missiles, interference bombs, retractable arm armor small anti-armor missiles, and anti-hijacking ammunition launchers, were all used up, but the devil was always in hot pursuit.

Tony couldn't use the steel armor to get rid of him, and he lost the speed race just now.

Offense and defense changed shape, and soon Luo Xia became the one taking the initiative to attack.

"Dragon Talisman·Explosive Flame!"

But Rosha did not have Jarvis to aim and shoot for him. In this high-speed flight, he could not hit the flexible steel armor at all, so he could only continue to close the distance.

"Boom!" Luo Xia hit the back of the steel armor.

After the steel armor was attacked, its balance was broken and it spun. Tony spent a lot of effort to adjust it.

"Sir, the armor's damage is 7%."

Luo Xia continued to attack. Although Tony kept dodging, his attack frequency was very high and the number of hits continued to increase.

"Sir, the armor's damage is 16%."

"Sir, the armor's damage is 32%."

"Now I can understand what 'demon fear' means, this damn demon!"

Tony also didn't understand. Didn't he just go out for a ride? How did he get into trouble with the devil?

"Jarvis, can you raise the white flag for me? It looks like we're in a bad situation."

"Sorry sir, the other party cannot receive my communication." Jarvis reminded: "It is recommended to lower the altitude now to prevent the armor from being too damaged and crashing."

Luo Xia looked at the remaining eleven talismans that were motionless. He was ready to dismantle Iron Man's armor.

"Pig Spell Laser!"

Rosha shot two laser beams from his eyes, shooting from Iron Man's left foot to his back.

The arc pulse thruster on the left leg of the Iron Man suit was severely damaged. Iron Man's descending body was spinning and shaking rapidly. Even if the Mark 3 was equipped with a flight stabilization system, it would take some time to regain balance.

"Sir, the armor is damaged by 62% and can no longer support high-speed flight." Jarvis warned again.

The steel armor was still falling, and even hit the corner of a building after leaving the sky.

Just when Luo Xia thought that Iron Man was about to crash and get his lunch in advance, the steel armor pulled an arc and flew high again.

Tony in the armor felt like the world was spinning, and the violent shaking almost shook the contents of his stomach out. Fortunately, the flight stabilization system he installed on the armor was advanced enough to stabilize it before falling to the ground.

Luo Xia continued to fly closer.

[The mild fear of 'Iron Man' is detected, the villain value is +200, +200, +200...]

[The mild anger of 'Iron Man' is detected, the villain value is +200, +200, +200...]

[The severe nervousness of 'Iron Man' is detected, the villain value is +300, +300, +300...]

Now Tony has just put on the steel suit, but in fact he is still just a playboy.

"Mr. Demon, my dear good friend!" Tony said, "I think we should sit down and talk. How about going to my place? Stark Industries Building."

Luo Xia suddenly stopped because he heard the system prompt tone.

['Superhero Iron Man' has been detected and the 'Dragon Spell' has been unsealed and can be upgraded with villain value. 】

[Try to make Iron Man have negative emotions, more surprises are waiting for you to explore! 】

"Okay, I'll find you at Stark Industries Building next time." After Rorsha said that, he immediately flew away, leaving only a confused Tony.

"Jarvis turned on the radar scan. Is he really gone? Isn't he invisible?" Tony was a little crazy. "Then why did he come with me and dismantle my armor?"

"The radar scan is completed. The target demon is accelerating away. It is 1.3 kilometers away from you at this moment." Jarvis's voice sounded.

"Is he intimidated by the name of Stark Industries?" But Tony overturned this ridiculous idea.

The Devil is not only a wanted fugitive from the New York police, but the CIA and FBI are also secretly investigating his identity.

Although Tony was confused, it was always good to escape death from the devil.

He controlled the highly damaged steel armor and flew away staggeringly.

After completing his purpose on the other side, Luo Xia opened the system panel. He was chasing Iron Man tonight just to unseal a spell.

After the spell was unsealed, the growth rate for him was too great. Even the Rabbit Talisman brought a qualitative change to him.

He didn't expect Iron Man to be able to unseal the Dragon Talisman. The Dragon Talisman is undoubtedly the absolute core talisman and the most powerful one among the twelve talismans.

The abilities of the Dragon Talisman are divided into two types, the power of explosive fire and infinite energy. The Dragon Talisman is also the source of power for the other eleven talismans.

It’s hard to imagine how huge the improvement will be after he upgrades the Dragon Talisman this time.

The fluorescent blue 3D interface appeared, and sure enough, the Dragon Talisman badge had been lit up.

[Dragon Talisman Lv1, upgrading to Lv2 requires 10,000 villain points, which greatly increases the power of the explosive power. 】

Seeing that upgrading the Dragon Talisman from Lv1 to Lv2 requires 10,000 Villain Points, Luo Xia couldn't help complaining that this system was really deceptive. After all, the previous Rabbit Talisman only required 1,500 Villain Points to upgrade to Lv2.

I don’t know whether the later the spell is opened, the more villain points are needed to upgrade, or the more powerful the spell, the more villain points are needed to upgrade.

Fortunately, Luo Xia enjoys his career as a devil and works hard. Moreover, he has not consumed any villain points. Now his villain points have been accumulated to more than 100,000.

Upgrading and upgrading, he upgraded the Dragon Talisman to Lv6, spending a total of 100,000 villain points.

At this moment, his balance of villain points is only over 10,000, and the next upgrade of the Dragon Talisman to Lv7 requires 35,000 villain points.

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