Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 62 Files and the Line of Defense against Collapse

Pierce's body tensed up instantly and his expression froze. Is there a third person in the office? When did he come in? Did he hear the conversation he had with Sitwell just now about Hydra's "Insight Project"?

Pierce turned around slowly, and his eyes fell behind the desk. In the seat where he had just sat, another person was now sitting...

It was a man wearing a black suit. He was lying on his back on the boss's chair, with his feet on the desk and holding a document high, blocking his face.

"Who are you?" Pierce pretended to be calm...

“Outside a remote town in New Mexico, an unknown hammer-shaped object fell from the sky. Its material does not belong to any element on earth and has been determined to be an alien object.

But no one could afford the hammer, and the agents tried their best to move it back. They could only build a research institute around the hammer-shaped object to study its material, origin, and energy.

Now SHIELD has summoned a large number of physics and chemistry scientists to the research institute, but so far nothing has been gained..."

"An unidentified strong man rushed away from the guard and approached the ground. He tried to lift the hammer, but failed in the end. After his failure, he became very emotional. The hammer was suspected of having the ability to affect the spirit of creatures...

We arrested this man at the scene. After investigation, we found that his identity was very suspicious. There was no citizen information about him in any country, no social security and tax records, educational experience, or even consumption records. It seemed like he appeared out of thin air. generally……"

These two paragraphs of text came from the SHIELD work report file on Pierce's desk. While Pierce was looking down at the ground to calm down, Rosha picked up the file and browsed it.

He knew that the mysterious hammer was Thor's hammer, and the man was naturally Thor Odinson (Thor Odinson).

Thor is the son of Odin, the king of Asgard. He is warlike, brave, and has a noble status. He was determined to be the next king of Asgard very early.

But because his arrogant and reckless behavior set off an ancient war, and Thor showed no remorse, the furious Odin deprived him of his divine power and demoted him to the mortal world as punishment. Thor was forced to fight with Human beings live together, and Thor's hammer fell to the earth with him.

And Odin cast a spell on Thor's hammer, "Whoever can lift this hammer, and who deserves it, will have the power of Thor!"

Rosha naturally knew what would happen next. Loki took advantage of Odin's sleep and Thor's demotion to ascend the throne of Asgard, and sent the Destroyer Mecha to kill Thor completely.

The Destroyer was invincible in the town, beating Thor's little friend Sif in Asgard and the Three Warriors of Asgard. At the critical moment, Thor regained control of Mjolnir, restored his divine power, and destroyed the Destroyer.

After Thor returned to Asgard, he smashed the Bifrost Bridge to prevent Loki from destroying the Frost Giants. However, the Bifrost Bridge shattered. Both Thor and Loki almost fell into the abyss of the universe. At the critical moment, Odin woke up and was saved by the stuck point. Two people.

At this time, Loki told Odin about his "great achievements". If his brother Thor had not stopped him, he would have completely wiped out Asgard's enemies, the Frost Giants.

But Odin denied what Loki had done, and Loki was completely blackened by the shock. He let go and let himself fall into the abyss of the universe...

Of course, Rorsha is not interested in the trivial matters of the family. What he is interested in is that the blackened Loki met the Chitauri, and finally took the mind scepter given to him by Thanos and came to the earth through the Rubik's Cube to cause trouble. .

This begins the plot of Avengers 1, where the Chitauri are wreaking havoc in New York and fighting against the superheroes... Rorsha is thinking about how he can use this incident to earn villain points.

Use the Chitauri to attack Earth to earn villain points? Or wait for the superheroes to gather and harvest the villain value? Or two things at the same time?

Of course, there is now an opportunity to earn a lot of villain points...that is to participate in the "Insight Project"!

Luo Xia threw the file back on the table, and Pierce was shocked!

The demon mask on Rorschach's face is too eye-catching, which shows his identity - no one in New York does not know this demon mask today, let alone Pierce's long-term supervision of SHIELD's work.

"Do you know where this place is?" Pierce smiled and said calmly, "Mr. Devil, your actions are undoubtedly a trap for yourself!"

"Of course I will know where this is!" Rosha looked at him and said, "The office of Mr. Alexander Pierce, the leader of Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Minister of the Security Council."

Pierce's eyes flashed, filled with fear, and a chill ran down his spine... The identity of a Hydra member was undoubtedly one of his biggest secrets.

"Throw yourself into a trap? Why are you arresting me? Those SHIELD agents? You can call them here now. Tomorrow's headlines may be 'Devils bloodbath SHIELD headquarters'. Just think of the terrified faces of the citizens. It’s exciting…of course they need to know what kind of organization SHIELD is.”

Pierce looked at Luo Xia without saying a word, but he could no longer squeeze out a smile on his face.

"By the way, I forgot that you still have a Winter Soldier." Luo Xia continued to say with a smile, "Did you help him brainwash today? It would be bad if he lost control..."

When the devil revealed the secret of the Winter Soldier, most of Pierce's psychological defenses were broken.

Compared to the devil's powerful strength, this sense of unknown and constant psychological oppression can bring greater fear. The devil actually knows all his secrets?

But Pierce is still persevering. Years of work experience and being a member of Hydra have tempered him. His determination and perseverance are beyond ordinary people.

"Mr. Devil, I'm sorry, I don't know what you are talking about..." Pierce shook his head and said, his face pale, "If you think that you can frame a high-level member of the Security Council and blackmail me to achieve some of your goals, Then you are absolutely wrong! You can kill me, but you cannot let me become a puppet of the devil!"

"Really? You can't go home to celebrate the New Year if you resist here..." Luo Xia smiled and said a cold joke, "I hate killing and stuff like that. I have more fun ways than killing you. .”

"Now I go downstairs to S.H.I.E.L.D. to reveal your identity as Hydra? Although Director Nick is no longer here, Agent Hill should still be able to lead the overall situation as the executive director of S.H.I.E.L.D., right?" Luo Xia analyzed carefully, "Three The tampered operating programs on the Helicarrier are the most powerful evidence. SHIELD's technology can easily identify the functions of those codes. SHIELD's "Insight Project" was replaced with the Hydra version. How ironic! "

Pierce's head was covered with cold sweat, and his body could not help but tremble, but Luo Xia had not finished speaking yet.

"I have a more interesting proposal. I can restore the consciousness of the Winter Soldier and let you two be in the same room. Guess what will happen?" Luo Xia asked coldly, "Will he tear you apart?" ? Or should I also give you a taste of electric shock and brainwashing?"

Pierce's psychological defense was completely defeated. He was shaking violently, and suddenly his legs weakened and he fell to his knees on the floor.

"What do you want me to do..."

Luo Xia looked at Pierce with a smile and pointed to the chair opposite the desk.

"Let your assistant bring me a cup of coffee first."

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