Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 63 Devil’s Plan

After there was a knock on the office door, Pierce quickly came to the door and took the coffee from the crack of the door.

If the devil is seen in your office, more trouble will definitely arise. For Hydra's plan and his own safety, Pierce was extremely careful.

Pierce held the coffee in both hands and placed it respectfully on the table, but the demon didn't even look at the coffee.

"Cooperate, I want to cooperate with Hydra." Rosha said, "I want to join the 'Insight Project'."

"What..." Pierce was a little surprised, "Sorry Mr. Demon, I was too nervous just now and maybe I misheard what you said..."

"You heard that right." Luo Xia looked directly at Pierce, "Why are you surprised? My hobby is destruction, and Hydra's goal is to destroy the current order and create an order belonging to Hydra in the ruins. At least in the first phase we won’t have a conflict.”

Pierce's head was going to shut down. Although what the devil said made sense, he couldn't fault it at all...but when did Hydra become evil enough to side with the devil? Hydra just wants to dominate the world, not destroy it...

"I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to work with Mr. Demon. I feel extremely honored!" Pierce said with a serious expression on his face, and he stretched out his hand to shake Luo Xia's hand.

But Luo Xia ignored him mercilessly, her sneer and contemptuous eyes seemed to say, are you worthy of shaking hands with me?

Pierce's expression did not change at all, and he continued: "Hydra welcomes Mr. Demon to join the 'Insight Project'. I believe that with your help, the 'Insight Project'..."

"It's the 'Devil's Plan'!" Luo Xia suddenly interrupted Pierce, and he said seriously: "From now on, the 'Insight Project' will be renamed the 'Devil's Plan'!"

Pierce was stunned... He looked at Luo Xia with a serious face and was speechless.

Rorschach had already set the tone for this collaboration with just one sentence, but Pierce wouldn't understand it, just like he didn't understand the importance of naming rights!

"Compared to the 'Insight Project', the main content of the 'Devil Project' will not change. After killing Nick Fury, obtain authorization from the remaining council members, and activate weapons to eliminate human beings after the three helicarriers take off." Xia said.

"It is to eliminate humans who are a threat to Hydra," Pierce couldn't help but add. Neither he nor Hydra wanted to completely destroy humans. "Dr. Arnim Zola will use a set of algorithms to calculate It is estimated that the total number of humans who may pose a threat to Hydra in the future is in the millions..."

"Not enough, far from enough! Hydra is still too kind. The 'Devil's Plan' wants to expand this number ten times." Luo Xia shook his head dissatisfied. He looked at Pierce and smiled strangely, "The original The more complete the destruction of order, the better the establishment of a new order..."

Pierce remained silent. The devil was worthy of being synonymous with terror and killing. His single sentence sentenced tens of millions of people to death...

"Okay! It seems that the 'Devil's Plan' is more suitable for Hydra." The situation was pressing, and Pierce had to agree to the devil's request.

In his opinion, it would be better for the "Devil Plan" to kill tens of millions more people than for the "Insight Project" that Hydra had been preparing for decades to be destroyed.

After all, killing those people only requires Dr. Zola to run the algorithm for a while to get new data, and only needs to modify a few pieces of the Helicarrier's operating code...

Luo Xia nodded with satisfaction. He was very satisfied with Pierce's knowledge.

Pierce stood up and said: "Then I wish us a happy cooperation..."

"This is the beginning!" Luo Xia interrupted him again, "How could this huge 'devil plan' break out in silence? How could a beautiful killing be without an audience?"

Pierce's face froze, and he was full of doubts: "Mr. Devil, what do you mean..."

"We want to announce the great 'Devil Plan' to the world! Let the world wait for death and destruction in fear!" Luo Xia said passionately, "I want to record a short film and appear in person! In the short film I want to introduce the complete The 'Devil's Plan'. One hour before the 'Devil's Plan' is to be executed, I will let all the electronic screens connected to the world continue to play this short video! Let the world wait for death in panic!"

"The process of the three helicarriers taking off also needs to be broadcast live!" Pierce saw the devil laughing wantonly, "I want people to watch the behemoth take off, extend the muzzle to aim, and fire to kill the target! It would also be interesting to insert a close-up of the deceased being shot!”

Pierce was so frightened by this crazy plan that he sat down in his chair...

"It's not over yet. You are going to build a website. People who are frightened and don't know their fate can visit this website and check whether they are on the list of people to be executed! The survivors cried with joy and reveled, and the executed people also had time to spend the last time with their families. "Farewell." Luo Xia reminded: "So the website must withstand visits from people around the world, and hundreds of millions of visits per second cannot cause it to collapse."

Now Pierce's fear of facing Rosha came from within, without any reason.

The devil is a complete madman! He is even crazier than the failed art student!

"This is an impossible mission..." Pierce said with a face full of horror. "If our plan is made public an hour in advance, the 'Devil Plan' will not be successful. The Security Council will not agree, and SHIELD agents will explode. , even the superheroes on the street will come to save the world excitedly... everyone will come to stop us!"

"So what?" Luo Xia looked at Pierce coldly, "I will block everyone. No one can destroy the 'devil plan'. I have never thought about showing my strength in front of you... Moreover, I am not soliciting Your opinion Pierce!”

Pierce was silent, his head lowered in thought.

After decades of development, Hydra has infiltrated SHIELD and has also spread to high-level officials in various fields.

If a strict plan and adequate preparations are made, coupled with the devil's powerful strength, this unorthodox plan seems to be possible to be successfully implemented...

With Hydra's power in S.H.I.E.L.D., it is absolutely guaranteed that the Helicarrier will take off. After that, the Helicarrier can immediately turn on the stealth mode and fly at high altitudes to avoid long-range destruction and nuclear strikes that various countries are trying to launch.

"Mr. Devil, I will try my best to meet your needs. I wish us a happy cooperation." Pierce said in a complicated tone.

"It's not about trying your best, it's about having to!" Luo Xia smiled lightly, "If there is any mistake or any missing link, I will blame everyone involved in the 'Devil Plan'!"

"The first person to die will be you, Pierce! I will use dragon fire to burn you to ashes." Rosha said, "At that time, even if Hydra is revived, you will not be able to see it."

Pierce's whole body felt chilly and he seemed unable to move. He could only watch Luo Xia get up and walk towards the floor-to-ceiling glass.

Pierce looked and saw that the demon's body actually penetrated the glass. The demon looked back at him outside the window with a sneer, and then disappeared out of thin air in an instant...

Thanks to the book friend "Little Monster is Three Years Old" for settling the building construction with 2,000 coins.

Thanks to the book friend "Destroy it quickly when you are tired" for the 1,500-coin reward!

Thanks to the book friend "Desolate Inside and Out" for the 500-coin reward

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