Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 64 Hospital

Luo Xia used the space movement ability of the snake charm to penetrate the glass.

Space movement is definitely a powerful ability. It can teleport regardless of the obstruction of objects. On many occasions, its effect can even exceed the five times the speed of sound brought by Rabbit Spell Level 11.

For example, in a completely sealed room, Rorshasa, who has five times the speed of sound, cannot get out without destroying the wall. However, the ability to move in space brought by the snake charm can easily do this.

So Luo Xia spent 105,000 villain points to upgrade the snake charm to Lv3, gaining the ability to move in space. This also clears his villain value.

If Luo Xia wants to continue to become stronger, the only way now is to upgrade the twelve talismans, then more villain points will be needed in the future. Of course, Rorschach has also changed his method of obtaining villain points. The "Devil's Plan" is just Rorschach's first step.

Pepper Potts finally completed the task assigned to her by Tony, although the process was thrilling... Stany suddenly appeared in the office while Potts was downloading files. Fortunately, he did not find that Potts was downloading files that would allow him to facing decades in prison.

Potts called Tony as soon as she left the company. She looked panicked because not only had she obtained Stark Industries' shipping manifest, but she had also accidentally discovered the group of terrorists and Stan who had kidnapped Tony. Video of Nilian Contact!

Some time ago, Tony was kidnapped while testing a new weapon. It was actually planned by Stark shareholder Stany. If this incident spreads, it will definitely shock the outside world!

A villa is built by the sea. This is the private residence of billionaire Tony Stark.

Tony had just answered the call from Potts when suddenly a high-frequency noise sounded in his ears.

A burst of electricity spread from his neck to his whole body, followed by intense pain, followed by a sense of numbness. It seemed that his limbs were cut off from the brain, and all motor functions in his body disappeared.

Tony's brain was thinking rapidly. He knew what was causing the current and noise.

It was a weapon that could quickly and temporarily paralyze people and lose their ability to fight. Unfortunately, it was not approved for production by the government. Only Stark's top brass could get the first batch of experimental products.

Tony came up with the answer, it was Obadiah Stane, but he didn't expect that he would strike first than himself...

"Tony, Tony, are you there?" Potts' anxious voice came from the receiver of the mobile phone, "Tony..."

A hand reached out from behind and grabbed the phone, supporting Tony's body as he leaned backward. Stannie took one look at the caller and hung up the phone decisively.

"Breathe, relax." Stany helped Tony lean against the sofa.

He walked around the sofa to Tony and took off the protective headphones on his ears.

With a smile on his face, Stany slowly took out a device from the box he carried with him.

"When I ordered you to be killed, I was still worried that I was killing a hen that laid golden eggs, but I didn't expect that you deserved to die." Stany used a mechanical device to lock the miniature Ark reactor on Tony's chest. , "Because you still have to lay the last golden egg!"

The machine rotated, and Stany easily removed the miniature Ark reactor from the paralyzed Tony.

Stannie forcefully pulled off the connection plug between the Ark reactor and Tony's body. Tony was shaking violently, his face was bloodshot, his eyes widened, and he could only watch this scene.

"Do you really think that the thoughts in your head are yours?" Stanny looked at Tony, "Your father helped build the atomic bomb. If he held on to it like you did, what would the world be like? ?”

"It's so beautiful!" Stany looked at the shining Ark reactor in his hand, "Tony, it's really a masterpiece of a master... This is the symphony of destiny created by you!"

Stanny put the Ark Reactor back into the box, turned around and left.

"Tony, you shouldn't involve Miss Potts in this. Unlike you, a playboy, she is very important to Stark. I wanted to keep her..."

As the voice fell, a burst of laughter came, and the door was completely closed.

Tony turned his head with difficulty and looked at the location of the elevator... In the research and development room on the bottom floor of the villa, there was also the Ark Reactor.

It was the first-generation Ark reactor that Tony built in the cave. It had been replaced and eliminated, but Potts kept it, framed it and gave it to Tony... Now, it has become Tony's last hope. straw.

This is a heavily guarded hospital, with heavily armed guards and patrols outside, and plainclothes agents armed with live ammunition on the inner floors.

The most surprising thing is that the beautiful nurses in white coats all walk vigorously and have sharp eyes. When walking in the corridor, they always sit in two or three rows. Traces of their special training can be seen from many details. They are the last line of defense for this hospital and those important patients. They will not hesitate to draw pistols from under their skirts and shoot at people with suspicious identities.

The guard had just completed the security patrol on the seventh floor. The corridor was somewhat empty, and there was only one nurse on duty at the nurse's desk. She was entering information on the computer.

Suddenly, someone tapped on the countertop in front of her.

It was a handsome man in a black suit who looked exactly like Bourne Anderson.

"Excuse me, where is Director Nick Fury's hospital room?"

"Are you?" The nurse was a little suspicious. The person in front of her was strange... She was sure of this. If she had seen this handsome face, she would never forget it.

"Agents of SHIELD." The man said, taking out an identity card. "SHIELD has some urgent work that needs to be reported to Director Nick in person."

The nurse took one glance and believed the man's identity. She was very familiar with SHIELD's ID card. And since the man in front of him is here, it means that he has passed the identity authentication of the peripheral security.

"F707," the nurse enthusiastically pointed out the direction for the handsome man in front of her, "left."

The man showed a charming smile, but he did not report his emergency work immediately. Instead, he put his hands on the nurse's table and looked at her.

"I sincerely thank you, beautiful nurse! If you hadn't told me the ward number, I would have had to open the doors of each ward to find that bald head..."

The nurse was stunned. The handsome smiling face disappeared... and turned into a smiling devil mask!

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the "Devil Plan", Rosha came to Nick's hospital after a friendly exchange with Pierce.

He wants to let Mr. Director settle down for a while, or wipe him out of this world completely...

In response to the request of most book friends, I deleted the paragraph "Many years later..." at the end of Chapter 12. In fact, I didn't want to delete it. I think that paragraph was well written and I succeeded in making fun of myself, but I love you so much. I just Can be deleted. So can you give me a ticket?

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