Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 79 Immortality

When Pierce returned to the office, he saw the devil standing sideways in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window, overlooking the calm lake, as if waiting for the lake to crack, the gate to open, and the three helicarriers to rise into the sky.

Pierce could vaguely feel that the devil seemed to care about the success of the "Insight Project". He was not simply looking for the pleasure of destruction. The devil had his own conspiracies and tricks... But it didn't matter. Pierce would let the devil disappear into the "Insight Project" together. Among!

Not only did Pierce hate demons, Dr. Zola, after careful calculation, came up with a list of humans who may pose a threat to Hydra in the future. In addition to this list, Dr. Zola also specifically reminded the dangers of demons!

He used a large amount of data to predict the devil, but he never got an exact result. With the level of his algorithm, it was not enough to predict the future of the devil. But with the force the devil has at his disposal, the threat he poses to Hydra is self-evident!

The devil can help Hydra destroy the order of human society once, and he can also help others destroy the order created by Hydra!

Pierce knew he had to kill the demon!

"Enjoy the last peace! Mr. Devil." Pierce slowly approached the Devil with two glasses of champagne. "In the next period of time, the world will only be filled with gunfire!"

The demon ignored him, and neither did Pierce.

"And you will become extra busy!" Pierce smiled. "At your request, the short video introduced by you personally recording the 'Devil Plan' will be sent out an hour ago, and it will be played on a loop on all networked electronic screens in the world. it!"

"I believe that many people will come to my door at that time, looking for revenge or to stop the devil's plan or something!" Pierce said, "You will be really busy. There will be many such people, even in New York. So many have to help us stop them for an hour."

"Before that, do you want to have a drink together?" Pierce handed a bottle of champagne, "Cheers to our powerful alliance!"

Luo Xia turned to look at Pierce. Pierce was full of energy and radiant. It should be that the life goal he believed in was about to be achieved, and he was in high spirits.

Rosha ignored the champagne held by Pierce, "You should pray that nothing will go wrong in your work now, otherwise you won't even have a chance to regret it."

Pierce turned a deaf ear to Rorschach's threats, "Don't worry, Mr. Devil, nothing will go wrong!"

"Nick Fury is dead and Captain America is in jail. By the time the others know about the 'Devil's Plan', it's already too late. No one can stop us!" Pierce counted them one by one. "Hydra has also done everything that Mr. Demon promised. Here we are, short films and live broadcasts distributed around the world, and websites for target browsing are ready!”

As he spoke, Pierce became even more excited. He raised his head and took a sip of champagne.

"The members of the Security Council have arrived at the airport and are on their way here. The great 'Devil Plan' is about to begin!"

The phone rang and Pierce answered.

"Minister, Captain America has escaped from prison..."

Pierce felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured on him, and his smile froze on his face.

Luo Xia looked at him coldly: "It seems that things are not going as smoothly as planned!"

Pierce looked at the coldness in Luo Xia's eyes and backed away in fear...

"Our time is very tight! And the enemy we face may be the entire S.H.I.E.L.D.... The worse news is that the devil is still involved, and he has never failed so far."

Hill's slender fingers were tapping quickly on the virtual keyboard, and three helicarrier models appeared on the 3D screen.

"To prevent Hydra from launching the 'Insight Project', we must infiltrate the aircraft carrier and replace the positioning module on it with ours."

Hill opened a silver-white suitcase, which contained three green chips.

Captain America, Falcon, and Hawkeye looked at each other and each took a chip.

"The three of you correspond to ship A, ship B, and ship C respectively." Hill gestured to the three helicarriers and said, "It's useless to replace only one or two. We must control the three helicarriers and destroy them all." The mission was successful! Because even if only one helicarrier is left operating normally, many people will still die...millions!"

"So what should we do now?" Falcon said, looking at the chip in his hand.

He was a little embarrassed. He had never shouldered such an important mission! And this mission is very different from his previous work.

"Invasion of the Tri-Wing." Hawkeye said calmly.

Captain America loaded himself with guns and explained: "If we prevent the Helicarrier from taking off, then everything will be over!"

"How to invade?" Falcon was dumbfounded, "That's the headquarters of SHIELD, one of the most secure buildings in the world..."

"Fortunately, we are not fighting alone..." Hill said in a deep voice, "Director?"

"I will make a way forward for you."

A familiar voice sounded to Captain America, it was Nick Fury, Director of SHIELD! Falcon seemed to have seen a ghost, and Captain America looked around in shock, but there was no one in the empty corner.

Suddenly all the lights and screens in the room turned on, and everyone's ears were filled with the sound of fans spinning.

"I'm here, Captain!"

Captain America looked forward, and Nick's face was projected holographically on the main screen.

"I thought you were dead..." Captain America shook his head and said, "Where are you now? Where in New York is safer than here?"

"I'm right in front of you, Captain," Nick said, staring at Captain America. "I'm really dead. I died in the flames... It was you who watched me lose my heartbeat in the hospital, and it was you who stood up for me. Covered with white cloth.”

Captain America was silent, as if Nick's words brought back his memories of that night... Ever since he was injected with the serum, he thought he would never feel that powerless again, but that night he could only watch helplessly Demons raged, watching Nick die around him.

"But I came to life again, I was nirvana from the flames! I have gained eternal life..."

"What on earth is going on?" Falcon couldn't hold his breath anymore. What happened in front of him was too shocking.

"In 1972, Dr. Zola, who surrendered to Hydra, was diagnosed with a terminal illness, but he was very important to a research at that time. So he made a device called a 'consciousness register' to transfer his consciousness to the same era. In a supercomputer, that supercomputer is still in a secret SHIELD facility in New Jersey. I think Dr. Zola is one of the planners of Hydra's 'Insight Project'..."

"With his experience, I successfully used the 'consciousness register' to resurrect on a supercomputer, just like what you see now."

Nick calmly told his tragic experience, which silenced the four people present.

"I have never felt so good. Not only will I help you in this mission, but I will also participate in the follow-up work of SHIELD..." Nick said calmly, "Maybe the body is just my shackles. Now I have Unchained!"

"Captain, it's up to you now!"

Thanks to the book friend "Little Monster is Three Years Old" for the 2,000-point building reward.

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