Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 80 The plan begins

The black Mercedes-Benz convoy drove slowly. After the vehicles stopped, the representatives of the Security Council from each country stepped out of the Mercedes-Benz vehicles and gathered together again.

"How was the flight?" Pierce greeted him with a smile on his face.

"It's not bad, but the way from the airport here is not so good..." It was the female Security Council member who spoke, "It's hard to describe!"

"It's a pity that SHIELD can't control everything, including Captain America!" Pierce shook his head and said, "News just came from the prison that he escaped and escaped."

"Stop the small talk Pierce, we are not here for sightseeing, but to witness a unique event in human history!" It seems that the Security Council member has long been dissatisfied with Pierce.

Pierce nodded and apologized with a smile. He waved and the assistant next to him opened a silver-white suitcase. In the box were four specially-made badges.

"The security system of Tri-Curve Wing will have identity authentication. If the authentication fails, the alarm and defense system will be alerted." Pierce explained, "The identity authentication here relies on biometrics. This badge will allow you to pass through here unimpeded." !”

Several members of the Security Council did not raise any objections. After all, this is the headquarters of SHIELD, and it is normal to have stricter security. The female Security Council member's eyes flickered slightly, but seeing that the others were wearing badges, she could only do so.

Pierce then took the four Security Council members on a sightseeing elevator until they reached the central control room on the top floor.

"The launch of the three helicarriers is nearing completion. Please wait patiently for a while."

Pierce waved his hand, and the assistant placed the tray on the table, which contained glasses of champagne.

The four members of the Security Council had no time to enjoy the fine champagne prepared by Pierce. They stood in front of the huge screen and looked at the three huge helicarriers in the underground surveillance, with solemn faces.

The busy work of the internal staff in the underground base has ended, and the cars and staff transporting supplies are exiting, passing under those huge helicarriers, as small as ants.

The three helicarriers were as towering as mountains, with more than a dozen fighter jets parked on the deck, and the countless muzzles on the hull revealed cold murderous intent!

The underground radio continued to play:

"We have entered the final stage of the launch. Everyone please leave the launch base and aircraft carrier deck and go to a safe place..."

“I now fully believe that Project Insight can be a success… It’s such an exciting time!”

Pierce just smiled at this and picked up a glass of champagne.

"I know that the process of 'Insight Project' is very bumpy. Some of you are not happy with me, right?" Pierce raised a glass: "But we are finally gathered here to start the 'Insight Project', and we will purify the world. , everyone will be grateful!”

The four members of the Security Council also raised their glasses silently to celebrate the completion of this great work. The staff on the side raised their cameras to take pictures to commemorate this historic scene.

The five people were holding wine bottles and standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows looking at the calm lake. The upper left corner of the big screen behind them showed a countdown. In a few minutes, three helicarriers would lift off in front of their eyes...

"Attention all SHIELD agents, I am Steve Rogers!" Suddenly a voice came from the radio.

The four Security Council members had shocked expressions on their faces, but Pierce remained very calm.

"The captain who just escaped from prison," he shook his head and said sarcastically: "He is a loyal supporter of Nick Fury, and he will not let the 'Insight Project' proceed smoothly."

In the surveillance room on the other side, Captain America and his team easily bypassed SHIELD's security system with Nick's help. Captain America is standing in front of the microphone and starting his speech.

One trustee said: "No one can influence the Insight Program. This is your job failure Pierce!"

"We'll talk about criticism later!" Pierce toasted to him from a distance.

Pierce's contempt made the director particularly angry, but before he could get angry, the American team said something shocking on the broadcast...

"SHIELD is no longer the SHIELD it used to be. It has been completely infiltrated by Hydra! Their leader is Alexander Pierce, the Minister of the Security Council! Pierce colluded with the devil and used the officially promoted 'Insight Project' to provide Hydra with The snake clears the way..."

Several directors turned to look at Pierce. Pierce had already walked to the desk. He picked up his phone and ignored everyone's looks.

The voice of Captain America continued: "The murder of Nick Fury is just the beginning. If you launch the helicarrier today, then Hydra will be able to kill anyone who hinders their plan!"

"Pierce!" the director just shouted loudly, "don't you give us a reasonable explanation? This cannot be explained by different ideas and internal struggles!"

Pierce still smiled calmly, and there was no trace of annoyance on his face that the conspiracy had been exposed.

"I originally wanted to reveal all this later, but we also thoughtfully shot a short video to answer your questions!" Pierce sat down leisurely, "But it doesn't matter, it's the same sooner or later, no one can change anything!"

"Everyone, the 'Devil Plan' has begun..."

Suddenly, several guards around them raised their guns and pointed them at the four directors. This sudden change shocked their faces, but no one dared to make any move in the face of the cold guns.

The crowd within S.H.I.E.L.D. was furious. The agents looked around at those familiar people in the past, but their eyes were full of suspicion and wariness.

Finally, all the countdown numbers returned to zero, and suddenly all the electronic screens went out, and everyone found that they could no longer control the computers in front of them!

The screen lit up again, and some people were instantly frightened... They looked at the familiar and terrifying demon mask on the screen, panic spreading.

"ladies and gentlemen……"

As the video played, the devil's voice came out. After a brief and polite greeting, he began to introduce his "devil plan."

"After the helicarrier flies to an altitude of 30,000 feet, it will use the Insight Satellite to triangulate positioning and turn into a lethal weapon. Each helicarrier is equipped with long-range weapons that can kill a thousand people in one minute!"

"The chosen lucky one doesn't have to show up, the ammunition falling from the sky will kill you! This plan is to kill 20 million people around the world, and it will take a week."

"I have put the list of lucky winners on the official website of 'Devil's Project'. Everyone is welcome to visit the official website. After entering the detailed area and name, you can check whether you are the lucky winner!"

"What an exciting moment... three Helicarriers are about to take off, and the 'Devil Plan' counts down to one hour!"

Thanks to the book friend "Little Monster is Three Years Old" for the 2,000-point building reward.

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