Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 85 Appearance

The deck of the Helicarrier is filled with the roar of the engines. In order to ensure the smooth flight of the Helicarrier, a total of four engines are equipped, so that even if one engine breaks down and stops working, the Helicarrier can still maintain balance.

The sky carrier uses kinetic energy weapons and laser weapons as its main weapons, and can achieve long-range strikes on the ground. Of course, you can also take off F-35 fighter jets for combat. The fighter jets can carry and launch nuclear bombs.

"All SHIELD pilots, emergency takeoff!"

Several pilots opened the passage and walked out of the deck. The captain still held the walkie-talkie and shouted: "We are Captain Rogers' only air support!"

Suddenly there was a scream of artillery shells tearing the air. Everyone looked and saw a rocket passing over their heads and shooting down a fighter jet that had just taken off!

The explosion produced a huge fireball, and the pilot and ground crew were knocked down by the heat wave.

A figure came out of the fire. He wore a black mask on his face and carried a personal missile launcher in one hand... That hand was actually made of metal!

The Winter Soldier's eyes were cold under his sunglasses. He fired a single missile at the crowd. The explosion was so powerful that several F-35 fighter jets were also affected!

The Winter Soldier took out an M16 gun from his back and started shooting. His movements were clean and crisp, like a ruthless war machine. He eliminated most of the people moving on the deck in a few seconds!

A security guard who reacted took out a pistol and fired. The Winter Soldier raised his hand to block with his metal arm, then flew and kicked the security guard into the starting engine of the fighter jet behind him!

A burst of fire dispersed, and the security guard was chopped into pieces by the fighter engine. The fighter plane was also unable to take off because one side of the engine was damaged!

The sound of fighter jets starting up came again, and several more fighter planes began to accelerate on the runway. The Winter Soldiers fired wildly at the cockpits of the fighter planes!

"call out!"

The sound of a sharp sword piercing the air came, and the agile Winter Soldier rolled out to avoid it. An arrow with a flashing red dot on its tip inserted into the place where he originally stood.

The Winter Soldier glanced at the accelerating flashing red dot on the tip of the arrow, and he flew out again!


The explosion ripped open a layer of the runway, and high-grade asphalt debris mixed with rubber flew everywhere!

The Winter Soldier looked sideways and saw an agent in combat uniform taking aim with his bow!

Because of his obstruction, four fighter planes drove off the runway one after another.

The Winter Soldier stood up and started running faster. He threw the throwing knife casually to deal with the security guards who were shooting at him. Now his target was only Hawkeye!

Hill piloted the fighter jet to slow down and then hover on the top of the building. He quickly landed on the apron and opened the tail door of the fighter jet.

"The height of the helicarrier is 21,000 feet, we have to hurry up!" Hill calmly pressed various buttons on the dashboard.

"How's the situation over there with Hawkeye?" Captain America strode towards the fighter jet.

"He hasn't completed the task of replacing the chip yet. The Winter Soldier is also on that helicarrier." Hill replied.

Falcon thought for a while and said, "I'd better go up together. I can't help much here."

"Are there any passengers who want to hitch a ride?" Hill quickly operated, the fighter plane started to ignite, and the hatch slowly closed.

Suddenly, a piece of spider silk shot in, and stretched and straightened. Before the hatch was closed, a slender figure flew in.

Gwen squatted slightly with her legs, put one hand on the ground to relieve her pressure, and raised the other hand behind her. She made a perfect hero landing posture!

Falcon was a little nervous when he saw the sudden intruder. He subconsciously took out his weapon. After all, there were no characters wearing pink uniforms among SHIELD agents!

Cap held out his hand to stop Falcon and stopped him with his eyes. Falcon immediately lowered his weapon.

"Spider-Woman?" Captain America said, "I've read about you in the newspaper."

"Hello, Captain." Gwen stood up and said, "I hope the newspaper you are reading is not the Daily Bugle..."

Hill looked back at the situation inside the cabin. She continued to control the fighter plane to take off, constantly raising the altitude.

When rising, the fighter plane flew diagonally at a large angle, causing both Falcon and Captain America to fall and slide out. They grabbed the seats to stabilize their bodies.

"Agent Hill!" Falcon said dissatisfied.

"Who told you not to sit down and fasten your seat belts?" Hill said without looking back.

But Gwen always stood steadily in the plane. Even if the tilted fighter plane was still accelerating, she didn't shake at all.

"Do you need help?" Gwen said, crossing her arms and looking at the embarrassed two people.

"No!" Captain America pulled his body with one arm, sat down easily, and reached out to pull the Falcon.

"Our plane is heading to the Helicarrier," Captain America reminded after fastening his seat belt, "I hope it is the same as your destination."

"Exactly the same!" Gwen said, "'Devil's Plan', Helicarrier, Remote name is also on the list!"

"Everyone's name on this fighter is on the list!" Falcon interjected.

"I remember that your true identity has not yet been exposed to the public..." Captain America thought for a while and said, "That list lists all the people who may hinder Hydra from dominating the world in the future. In other words, those who can be on the list. They are all absolute elites! It seems that your other identity is also very good."


Gwen was skeptical of Captain America's statement. After all, her boyfriend's name was not on the death list. It seemed that the list was not very accurate... Gwen would not think that Rorsha was not among the elite.

"The suit is good." Captain America observed Gwen's girly pink Iron Spider suit. He saw many details similar to the Iron Man suit in this suit, and he asked: "Stark? Are you familiar with each other?"

It seems that he has not seen the news reports about the massacre at the Midtown Technology Ball...

"Yes, Mr. Stark made it..." Gwen said vaguely, "Familiarity doesn't count. I have never met Mr. Stark, I have only met Iron Man once!"

Gwen did not mention that the devil gave her this armor. After all, the initiator of the "Devil Plan" was the devil, and they were now preparing to crush this plan...

A red light suddenly lit up in front of the console, and Hill frowned as he listened to the siren.

"What's going on?" Captain America noticed the situation here.

"There is an object moving towards us at high speed..."


Before Hill could finish speaking, there was a loud noise, as if something fell on the fighter plane, and even the fuselage shook slightly.

"It's the devil!" Hill said after listening to Nick's reminder from the headset.

Captain America and Falcon took out their weapons, and Gwen shot out spider silk to drag a pack of parachutes in front of her...

Everyone is ready, they all know that the devil is powerful!

But the strange thing was that the demon did not launch an attack. After a few seconds, the fuselage vibrated slightly again, and Luo Xia, who was standing above the fighter plane, was ejected.

"He flew away..."

Hill looked at the radar and said with some confusion.

Thanks to book friend "Little Monster is Three Years Old" for the 3,000-point building reward

Thanks to book friend "book friend 2020011752829083" for the 200 point reward

Thanks to book friend "book friend 20210710183134171" for the 100-point reward

Thanks to book friend "140710133504790" for the 100-point reward

Thanks to book friend "The Innocent Man" for the 100-point reward

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