Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 86 Talisman Upgrade

Luo Xia was flying high in the sky.

Just now he could easily destroy the fighter plane that Captain America was riding in, but he felt Gwen's energy fluctuations in the fighter plane and had no choice but to give up.

Even if the US team is allowed to board the helicarrier now, it will not affect anything. The three helicarriers will soon reach orbit, but the US team cannot stop this in a short time.

The Helicarrier will have time to show its armed configuration to the world, and all mankind will be frightened by its waves of long-range strikes!

Even if Captain America finally stops the killing of the Helicarrier midway, Rorschach's "Devil Plan" has been completed. After all, his purpose is only to harvest a large amount of villain value, not to truly create a large-scale massacre.

It may be that information about the "Devil Plan" continues to ferment and spread on the Internet, and more and more people know about this terrorist incident that happened in the suburbs of New York and will affect the world.

Watching the real-time webcast, many sober people knew that this was not a prank, but a real event...

The more people feel fear because of the devil, the more villain points Luo Xia will be able to harvest. With the perfect progress of the "Devil Plan", Luo Xia's villain points that were cleared just a few dozen minutes ago continue to skyrocket, reaching three levels. More than 1.5 million, and it is still rising, and the increase is getting bigger as time goes by!

Luo Xia first spent 390,000 villain points to upgrade the Dog Talisman to Lv11. Now he is truly immortal. No matter how time passes, what kind of harsh environment he is in, or whether he withstands even more devastating attacks, he will not die!

The Dog Talisman is Luo Xia's third talisman that has been upgraded to Level 11, and at this moment, the villain's value balance is more than three million, which is very rich.

So Luo Xia, who had obtained the initial freedom of villain points, did not hesitate and spent the villain points to upgrade each spell one after another.

Used 32.5w villain value to upgrade the original Lv6 Rat Talisman to Lv11, gaining the power to give the target 90% of the original setting without exceeding the energy of the Dragon Talisman.

Used 62w villain value to upgrade the original Lv3 snake charm to Lv11, gaining deep invisibility and ignoring any detection equipment and means;

Invisibility capabilities can also be given to multiple living and non-living targets, and they can be carried for ultra-long distance spatial displacement;

Moreover, Luo Xia has hidden all his information and traces in the current dimension, including the fate line, timeline, and causality line... Now even the ancient mage who possesses the time gem cannot observe Luo Xia's future and cannot travel to the past. The time node affects Luo Xia.

Using 103.5w villain value, he upgraded the original Lv2 Tiger Talisman to Lv11. Not only did he gain the power of clones, he also gained the ability to balance power and divide power. He can absorb abilities other than the power of the talisman, such as infinite gems;

Luo Xia can also divide the energy he possesses, or use it on other targets! For example, he can remove the serum power from Captain America and turn him back into an ordinary person...

Using 112.5w villain value, he upgraded the original Lv3 chicken charm to Lv11. Now he has no upper limit on the mass of objects he can control, but heavier objects need to be closer;

Not only can he control the movement of living beings with telekinesis, he can also control multiple objects, and he can use the rabbit charm to accelerate the controlled target.

At this moment, after converting the villain value into actual abilities, Luo Xia ushered in a real harvest, and his spell status panel also received an update:

Number of villains: 10.5w;

Rabbit Spell Level 11, cannot be upgraded;

Dragon Talisman Level 11, cannot be upgraded;

Rat Talisman Lv11, cannot be upgraded;

Snake Talisman Lv11, cannot be upgraded;

Tiger Talisman Lv11, cannot be upgraded;

Chicken Talisman Lv11, cannot be upgraded;

Dog Talisman Lv11, cannot be upgraded;

Hill piloted the fighter plane and landed on the C-ship at the bottom. Before the hatch was fully opened, Captain America jumped out, followed closely by the Falcon.

Hawkeye is also on this helicarrier, but not only has he not been able to complete the task of replacing the positioning chip, but his life may be in danger at any time... The Winter Soldier is chasing him!

Captain America is so anxious knowing that Hawkeye is in danger now. He and Falcon are now rushing towards the position shared by Hawkeye. That direction is where the Helicarrier stores the positioning chip.

Hill took off the fighter plane again. According to the battle plan designated by the US team, she will now take Gwen to the next helicarrier to replace the positioning chip of the B ship.

Hill looked at the two people's retreating figures through the monitor. She turned back to the headset and said, "Ship A will be left to you, Mr. Stark!"

"no problem!"

Tony answered very confidently. His armor supports high-altitude flight and he did not encounter any obstacles along the way. It was only a matter of time before he completed the mission.

Hill didn't doubt Iron Man's ability. She looked back at Spider-Woman who was sitting on her seat with her feet up.

"Mr. Stark, after you complete your mission, land on ship B as soon as possible...The captain has handed over this important task to a trainee superhero!"

"Superheroes still have internship periods? Then I guess I'm still a rookie!" Tony said.

Gwen could only shrug after hearing this, and she said helplessly: "I can do it, believe me!"

"Spider-Woman?" Tony heard her voice on the communication channel for the first time, "You also want to resist the devil? Aren't you..."

"The devil and I are at odds with each other!" Gwen stated her position, although she was still wearing the battle suit given by the devil, and her words were a bit rude...

Hill quickly hovered the fighter plane over the second Helicarrier, and the location she chose was very close to the mission point.

"Did you see that area? Your mission is to enter it and replace the helicarrier's positioning chip with the chip the captain gave you." Hill opened the hatch, "Do you need me to help you deal with the guards on the outside?"

Gwen jumped up lightly, and she landed in the middle of the fighter plane, facing the hatch. She shot out spider webs from both hands to grab the sides of the hatch, and tightened them tightly.

"The fighter plane just hovers and waits," Gwen said confidently, "Three minutes!"

After Gwen finished speaking, he used the elastic potential energy of the spider silk to fly out and shoot directly towards the area where the guards were concentrated!

She spread her hands, and there were built-in ailerons and flaps on the legs and back of the Iron Spider suit. She controlled the direction and slid rapidly!

Before she landed, Gwen shot out two balls of catching nets to control the two guards. The other guards also noticed her and raised their guns to shoot!

The barrage hit Gwen's suit and caused a series of sparks. Gwen shot out a spider silk and grabbed a wall. She forcibly changed her flight path and kicked someone!

The man was kicked away amidst the screams, and the guards behind him were no match. Gwen quickly eliminated the guards and entered the interior of the helicarrier.

Hill watched this scene from a distance and said into the headset: "Great job!"

Gwen's confident laughter sounded in the communication channel.

After a moment of silence, Nick Fury's voice rang out from the communication channel.

"Now there is good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Updated so early, please vote for me!

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