Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 87 Destruction

"Bad!" Tony said first, "Because I also have good news. I have completed the replacement of the positioning chip of ship A!"

Before everyone could be happy, Nick poured cold water on them:

"But it has no effect. The A-ship you are on has entered the flight orbit. Dr. Zola, the actual controller of the 'Insight Project', has started the killing part of the plan..." Nick's tone was calm, "The A-ship's long-range weapons have all been used. It's ready, linking to the satellite and locking on the target, quickly evacuate ship A!"

"Uh... is there any good news compared to this?"

Tony couldn't help but complain. He controlled the armor and flew out. The muzzles on the side of the helicarrier were rotating in the same direction, seemingly aiming.

"The good news is that they are targeting demons..." Nick said coldly, "The alliance between demons and Hydra is broken!"

Pierce put his phone on the table, "Can we kill the demon? Or can the firepower of a helicarrier kill the demon?"

"The important thing in killing the demon is not the firepower, but the attack method. I have chosen the optimal weapon combination. If one helicarrier can't kill him, then three will not be able to kill him..." Dr. Zola's voice came from the mobile phone. "I will first fire laser weapons to restrain him, and then the helicarrier will pour all its firepower! A god will be killed, let alone a demon."

"We'll see..."

Pierce leaned on the desk and looked at the screen of his mobile phone. The tension in his heart was hard to suppress. The success or failure of attacking the demon would directly affect his fate.

Luo Xia was flying when suddenly a blue beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters fell from the sky and enveloped him!

The beam flew so fast that even Luo Xia, who had the rabbit talisman, had no time to react!

The laser weapons launched by the helicarrier travel at a speed of 300,000 kilometers per second. Aiming means hitting the target!

The high-power-density laser beam can rapidly melt the skin on the surface of the target Rorschach, and then vaporize and evaporate. The vaporized material is ejected outward, and the recoil force forms a shock wave! His body tissues are being disintegrated!

If this attack was fatal to Luo Xia before, now Luo Xia, who possesses Dog Talisman Level 11, is immortal, and laser weapons cannot kill him!

The extreme high temperature fell instantly, and a powerful explosion occurred. Luo Xia endured the severe pain and activated the displacement ability of the snake charm, moving himself out of the range of the laser weapon.

The dog charm emerged with powerful vitality, and the unopened horse charm continued to repair his body. The melted flesh and blood began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Fortunately, the Helicarrier's laser beam is a continuous attack, and long-distance emission will also be seriously affected by the atmosphere. The absorption of energy by the atmosphere, energy attenuation caused by atmospheric disturbance, thermal halo effect, turbulence, and attenuation caused by beam jitter are reduced. The power of laser weapons. Otherwise, Luo Xia would not die even if he had the dog charm, and the unopened horse charm would not be able to treat serious injuries in a short period of time.

Luo Xia raised his head and glanced at the helicarrier that was attacking him. There were countless missiles flying towards Luo Xia at high speed in the air, but their speed was far inferior to laser weapons!

"The attack failed..." Dr. Zola's voice made Pierce break into a cold sweat. "We are preparing for the second laser attack!"

Rorsha turned on the deep invisibility of the snake charm, making it impossible for helicarriers and satellites to locate him. Luo Xia continued to use the displacement of the snake charm to leave the place. The tracking missile that lost its target could only fly towards the original trajectory, and finally detonated in the air.


Nearly a hundred missiles exploded one after another, raising a small mushroom cloud in the sky, and a heat wave swept around!

"The target was lost, and the plan to attack the demon failed..." Dr. Zola said regretfully.

A chill rose from Pierce's back.

"Shet!" Pierce cursed angrily and turned around to leave. Originally, he could keep calm when facing the alloy giant Godzilla, but he no longer dared to face the demon directly... Pierce pointed at several members of the Security Council and said : "Let them take the first step!"

Several guards were ready to raise their guns and shoot. At the critical moment, the female director suddenly got angry. She punched the guard next to her, took off the gun on him and quickly shot the other two guards.

Pierce turned around and saw a flying figure, and the female director kicked him to the ground.

"Are you surprised?" She reached out and brushed her face, taking off a layer of veil, revealing her original face.

"Agent Romanoff?"

Natasha didn't have time to pay attention to the shock on Pierce's face. She knew she had to leave here quickly. Who knew what the angry demon would do?

Luo Xia used all his strength to activate the rabbit charm to take off. He reached an altitude of 30,000 feet and looked down at the helicarrier that used laser weapons to attack him.

Luo Xia lowered his hands, and the dragon totem on his right hand lit up. The brightness continued to increase, and it was as dazzling as a light bulb. The dragon spell was running at full strength!

Luo Xia continued to extract energy from the dragon talisman and accumulate it. The detection equipment on the three helicarriers sensed it. The red alarm light lit up in the control room, and the piercing alarm sound continued to sound. All the staff looked at the sudden appearance. The energy sources all looked confused...

The next moment, Luo Xia released the accumulated energy in one blow. A half-meter-wide energy pillar shot out from his chest and hit the Helicarrier instantly. The energy pillar shot in from the top of the Helicarrier and shot out from the bottom. , easily penetrated the entire hull!


A deafening explosion was heard, and flames filled the air with thick black smoke for hundreds of meters. The shock wave caused by the explosion spread in all directions. All the glass on the entire helicarrier was shattered, and countless huge holes appeared on the hull. Cracks and high temperatures carried by heat waves have also caused fires in many places.

But the helicarrier that was so severely damaged has not fallen yet, and its four engines are still running!

Luo Xia did not give up. He slowly descended and approached the helicarrier that was almost turned into a wreck.

He stretched out a hand, spread his fingers, and activated the telekinesis power of the Chicken Talisman with all his strength!

The next moment, the harsh sound of steel tearing spread throughout the Helicarrier. Under the powerful force, the huge Helicarrier was being disintegrated!

Even the strongest main body part of the Helicarrier could not withstand the telekinesis generated by the Chicken Talisman Level 11. Under the control of Luo Xia's willpower, the hull cracked and the cracks continued to grow. In the end, the Helicarrier was actually destroyed by a Split into two!

This helicarrier could no longer keep running. It began to fall from an altitude of 30,000 feet, and continued to explode in the air...

This scene was broadcast live to all over the world. Everyone was shocked when they saw the helicarrier as huge as a mountain. The devil destroyed the helicarrier seemingly effortlessly... This should be What a terrifying power?

Everyone couldn't help but tremble when they looked at the figure of the devil... Such a powerful evil existence wants to cause destruction and destruction, who else can stop him?

Luo Xia looked at the remaining two helicarriers with cold eyes. After thinking about it, he decided to let them help him harvest more villain points...

Rorschach swooped down, his message to Godzilla: "Destroy the building in front of you!"

Thanks to the book friend "Little Monster is Three Years Old" for the 2,000-point building reward.

This book will be on the shelves next Tuesday, please support me in ordering it for the first time! ! ! !

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