"Is Peter not there?" As soon as Ben Parker entered the door, he saw Silay playing an arcade game at the table.

Xilai stopped the game, put down the handle and shook his head and said, "No, Peter should be next door."

"Next door? But I just heard his voice." Ben Parker said confusedly.

He obviously heard Peter and Silay talking before opening the door. Could it be that he heard it wrong?

"Uncle Ben, are you looking for me?" Xilai turned to look, and waved the hand hidden behind his back.

Ben Parker didn't notice Xilai's small movements, but walked over to Xilai's bed and sat down and said, "It's okay, just come to chat with you."

"Chat? Did something unpleasant happen today?" Silay asked.

Ben Parker put his hands on his knees and said, "It's good today, nothing unpleasant happened."

"That's it?" Xilai knew that Uncle Ben would not come to talk to him for no reason.

"By the way, Siri, does Peter have a secret you told me?" Ben Parker raised his head and stared into Siri's eyes.

"Secret?" Xilai frowned, then his brows loosened, and he said decisively: "Uncle Ben, Peter likes a girl, but it seems that the girl didn't agree with him."

"Rejected by the girl?" Ben Parker was about to stand up and go next door to share his experience with Peter.

But as soon as Ben Parker stood up, he suddenly remembered something, and then slowly sat down and said, "No, Xilai, I mean the secret..."

"Um... Uncle Ben, what do you want to say?" Through Ben Parker's tangled face, Silay had guessed what Ben Parker was going to say.

"Okay." Ben Parker seemed to have made up his mind, and said, "Silay, can you tell me honestly, is Peter a Spider-man?"

"Spider-man?!" Xilai said with a laugh suddenly: "Don't tease Uncle Ben, how could Peter be Spider-man? This is simply the most funny joke of the year, haha~"

But Ben Parker didn't smile at all, but seriously said, "You really don't know?"

"Haha..." Xilai's laughter stopped abruptly, and said with a guilty conscience: "Maybe so?"

"It looks like he hasn't mentioned it to you." By observing Silay's expression, Ben Parker probably guessed that Peter hadn't told Silay.

Xilai hurriedly said, "Uncle Ben, is Peter really a Spider-man?"

"Well, I don't really know, it's just a guess." Ben Parker shook his head uncertainly.

"Remember the time we went to the amusement park?" Ben Parker asked, and Sealey nodded.

Ben Parker continued: "I remember Peter was going to the bathroom, and after a long time no return, I told you to find him."

"Unexpectedly, when Peter came back later, I noticed the sweat stains on his body and there were burn marks on his back."

"Then I went home and turned on the TV. I saw a piece of news about a fire where it was said that Spider-man had rescued a little girl."

"There was also the time when the Lizardman, Peter said he was going out. Unexpectedly, Spider-man would appear in the next live news broadcast."

In the following, Ben Parker explained all his guesses, and all the evidence points to Peter being a Spider-man.

"Is Peter really a Spider-man?" Silay thought, touching his chin, it was time to test his acting skills.Obviously, Xilai's acting skills were very good. Ben Parker nodded in agreement and said, "That's why I suspect that Peter is a Spider-man."

"I came to you now just for further confirmation. I didn't expect Peter to tell you. I thought your two brothers have a very good relationship." Ben Parker said this, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have said something.

Xilai just twitched at the corner of his mouth. Ben Parker said so, isn't it just a side view, isn't he and Peter have a bad relationship?

"No Silay, I mean, I thought you two brothers must know everything you can talk about." Ben Parker got more and more confused.

Xilai hurriedly changed the subject and said, "But Uncle Ben, you are really amazing. With these details, you can guess that Peter is a Spider-man."

"Hmph~ That definitely, when your uncle Ben was young, he was still a master of reasoning." Ben Parker raised his head triumphantly. He now feels that he is short of a pipe and a detective costume.

"Uncle Ben, Peter should be next door, you can go and confront him now." Xilai put his attention on Peter next door again.

Time back to five minutes ago

The moment Ben Parker opened the door, Peter had a clever idea and hid in the closet. Silay also took advantage of Ben Parker's attention and waved Peter to remind him that the kingdom of dark shadows was open, and hurried to the next door.

Peter looked back and saw the dark kingdom of Shadows, so he hurriedly got in, went to the next door, and changed into his normal clothes.

"No~Silay, since Peter hasn't planned to tell us now, let's pretend not to know." Ben Parker refused.

In his opinion, Peter doesn't say that, there must be a reason for his own concealment, and those of us in charge of the family don't need to expose him.

"Well, I didn't expect Peter to be the superhero Spider-man from New York, that's so cool!" Silay said excitedly.

Ben Parker immediately put his index finger in front of his mouth and said, "Shhh~ keep your voice down, Peter is still next door."

"Yes." Xilai quickly covered his mouth.

"Haha~yes!" Ben Parker's happy legs squatted slightly, his palms clenched into fists, and his arms were at right angles.

Then took a gentle step and walked out of Xilai's room.

Watching Ben Parker leave, Silay collapsed on his chair and said, "Peter~ It looks like you are still too young."

As their closest relative, Ben Parker, definitely noticed the changes in these children.

Xilai is better, and he is a little more careful in doing things. Peter is gone. The timing of appearance and the timing of Spider-man's appearance are really too coincidental.

In addition, since she mutated, she wore glasses in front of Aunt Mei once, but never again.

"Master, is the battle suit still useful?" Xiao Hei appeared behind Xilai.

"Not bad, especially greatly increased my strength." Xilai praised.

When Peter and Alexei were fighting, Xiao Hei was in the kingdom of Sombra and taught Silai how to use the battle suit.

The name of the battle suit is Heiguang, which absorbs all the light. It is synonymous with the ultimate darkness, and it can be regarded as Xiao Hei's ultimate dream.

Currently, Black Light is equipped with Elementary level artificial intelligence, and Xilai has given this artificial intelligence a name, Alpha.

Alpha is temporarily unable to speak, and will only assist the user to become more proficient in battle suit based on the user's actions.

Now Xiao Hei is developing Alpha's communication function, heading towards J.A.R.V.I.S, and finally surpassing it.

The materials they lack now are the least. Anyway, what materials Tony uses and what they use, as the so-called progress together, can promote development.

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