Marvel Twelve Amulet

Chapter 140-A Duel Between Ninjas

Progress together, that is real progress.

"The armed vehicle transporting the rhinoceros was escaped by the rhinoceros midway, and the entire army was wiped out." Xiao Heihui reported that now the sight of the Sombra Corps is everywhere.

"I know." Xilai said with his hands under his head, "Do you know where his lair is?"

"Found it." Xiaohei said: "Five ninjas were dispatched to follow, and they finally found their laboratory."

"Listen to them. Now the Rhino people are further improving themselves. After they are perfected, their strength may be improved by huge amounts of."

"But you said you don't want to startle the snake, and we did not act privately to disturb them. The five black shadow ninjas are still standing there, and we can pass them at any time."

Xilai listened to Xiao Hei's report, sleepiness began to hit, and when he was about to go to bed, he heard several sounds of glass collision.

"Master, this is hot milk for you to enjoy, and there is also a glass of juice, which you can also drink." Xiao Hei said, holding the plate.

Xilai closed his eyes and didn't even look at it, so he stretched out his hand to grab the juice. After Xiao Hei saw it, the plate turned slightly, and the juice and milk changed positions.

"Huh? Milk?" Xilai didn't expect it to be such a coincidence. Forget it, the milk should be milk. Then he drank it in one gulp and returned the empty cup to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei took the empty cup and said, "Master, how do you solve the matter of the rhino?"

"Let him go, we don't need to worry, if he gets into a big disaster, naturally there will be someone else to deal with him." Xilai said calmly.

The Avengers are not talking about it, our Tony will definitely take action, maybe Hulk will also come, then it will be a fight between two big men.

Xilai found that after obtaining four spells, the evil points and justice points obtained later became fewer.

I asked the system, and the explanation given by the system was that the more the collection of spells, the less the crime and justice points.

But saving someone and killing someone is an absolute point and will never change.

Xilai can't wait to create a time machine now, and then travel to the final battle, snapping his fingers desperately.

"Wish you good night, master, see you tomorrow." Xiao Hei slowly entered the shadow kingdom, and he wanted to study Alpha.

When Xilai was about to go to bed after Xiao Hei had left, Da Hei unexpectedly found him.

"Da Hei? What are you doing out?" Xilai was surprised. Da Hei basically never took the initiative to find him.

Da Hei walked to Xilai's bed, knelt down on one knee and said, "Master, I want to become stronger."

"Become stronger?" Xilai said suddenly, "Why are you going to be stronger? Aren't you quite salty?"

"I want to make myself useful." Da Hei lowered his head and said, "Look at the other brothers, they can share some things for you as the master, but what about me? It's just a hindrance."

"It's okay, Da Hei, it's not your fault. To blame, I have raised too salty fish for you." Xilai was also a little irresponsible to Da Hei.

If the original study was Da Hei, and the one who lay down on the bed was Xiao Hei, then the result would definitely change.

"No! Master! I beg you to grant me stronger power, I don't want to be a salted fish anymore!" Da Hei said firmly.

Xilai was silent for a while and said, "Well, since Da Hei is so persistent, I will make you stronger."

"Thank you, Master." Da Hei trembled ecstatically.

Xilai waved a big hand, and a red magic book appeared in front of him, holding the magic book and opened it.

"Next I need some materials..." Xilai told Dahei one by one the materials needed in the magic book.

Da Hei was also very powerful, found them all, and brought them to Xilai."Da Hei, the stronger black magic is the first time I use it. If something happens, I can't guarantee it." Xilai needs to remind Da Hei.

Just like the black shadow ninja who was completely wiped out by the splitting magic at the beginning, if the black magic is too powerful, the black shadow ninja will also be killed.

After all, the magic in Jackie Chan's Adventures, whether justice or darkness, is the same source.

"I'm not afraid of the master." Da Hei was determined.

"Okay." Because it was black magic, Silay didn't need to chant the spell, and took out a branch as a magic wand.

Dip in the magic liquid, the whole branch turned black, and Xilai pointed at Da Hei with a thought.

A long black line was shot from the front of the magic wand, carrying dark and mixed power into the big black body.

In an instant, Da Hei felt a powerful force gushing out of his body, and suddenly Da Hei's whole body was entangled with black aura, and it was covered in less than a moment.

Xilai watched quietly, because this was Da Hei's own decision. As the master, he would definitely support Da Hei.

Time passed by, and at the tenth minute, the black aura gradually disappeared, revealing the figure inside.

"Master." A deep voice came.

Da Hei's appearance changed drastically, his thin body became thicker, his height reached two meters, and his red eyes became more fierce.

"Successful." Xilai smiled slightly, but he didn't plan to use this stronger black magic for the Sombra, after all, there was still a certain danger.

"Since there is nothing wrong, then I will go to bed first." Xilai can finally take a good rest.

Da Hei expressionlessly entered the Sombra Kingdom.

Shadow Kingdom

Xiao Hei, who was studying Alpha on the experimental platform, suddenly felt a person slapping him on the shoulder.

Xiao Hei turned his head and saw that a small black giant appeared behind him, tilting his head in doubt.

"Hey~ Xiao Hei! I didn't expect it!" Da Hei returned to a funny expression again, fiddling with his figure there.

"How did you become like this?" Xiao Hei asked puzzledly.

Da Hei stroked his forehead coolly and said: "I asked the master to help me become stronger. He also said that it was because of my hard work and specially rewarded me alone. You other black shadow ninjas~ You can only watch the performance in the future.喽~"

Da Hei's idea from the beginning was to become stronger, and then the salted fish turned over and crushed Xiao Hei's head.

Now this wish has finally come true, no matter what else, the height is somehow suppressed.

"Come on, Xiao Hei, let's have a duel between ninjas." Da Hei said, shaking his muscles.

"No time, no time." Xiao Hei didn't give Da Hei a bit of face.

Da Hei smiled and said: "Haha~ It seems you must be afraid of me."

"I know you used the radical method." Xiao Hei said with the motion that stopped in his hand: "Although it is very old-fashioned, you successfully provoke me."

"That's what we want, let's see who is the strongest black shadow ninja under the master." Da Hei's fighting spirit slowly, he wants to show shame.

"Roar!" The huge Shadow Devouring Ninja suddenly appeared here, shouting unwillingly.

"Definitely you are, but we mean, uh... Sombra, not a ninja." Daikoku naturally understood what the ninja meant.

After hearing this sentence, the ninja shook his head and walked away with stubby legs.

"Then it will come to me." Xiao Hei is already ready.

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