
Just when Stephen thought he was going to die, an arrow passed through Ultron's head, and Ultron fell straight to the ground.

"I don't understand why there are always so many villains." Barton said from the top of the building.

Just now, Ultron's behavior reminded him of that arrogant, self-proclaimed divine neuropathy.

"Oh Roar~" Steve was finally relieved when he saw Barton appear, he thought he was going to finish it.

Barton just saw the captain and Ultron fall, and hurriedly chased them to stop the fighter, and arrived in time.


Barton jumped from the top of the building, put away his bow and arrows, and came to Steve, reaching out and asking, "It's okay, Captain."

"It's okay." Steve said with a smile.

At the moment, Steve looks a little sloppy, his face is black and gray, and the battle suit on his body is also tattered, not as neat and gorgeous at first.

"Need a break?" Barton asked Steve, pulling up.

Steve resisted the pain in his chest, looked up at the fighter plane and said, "Definitely."

As the captain, how could Steve retreat.

Barton nodded and took Steve onto the plane, rushing to meet Natasha Romanoff.



Wanda controlled the surrounding railings to fix Natasha Romanoff to the wall.

"Uhhhhh!" Natasha Romanoff couldn't break free with all his strength.

Wanda walked up to Natasha Romanoff and said, "Who is the kid?"

"Definitely it is you, two mischievous little shit boys." Natasha Romanoff said stiffly.

Wanda didn't bother to pay attention to Natasha Romanoff, she wanted to help Pietro.

Just now Pietro ran to deal with Silai, wondering if he was in danger.


At the moment, a robot kicked open the door of the carriage and walked in.

"Ultron?" Wanda hugged the scepter suspiciously.

"It's me. Something went wrong. I changed my body temporarily and handed the scepter to me." Ultron was shot by Barton just now.

He immediately shifted his consciousness and came to the robot closest to him.

These robots can be said to be his subordinates, and they can be said to be his resurrected body.

After seeing that it was Ultron, Wanda handed the scepter to Ultron without hesitation, worrying: "Pitro is entangled with destiny, let's help him."


At the moment Steve jumped in from the window again, looked at the controlled Natasha Romanoff, and quickly threw out his shield.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The shield bounced around in the car, then hit the railing that controlled Natasha Romanoff, and finally returned to Steve's own hands.

Natasha Romanoff shook his body and broke free of control, then quickly lowered his body, slipping between Ultron and Wanda, and came to Steve.

"Thank you, Captain." Natasha Romanoff said.

"Let's say these words during the celebration." Steve gasped. He is very tired now, almost reaching the limit.

"It's all here." Ultron thought of a good plan.

"I'll deal with them, you help Pietro." Wanda bravely stood up and prepared to use Chaos magic to hold Natasha Romanoff and Steve.

"No! I have a better way." Ultron smirked.

As soon as the voice fell, more than a dozen robots flew around.

"What?" Wanda couldn't understand what Ultron was doing."I don't want to play this boring game anymore, girl." Ultron took the scepter and flew out of the car, then turned his head and shouted, "Game over! Fire!"

"Get down!" Steve yelled quickly.

Dodo~ Dodo~ Dodo~

The robot quickly raised its arm and started firing bullets at the carriage.

Countless bullets flew over Steve's heads, and Wanda was lying on the ground with eyes blank, looking at the bullets flying over her head, she felt confused.

Why did Ultron do this, aren't they allies? What does it mean that the game is over?

"I wish you a good time!" Ultron waved his hand and flew away, leaving only a dozen robots, and began to attack the train frantically.

Countless passengers in the carriages were shot and fell to the ground.

Wanda At the moment is constantly reverberating bullets in her mind, and the wailing, painful, and helpless feelings of the passengers are disturbing her mind.

Barton drove a fighter jet to shoot at the robot outside. The robot also changed one or two targets and flew towards Barton.

The fierce gunfire attack lasted for a minute before it finally stopped.

"Wanda!" As soon as the gunfire stopped, Pietro ran over anxiously and helped Wanda who was kneeling on the ground.

"Pitro, Ultron... Ultron deceived us..." Wanda was full of pain, tears in her eyes.

If she doesn't understand what Ultron means by now, then she is a fool.

Ultron's so-called peace is to kill all of them!

"It's okay, it's okay, you're fine." Pietro breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Wanda was not injured.

As for Ultron cheating on them, you can put it aside and stabilize Wanda's emotions first.

"No..." Wanda's face was full of regret, but time couldn't be repeated.

"Save people first!" Steve grabbed Natasha Romanoff who was trying to capture the siblings next to him.

Natasha Romanoff nodded, and began to scatter with Steve towards the two carriages.

Just now, many robots flew into the carriage and began to mutilate the remaining group of survivors.

"Ultron ran away again?" Silai suddenly appeared behind Wanda, a little speechless.

Ultron, is this a rabbit? It runs so fast.

Sure enough, he suffered a loss without the rabbit charm, which caused him to be dragged by Pietro and Ultron ran away.

"He just saved me." Pietro said, looking at Silay.

Wanda wiped the tears from her face, looked at Xilai and said, "Thank you."

"Raise your hand." Xilai said casually.

When Silay was drinking Pietro in another car to fight, he got Spider Telepathy suddenly sounded. He reminded Pietro and told Pietro to get down quickly.

Otherwise Pietro might pick up the lunch in advance.

"I'm sorry for what happened before." Wanda was helped by Pietro and said.

"I've said it, no..."


Before Xilai had finished speaking, there was a violent explosion from the front of the car.

"What's the situation?" Xilai asked immediately.

"A robot blew itself up and destroyed the front of the car!" Steve responded through the communicator.

Xilai glanced at each other with the two siblings, and then quickly ran to the locomotive position.

At the moment the locomotive was blown out of a big hole, the most important thing is that now the train has deviated from the track and rushed towards the market in the city.

"There are still people in the car!" Natasha Romanoff reminded.

They couldn't leave this group of people alone and escape by themselves.

"You can stop this car." Steve turned his head and asked Wanda.

"Yes." Wanda was stunned for a moment, then quickly nodded, and then burst out his powerful Chaos magic, and began to try to stop the runaway train.

Xilai was thinking, if Peter was here, he would definitely say: I am familiar with this! Let me come!

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