The powerful Chaos magic began to envelop the entire train, and the train was constantly sliding on the ground, rubbing fierce sparks.

Pitro jumped out of the car, ran to the front of the car and pulled a man to the side, avoiding the runaway train.

Xilai was rubbing his hands and using his powerful Psychokinesis to make the train float directly.

Wanda stopped at her Chaos magic, looking at him with a slightly confused expression, as did Steve and Natasha Romanoff next to him.

"I don't think it is necessary to stop the train, just float the train." Sai Lai spread his hands and said.

Wanda thought for a while, and it seemed that it was possible, but it would take more effort to do it, at least for the current self, it was impossible to do it.

Xilai could not do it with the chicken charm, but he just discovered that the chicken charm can be matched with the cow charm!

Originally, what Xilai always thought was that the chicken charm and the rabbit charm were equal to Flight, but he did not expect that the cow charm could also be used with the chicken charm.

He has doubled his Psychokinesis, even if it is hundreds of tons, it can be moved by Silai by Psychokinesis, which is very scary.

Now Xilai, can not move anything, only with Psychokinesis can easily break a building.

"Okay, the danger is relieved." Steve finally breathed a sigh of relief, sitting on the floor panting.

The captain hasn't stopped for a moment, and has been dealing with the robot Ultron again, and even falling from such a high altitude, he is not lightly tired.

Natasha Romanoff looked up at Wanda.

"We won't leave." Wanda understood what Natasha Romanoff meant.

Natasha Romanoff looked at Wanda intriguingly, which was quite interesting.

Afterwards, Xilai slowly dropped the train to the ground.

As soon as he got to the ground, Pietro couldn't wait to run in, ready to take Wanda away.

Wanda reached out to stop Pietro, and shook his head to indicate that he didn't have to run anymore.

Pietro looked at the crowd, then nodded to indicate that he knew.

At the moment, Barton also ran to the crowd and looked at the exhausted crowd. He said, "Ultron has taken Dr. Zhao away."

"Doctor Zhao? Why did Ultron catch her?" Steve stood up questioningly.

"Ultron wants to use the scepter to create a new body, and he needs Dr. Zhao to transfer his consciousness." Wanda proactively stepped up and said.

The Avengers looked at each other and all frowned. The situation was a bit bad now.

"It's imperative, we must find Ultron as soon as possible." Steve limped out of the train.

Wanda blamed himself, and blamed himself, that led to this situation.

Pietro didn't feel as burdened as Wanda, and what he wanted to do now was to follow the Avengers.

Find Ultron and defeat Ultron personally to make up for this mistake.

"Let's go," Natasha Romanoff said.

Everyone got on the plane and flew towards The Avengers Base. At this moment, they must meet Stark and Dr. Banner.

On the plane, the Avengers did not speak, and the atmosphere looked very serious.

After returning to The Avengers Base and getting off the plane, after talking to Stark and Banner, everyone fell into deep thought.

It doesn't matter if only one person behaves, and that is Xilai.

"I need to go back. After I find Ultron, I will be notified at any time." After Xilai finished speaking, before everyone reacted, he opened the shadow teleportation and left by himself.

Seeing Xilai leaving behind, the others looked at Stark."Don't look at me like that, I'm not familiar with him." Tony said, feeling everyone's eyes.

There is a scratch on Tony's face now, and every word he says makes his face a little bit painful.

After Silai turned Banner into a kitten, it made Tony miserable and couldn't even touch the Hulk.

Finally, he managed to subdue the Hulk, but before the Hulk fell asleep, he was caught by it.

Fortunately, this scratch was crooked and didn't hit his eyes. Otherwise, Tony would have to wear a blindfold like Mr. Cyclops and talk all day, I am the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How do we find Ultron?" Steve looked at Stark, and only Stark knew these things best.

"It's easy to find him now, but it's hard to kill him." Tony stood up and stood among the crowd.

"J.A.R.V.I.S!" Tony shouted.

"Hello sir." J.A.R.V.I.S appeared in everyone's ears.

"J.A.R.V.I.S slept and was forcibly shut down by Ultron. Ultron couldn't destroy him. We can rely on J.A.R.V.I.S to find Ultron." Tony said.

"Then let's hurry up!" Steve said impatiently.

This kind of thing feels panic even one step later.

"We must, think of a plan to kill Ultron, or everything will be in vain." Tony shook his head.

"Why?" Steve wondered.

Tony didn't speak, but clapped his hands.

"Ultron can escape into the Internet at any time before the body is destroyed, looking for a new body, in other words, as long as the Internet is there, Ultron is immortal." J.A.R.V.I.S explained.

Natasha Romanoff clenched her lower lip and said, "Is there no other way?"

"Yes, remove Ultron from the Internet." Tony said, this was their only way.

"How to get rid of it?" Barton asked.

Tony looked around at the people around him, and said, "Create another artificial intelligence to get rid of Ultron."

"No!" Steve was the first to reject Stark's suggestion.

One Ultron is already troublesome enough, if you build another one, then do you have to? !

Others looked at Stark in disappointment, it's all like this, you haven't given up yet.

Only Banner is still a little uncertain, because Stark's idea is indeed feasible and the only way currently.

J.A.R.V.I.S alone cannot kick Ultron out of the Internet. Only real artificial intelligence can do it.

Because Ultron is artificial intelligence! Use artificial intelligence to deal with artificial intelligence.

Tony had long thought of everyone's reaction, and immediately sat on the sofa with his legs raised and said, "Then please think of an idea for yourself."

Everyone was speechless for a while, they really had no other way.


"I agree with Stark." Thor At the moment flew in, and he finally returned.

"Why?" Steve asked.

Although Thor was very upset with the previous Stark, he still said, "I saw a guy in my mind. He was born in Stark's hands."

"Now we can only take a gamble," Barton said, placing his hands on his chest, and they had no way out.

the other side

While the Avengers struggled, Silay stayed alone on the endless plain.

"Mind Gem is mine." Silay picked up the scepter, the scepter's gem gleaming in the sun.

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