But Jeff was too young after all, and still didn't understand the value of Yu Dayan, one of the Seven Heroes of Wudang. Although he relied on his excellent perception and crazy explosive power to prevent himself from being defeated so quickly in desperate situations, when he suddenly drew his sword, his excellent perception seemed to see a gap. He wanted to fight to the death in desperate situations. He no longer retreated at this moment, but excitedly kicked the ground with his big feet and stabbed forward with all his strength!

"Completely crazy!"

Jeff yelled frantically; he seemed to have seen the scene of the masked man's eyes being pierced by him.

Li Xin then flashed back, and Jeff seemed to see hope of breaking the situation. When he was about to use the dagger in his left hand to pursue the victory again, he saw a broken arm holding the dagger spinning in the air.

""Pah" an arm fell between the two of them, Jeff covered his left arm

"Was the slight chance I had just had an illusion?"

Jeff no longer laughed wildly like before. The wounds on his body and the broken limbs on the ground told him that it was all over.

Li���Holding the Tingfeng Knife horizontally in front of him, he felt the slight tremor of excitement coming from Tingfeng. This knife missed this feeling too much.

Li Xin swung the knife backhand, then swung it forward fiercely.

"Listen to the Wind..."

Jeff was in a dark place in the midst of an unrivaled sword light.

"turn out to be...The feeling of death...So...beautiful..."

Slowly sheathing the knife, the smell of blood had filled the rooftop. Jeff, who had become a corpse, had wounds of all sizes all over his body.

The most exaggerated was the last knife. From the wound on the neck to the chest, one could still clearly see the internal organs inside, which were still bleeding rapidly.

Although the strong smell of blood made Li Xin feel sick, his eyes seemed to be excited.

Li Xin bent down and helped Jeff close his eyes. After a space distortion, Jeff's body disappeared. It began to drizzle. Li Xin slowly closed his eyes towards the sky. With a sigh, a black shadow flashed, and there was no one on the rooftop.

Litneko Bay is located in the East River. Li Xin was silently chanting the mantra of rebirth on a reef in the distance. Jeff's body had already sunk into the sea. After chanting the mantra of rebirth, Li Xin walked tiredly towards 21st Street in Queens. It was already past 11pm. In this era, the sirens of police cars can always be heard on the streets at night.

"I didn't expect this kind of killing to feel like this. It seems I have to get used to it slowly in the future."

Li Xin was mentally prepared for this situation when she came to this universe, and sending Jeff to see God was actually the best choice.

""Hey handsome, do you want to come in and have some fun?"

Suddenly a sweet voice interrupted Li Xin's thoughts. It turned out that a white woman with heavy makeup and cool clothes was leaning against the door of an apartment and greeting him.

"I haven't served you before, so maybe I can charge you less, but you have to wear this mask, okay?"

The lady covered her mouth and laughed;

"Sorry, ma'am. I'll definitely do it next time."

Li Xin looked at the lady. He was very understanding of those who practiced these traditional skills.....

Li Xin found his backpack in a garbage room in the corner of an alley on 21st Street. Li Xin looked through it and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that everything was still there.

"The rain is getting heavier, let's go back and change."

Li Xin was drenched in the rain. He had been practicing since he was a child, and his physical fitness had long surpassed that of his peers.

When Li Xin secretly turned to enter the community, it was already past midnight. He saw a police car parked in front of his aunt's house, and two policemen were talking to Darlene and John at the door.

So he hurriedly changed his clothes and put the hero suit back into his backpack. He still put the Tingfeng Blade in the Shenwei space. Although he didn't have the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan yet, his pupil power was limited, after all, he could save as much as he could.

After changing his clothes, Li Xin hurried to the villa.

"Oh, my God, where have you been, Phillip? I called you so many times but you didn't answer. We have already called the police."

Darlene rushed over and hugged Li Xin as soon as she saw her.

John was also relieved when he saw her.

"It seems that the person has returned. Sorry, thank you very much for your help,"

John said to the two policemen.

After a round of questioning and greetings, the police left the community and Li Xin sat on the sofa in the hall.

Darlene made a bowl of ginger soup for Li Xin.

In response to the questions from her relatives, Li Xin just said that she went to a friend's house to play and forgot to charge her phone.

"Don't worry, aunt. I've known how to take care of myself since I was a child, right?"

After saying that, Li Xin drank the ginger soup in one breath.

"I know it must have been difficult for you these years, but we all promised your mother Bonnie that we would take good care of you."

Darlene looked at Li Xin distressedly;

John on the side also advised:"Listen, Philip, we all know that when you were in New Bern, you often came into contact with some social people."

"Of course, I know you have some abilities, but this is New York, and the situation is different from New Bern, so if you have any questions in the future, please communicate with us first, okay?"

Li Xin listened quietly. He knew that this was his family caring about him, and this long-lost nagging made him miss it very much.....

""Okay, aunt and uncle, I know I was wrong this time, and I promise I won't do it again,"

Li Xin apologized decisively;

John patted Li Xin's shoulder. In fact, he admired Li Xin very much, but he didn't want Li Xin to be too arrogant and go on the road of crime.

Because he detected a faint smell of blood on Li Xin, which was a basic skill mastered by being a senior executive for so many years.

After everyone said good night to each other, Li Xin returned to the room, lay heavily on the bed, and looked at the ceiling.

This feeling of fatigue was more of a psychological fatigue.

‘Why don't I feel this way when I'm wearing a mask? Li Xin thought to herself.

"There was a knock on the door.

When I opened the door, it was Catherine, who was already wearing cool pajamas.

"Where did you go this afternoon? I can't get through on the phone either."

Catherine sat on the sofa opposite and looked at Li Xin.

"Something happened, and I called to inform you."

Li Xin looked at Catherine, who had a slim figure and was wearing cool clothes, and closed her eyes, not daring to think about the pair of slender white jade feet.

"Did you know I almost had a car accident today?" Catherine pouted;

"Don’t you have a driver’s license?"

Li Xin asked in confusion.

Catherine didn’t know what to say for a moment. It seemed that it was indeed her driving problem today.

"Humph, since you are okay, I will go back to sleep. I have to go to school tomorrow."

Catherine quickly changed her words; as Catherine closed the door and left, Li Xin also fell into a deep sleep quickly. However, after what happened today, she was destined to have a nightmare tonight.


In the dream, Jeff was laughing wildly while stabbing at Li Xin as if he was asking for her life.

Just when Li Xin was still feeling fear in the dream and found that she had no strength left, the Sharingan opened and sucked Jeff directly into her right eye. Then Li Xin laughed wildly like a devil in the dream.....

"Huh~" Li Xin suddenly opened her eyes...

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