On the wide road, cars of various styles shuttle back and forth, and shops are lined on both sides of the street. The carefully decorated windows are like beautiful art exhibitions.

The sound of car horns and the hustle and bustle of pedestrians on the street, there are speeding cars, speeding motorcycles, and leisurely bicycles.

The streets are crowded with people, and everyone is smiling. Young people are walking in groups of three or five on the street, some wearing MP3s and listening to music, and some young people can't help but humming along with the music while walking.

Li Xin, who was at the gate of Zhongcheng High School, looked at the surrounding scenery quietly, as if it was another beautiful day. No matter what happened yesterday, the days will still pass one by one.

Li Xin smiled and stepped into the school...

In the presidential suite on the top floor of the Alex Hotel, Sylvia slowly woke up.

"You're awake, wash up, and come out to have breakfast together."

Bennett said coldly while eating breakfast with the hotel waiter at the dining table in the living room;

Sylvia didn't know why, she felt that this"boss" today was always different from yesterday.

After a simple wash, Sylvia sat at the dining table restrainedly. She now seemed to understand that she was just a commodity to be bought and sold at will.

After Bennett asked the waiter to leave, he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"You know, I heard that you were bought for 200 dollars from your biological father."

Bennett looked at Sylvia and sneered;

"Of course, no one can choose their own birth, and being sold here may be the best choice for you and them."

"Someone will arrange for you to go to school this afternoon. I will buy some funds for you and give you a sum of money, which should be enough to ensure that you can finish college."

"You can decide your own life from now on,"

Bennett said coldly with a haggard look on his face;

"for...Why do you do this?" Saiweiya responded timidly;

"We are all people who cannot decide our own destiny. You should think carefully about how you want to live in the future."

"Remember not to tell anyone about the masked man last night, otherwise you will be in a lot of trouble."

After saying this, Bennett went into the room and made a series of phone calls;..........

Li Xin, who was listening to the class in the corner of the classroom, was thinking about the system task [Hero Dawn 1%] in his mind.

After completely controlling Bennett last night, Li Xin already knew that he was the sixth son of the Mexican drug lord Guzman family and one of the largest drug suppliers in New York.

On the surface, he was just a young rich man and the CEO of a regular company, but he came to Queens, New York this time to let all the drug addicts here take his own drugs.

At the same time, let his drugs open up sales in Queens and let more people"get involved".

After all, New York does not only have Mexico as a source of drugs.

At present, the three largest gangs in Queens are the Dali Gang, the Blood Gang, and the recently emerging Rat Gang. As for the others, there are only a few people who dare to call themselves the Qinglong Gang and the White Tiger Gang, so there is no need to say more. The Dali Gang is a puppet gang secretly supported by Alex, and it has been deeply rooted in Queens for many years. The Blood Gang is another gang that has recently fought with the Rat Gang.

Because of the drug share issue, the Blood Gang has fought with the Rat Gang countless times.

And most of their sources of goods come from Alex. Alex wanted to give more to the Rat Gang, so the Blood Gang would naturally not accept it.

Alex and his gang wanted to take control of the entire Queens underground gang in this way.

Li Xin was thinking about how to take down all these people in one fell swoop. Maybe he had to find a professional to do it.

While Li Xin was still brainstorming, the bell rang outside the classroom.

Time on campus always passes by quickly. When Li Xin was about to take his things and leave the locker area, a blonde and blue-eyed beauty walked towards him again.

"Philip, where are you going this weekend?"

Jenny Taylor came over and said with a smile;

"Sorry Jenny, I'm going to be very busy this weekend."

Looking at Jenny, Li Xin could only sigh and say;

"Well, actually we have a party this weekend and we would like to invite you to join us,"

Jenny said, pointing to a few pretty girls at the back;

""Hi~" Several beautiful ladies behind greeted this side. It was the first time that Li Xin enjoyed this kind of treatment. This was a treatment that he had never had in his previous life. But after thinking about his system tasks, he could only vaguely say"I will definitely do it when I have time", and then hurried out of the school.

On the roof of a moving city subway, Li Xin under a white mask looked at some information in his hand, a USB flash drive and some printed papers, all of which were placed in a briefcase.

Inside was the evidence Bennett gave him, about what he knew about the drug sales of the entire Guzman family in the world.

As well as the underground forces in New York, how to transport drugs, who they had traded with, and how to contact which bigwigs were all written clearly.

Perhaps these drug dealers did not expect that the enemy who betrayed them was actually in the headquarters.

As for how to complete [Hero Dawn], Li Xin probably already had an idea in his mind.

Then He took out his cell phone and called Darlene, saying that he might not go home this weekend so that his family would not worry about him.

At 5 p.m., on Seventh Street in Queens, a black man rushed out from a sign written in Chinese that said [Family Convenience Store].

He then ran wildly and excitedly on the street. In addition to a bag of money, he also had a few bags of snacks in his hands. Just as the black man was about to disappear around the corner of the street, a mysterious man in a high-necked robe and a white mask with three magatama fell from the sky.

The black man was startled by the strange man in front of him and was about to take out a gun from his pocket, but Li Xin grabbed the black man's neck with his left hand and lifted him up.

With his right hand, he quickly performed the Thunder Seal, and there was a burst of lightning. Li Xin performed the"Yang Yongxin Electric Therapy" on the black man on the spot. The black man fell to the ground and foamed at the mouth while struggling and twitching. He had an avant-garde afro hairstyle, and his skin was a little darker than before.

""Thank you, thank you. I just called the police and they came quickly," said a middle-aged yellow-skinned boss who ran over and nodded in thanks.

Li Xin didn't say anything, but turned around and jumped up, jumping between the buildings a few times and disappeared. This shocked the people who stayed there to watch the excitement.

"Oh my God, did you just see it? He just jumped and flew away like that?"A passerby said excitedly;

"I just saw him knock out this black man with his hands. How did he do it? Was it a stun gun?"One person looked incredulous.

"Wow, he's so cool~ I guess he must be a handsome guy under his mask" A beautiful woman's eyes were full of stars;

"Humph, if he was a handsome guy he wouldn’t wear a mask," a passerby waved his hand; but with the appearance of this mysterious man, his bravery and righteousness aroused some discussion.

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