Li Xin was on the rooftop, silently looking down. The police who had arrived late had already put silver jewelry on the black guy. Some passers-by were cooperating with the police to record their statements.

"Yes, the guy was wearing a blue robe, gloves and a mask, and looked like he was going to rob a bank."

"He is not an accomplice, but he just mentioned this person at once. He easily prevented a convenience store robbery."

The store owner said to the police with his hands dancing.

Li Xin glanced at the system task, [Hero Dawn 5%]. It seems that this is it. Next, we have to find more"prey".

In fact, in this era, as long as you observe carefully, it is easy to find some opportunities for"heroism".

Soon, a motorcycle driven by two masked white people wearing fancy clothes was seen by Li Xin.

The motorcycle was driving aimlessly on the street. When he saw a young woman with a bag in front of him, he stopped and drove away. At midnight, the motorcycle drove forward quickly.

When it was about to get close to the young woman, it even started to slow down. At this time, the young woman also reacted and ran to the side.

Unfortunately, the two guys were determined to do this job. The driver parked not far from the woman, and the person in the back seat immediately got out and ran towards the woman.

The young woman was still wearing high heels, so there was no way she could outrun this man. She could only look around for someone to help her, but unfortunately, the place was a bit remote.

There were two people on the opposite side of the road in the distance, but the two looked at what was happening here, turned around and walked in the opposite direction, pretending not to see it.

""Help, is there anyone who can help me, God?" the young woman cried in fear; but the young man kicked the woman in the abdomen with his skillful hands, and snatched the bag away with his experienced iron fist. Then he threatened the woman to take off her bracelets and earrings.

The driver was watching his companion with great interest, and did not notice that there was a masked man beside him. The sudden sound of the motorcycle stalling made him look over quickly.

He saw a strange man in a high-necked robe and a strange white mask, who was tossing his motorcycle keys with one hand and flashing arcs with the other hand.

"Who is this? How dare you disturb the Blood Gang members from doing their work?"

After saying that, the driver pulled out a dagger and slashed at Li Xin.

But before the man could stab with the dagger, a flash of lightning flashed in Li Xin's hand, and a palm thunder blasted forward.

With a crackling sound, the driver flew 5 meters away and fell heavily to the ground, his eyes rolled back and he lost consciousness.

Another accomplice not far away turned his head and was immediately startled.

"Don't come over here, if you take another step forward, I will kill her directly."

The young man was frightened, and quickly grabbed the young woman, took out a dagger and put it against her neck, and said to Li Xin in a trembling voice;

Li Xin was too lazy to pay attention to him, and saw him touching the mask with one hand, a pair of blood-colored three-magatama Sharingan exuding a cold and evil pressure, and looked at the young man coldly. The masked young man was wondering if the masked weirdo was scared by him. He didn't know when he had a black mamba snake in his hand.

""Ah!" With a scream, he hurriedly threw the snake to the ground. But when the snake fell to the ground, it turned into a dagger.

The young man was stunned for a moment. This was something he had never experienced before, but he quickly reacted and bent down to pick up the dagger.

""Thunderbolt" A flash of lightning passed by, and the young man lost consciousness instantly. Li Xin threw the young man and his peers together. He clapped his hands and helped the young woman up.

Looking at the woman's clothes, she should be an urban white-collar worker in an office building. She was wearing a suit, a short skirt, flesh-colored stockings, and a slightly undulating shirt. At this time, the beautiful face was no longer flustered, and she was looking at Li Xin with interest.

Li Xin decided not to speak and pretend to be an expert. He threw the motorcycle key to the young woman. Then he turned around and was about to leave

"Hey, wait, I don't even know your name, how can I thank you?"

The young woman grabbed Li Xin's hand and said excitedly;

Li Xin felt the soft touch on her hand, but turned around and ruthlessly made a silent gesture.

There was a gust of wind, and the young woman was left with only her eyes shining as she looked at the direction where Li Xin left.

Soon a police car drove over, braked suddenly and drifted, Officer Hank put on his police hat in a chic manner, and slightly lifted his belt when he got out of the car.

"Are you okay, ma'am?"

Hank directed another policeman to check on the two men on the ground, while walking towards the young woman;

"I'm fine, officer, thank you." The woman was still looking in one direction in a daze.

Hank looked in the direction the woman was going and found that there was no one there.

""Ahem, can you tell me what happened just now? Were you robbed?" Hank took out a small notebook to record it.

Then the young woman excitedly described it to Officer Hank. After Hank finished recording, he looked at the two unlucky guys on the ground.

"Is it him again? It seems that we have a vigilante here."

In fact, Hank is also helpless about the current security situation. These gangsters do not have much awe for the police.

If this"vigilante" can make these criminals feel fear, then the security of this area will be much easier in the future.

After leaving, Li Xin has come to a slum area. The surrounding buildings are all classic iron and wooden structures. The street management here is messy, domestic garbage can be seen everywhere, and basically all the people living here are black.

Looking at the watch, it is almost 10 o'clock in the evening."The people inside should be here," Li Xin thought silently in his heart. Under the night sky, a pair of blood-red Sharingan stared at the bottom so coldly and domineeringly.

This is No. 73 George Street, the mouse The base camp of the gang. According to the information from the drug addict, there are 20 to 30 core members of the Rat Gang, and almost everyone has a gun.

No matter how strong Li Xin's physical fitness is, he is still a mortal at this time, and he doesn't want to rush in like this. It would be best if he could get rid of it in the lightest and most labor-saving way.

This is a slightly shabby single-family house, and the sound of explosive dance music is coming from the room. A group of men and women are jumping on the dance floor in the living room. There are people of all skin colors, but most of them are black.

There are some people sitting on some sofas around, holding some strange small objects and smoking something. There are people holding guns at the door and upstairs, smoking and observing.

It seems that this place is not only a base camp, but also a good place for these drug addicts to take drugs.

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