Various fighter planes, tanks, missiles, and basic facilities of the entire aircraft carrier were divided into different areas to prevent Li Xin from getting lost.

After Li Xin followed Hill for nearly ten minutes, an automatic door opened and Li Xin arrived at the bridge of the entire aircraft carrier, which was also the headquarters.

In the spacious command hall, there were nearly a hundred technicians constantly typing on the keyboards at the technical operating tables below, while some were constantly communicating with their headphones.

"It seems that this aircraft carrier can fly into the sky and maintain complete operation, which is inseparable from the efforts of countless staff members."

Afterwards, Li Xin also saw Agent Coulson not far ahead, and Thor, who was chatting with him at the moment. He was a white strong man with long golden hair, wearing a red cape and armor. Speaking of which, this was the first time Li Xin saw him in person.

Of course, Li Xin also found a staff member secretly playing a game on the computer at a technical table in a corner. Judging from the game screen, it should be the"Thunder Fighter" series....

"Welcome back, Agent Afei, from now on, you are an official member of the Avengers, but please promise me that you won't suddenly disappear next time, okay?"

At this time, Nick Fury, who was wearing a black leather windbreaker and an eye patch, said with a dead fish eye after seeing Li Xin on the observation deck above; because after a long period of research, Dr. Shavig concluded that Li Xin triggered the Cosmic Cube herself and left the earth by herself, and Nick Fury naturally had to blame Li Xin for her sudden"absenteeism" without saying hello.

"Um, actually, I was just about to write a 'leave request'."

As Li Xin finished speaking, the two shook hands firmly. However, when the two hugged, Li Xin whispered in Nick Fury's ear;

"By the way, sir, why did I hear that I have been acting weird this year?’"

"Ahem, that's for your family's sake. Believe me, this arrangement is for your own good...."

When Nick Fury heard what Li Xin said, he couldn't help but clear his throat and explained to Li Xin softly; and seeing Nick Fury's slightly nervous look, Li Xin roughly guessed something. Perhaps the 'Li Xin' who is currently studying at Midtown High School should be an alien race, the Skrulls.

Li Xin, who knows the plot, naturally knows this race. They are a group of green aliens. Their talent is that they can change their appearance, size or skin color at will. It is very difficult for ordinary people to detect. They are perfect for being top agents.

Just as the two were whispering, Thor walked towards Li Xin, and when he looked at Li Xin, a fighting spirit appeared on his face.

"I have heard of you, Earthman. I know you once cut off the arm of the Destroyer with one blow. Therefore, you have won the respect of me, Thor Odinson."

Li Xin turned around and looked at Thor, who stretched out his strong arms and had a simple smile on his face. He shook hands with him blankly and said hello in a friendly manner.

"But I heard from Heimdall that you won the battle with great difficulty. But you know, I smashed the Destroyer with one blow of Mjolnir, so you have to attack his head."

As if he had met a fellow warrior, Thor showed off to Li Xin with a simple smile while tossing Thor's hammer;

"I've heard of you, Thor. But you must have made a mistake. Your 'Meow Hammer' didn't knock out the Destroyer with one blow."

Hearing the cold and somewhat old voice under the mask, Thor lost interest in inviting Li Xin to fight, because the proud Thor didn't want to fight with an old man.

"Yes, the life span of earthlings is so short, how can a young person be able to cultivate to the level of defeating the Destroyer?"

Thinking like this, Thor lost interest in continuing to chat with Li Xin, but when he was about to leave, Li Xin stopped him.

"Thor, do you know where in the Nine Realms the dragons live?"

"Dragons? Of course, they are all very ferocious creatures. Even their descendants are very ferocious and particularly like to destroy...."

When Li Xin heard Thor say that there really were dragons in the Nine Realms, his heart suddenly began to beat with excitement. He quickly walked forward, grabbed his arm and asked;

"Okay, okay, tell me, where can I find them?"

Seeing Li Xin's sudden excitement, Sol laughed and couldn't help saying;

"Hey~ Friend, they are all very powerful creatures. I advise you not to ask too much. Besides, the Rainbow Bridge has been damaged now, so you can’t go to other worlds at all."

However, just when Li Xin wanted to have a more in-depth discussion with Thor, a line of big red words suddenly popped up on the computer at the command desk.

"The system has been hacked!!!"


Looking at the red exclamation mark on the screen, Agent Hill on the command desk came over to Nick Fury with a speechless face and said;

"Alas, this is probably done by Stark...."

Obviously, this was not the first time Nick Fury had dealt with Tony. He immediately thought of Tony who was in the laboratory at the moment.

After all, this system was the result of years of hard work by the scientific research department of SHIELD, and countless manpower and material resources were spent to complete and apply it.

Besides Tony, he could not think of another person on the plane who could easily break through this firewall. Although some important secrets were exposed at this time, Nick Fury's expression was still not panicked at all.

Because most important confidential documents of SHIELD were physically isolated, such as the previous Captain Marvel and the real information of Li Xin now, their paper files were placed under his bed and did not exist in any computer at all.

This is the so-called black box level. Of course, there is also the highest level of read-and-burn. The secrets of that level will only exist in the minds of those who know the secrets.

Nick Fury and his secret team of Skrulls belong to this level. They will not leave any files even if they go out to have sex with prostitutes....

However, before he took a few steps, the voice of Black Widow Natasha came from Nick Fury's earphones. At this time, his expression immediately became serious and said to Li Xin and Thor;

"You two should hurry to the lab, Loki's target is Banner."


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