"This is what a real 'aircraft carrier' should be called."

Li Xin kept exclaiming at the huge mechanical beast on the Quinjet, and even took out the high-tech mobile phone he got from Tony and kept taking pictures of the aircraft carrier.

Seeing Li Xin's first time here, he looked like he had never seen the world before, and the pilot Agent Kaia beside him smiled and said;

"Agent Alfie, this seems to be your first time at SHIELD, right? I haven't seen you for more than a year. I thought you were killed in the line of duty."

"Yes, this is my first time in S.H.I.E.L.D., and this is the first time I’ve seen such a huge monster in my life. As for where I’ve been this year, just think of it as me going on a trip."

In fact, Kaia can be considered an old friend of Li Xin. Li Xin hasn’t had much contact with other agents after joining S.H.I.E.L.D., because he knows that the current S.H.I.E.L.D. should be called a branch of Hydra.

And with the abilities he has shown now, it is estimated that the Hydra members would like to drag him to a laboratory, dissect him, and then brainwash him to become one of them, shouting"Long live Hydra!" every day when he wakes up."

But thinking of this, what would happen if Li Xin shouted"Long live Hydra" in SHIELD? Would he be able to come and go freely in the spy industry in the future?

Thinking of this, Li Xin was really shocked by this idea. Although Hydra has a strong brainwashing ability, can it be stronger than the Sharingan? For a while, Li Xin stood there and thought carefully, but every time Li Xin wanted to give it a try, there would always be an idea in his subconscious mind that told him not to mess around and be a good person honestly.

"Agent A Fei? Are you okay? We are here."

As the Quinjet landed in a docking bay on the aircraft carrier, Kaia waved to Li Xin who was in a daze and said;

"Oh, are we there yet? I was just thinking about something else...."

As Li Xin and Kaiya slowly walked down the plane and passed through the many agents and staff busy in and out of the docking area, Li Xin turned around and slowly asked Kaiya;

"Kaia, do you know Hydra?"

Kaia, who was walking with his head down, was suddenly asked in a panic and responded:

"What? I'm not, I don't know, I don't..."

Although Kaiya's voice was not loud, it contained panic, fear, and expectation. He even showed a hint of excitement when he looked at Li Xin.

"you...Why are you panicking? I'm just asking...."

Seeing the look on his"old friend" Kaia's face, Li Xin could only sigh helplessly. He suddenly understood why Nick Fury had been doing the"cleaning work" for so long but still had no effect.

As Li Xin walked forward a few steps, he saw a beautiful agent with a great figure in front of him, who was looking at him with a smile.

The beautiful woman with brown hair, blue eyes and a proud figure was the senior agent who had been on a mission with Li Xin before - Maria Hill.

"The commander was overjoyed to hear that you've returned...."

Seeing Li Xin wearing a mask, Hill, the usually serious iceberg beauty, was now happily hugging Li Xin like a little girl.

"Last time in New Mexico, I didn’t thank you properly."

After feeling the sudden hug from the beautiful woman, for some reason, the usually calm and composed Li Xin felt a sudden fire in his abdomen, and suddenly a big tent was erected in his lower body.

"without...It's okay, we are all colleagues, and it's only natural for us to help each other, hahaha." Naturally

, Hill also felt Li Xin's sudden embarrassment, but she was originally a little embarrassed, but when she saw Li Xin's big boy attitude, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

"Please follow me, the commander is waiting for you...."

Seeing Hill turning around and walking ahead, Li Xin finally breathed a sigh of relief. However, every time he glanced at Hill's slender figure in the agent's uniform, he would always inexplicably feel a little hot.

"What's going on?..."

Fortunately, Li Xin had been wearing a robe and a mask, so outsiders could not see his"clues". Although he had seen many beauties, he had never had such a strong desire.

And to be honest, Agent Hill, apart from her good figure and special temperament, was not a particularly beautiful woman. At least Li Xin had never had any improper thoughts about her before.

But today, for some reason, Li Xin's heartbeat began to race as soon as he saw her, but he knew very well that this was not a feeling of love at first sight, but a primitive instinctive impulse.

"Ah Fei? Are you okay? You seem a little weird today."

At this time, in an elevator with only Xi'er and Li Xin, Xi'er looked at Li Xin who was looking up at the ceiling at a 45-degree angle, and couldn't help but said with concern;

""Ahem, I'm fine, thank you for your concern."

Li Xin, who had been forcing himself to stay calm, made a cold and vicissitudes of life voice under the mask.

In fact, after thinking for a while, Li Xin thought that the problem must be with the 'Dragon Feast Mark'. Although Li Xin gained the power of the dragon because of it, he may have inherited some of the shortcomings of the dragon.

For example; like to mate everywhere...


As the elevator door opened, Li Xin was still hitting his head with his hands, and even had to open his Sharingan.

"Agent Afei?"

Outside the elevator, Hill was looking at Li Xin with a puzzled look on his face. After Li Xin opened the Sharingan, the strong desire was finally suppressed by him.

It can only be said that Li Xin's mental state in the future is too good. The hereditary mental illness of the Uchiha family, the good and bad of the dragon

"Alas~~I'm fine, Agent Hill, I just want some quiet time..."

As Li Xin came out of the elevator, when he looked at Hill, he finally lost that strong desire. However, the pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan exposed outside the mask made Hill feel very uncomfortable.

"You can just call me Maria, you saved my life..."

After a simple habit, Hill returned to her icy beauty and said with a smile; but Li Xin didn't know if it was an illusion, but she felt a little disappointed when she said that.

Then the two of them walked through a long corridor, and Hill also explained to Li Xin the various military weapons and equipment she had seen along the way...............

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