
After a roaring dragon roar, Li Xin summoned the dragon claw and slapped the ground suddenly. Countless Chitauri were immediately blown into the air. Then, a pair of scarlet eyes appeared, and sharp sword lights began to flash wildly on the battlefield. The sword paths were simple and smooth, just like chopping melons and vegetables. Countless Chitauri soldiers fell to the ground, with blood and flesh flying everywhere!

""Shua, shua, shua!"

As the last few light blue blades passed by, the few Chitauri who were still standing fell onto the abandoned car. When Li Xin put the knife back to his waist, the entire building had become unusually quiet.


After Li Xin turned and left, a white smoke appeared at the spot, and then six shadow clones of Li Xin quickly dispersed to the surroundings, helping to carry the living people to a safe area.

When George pushed away the body of the Zitauri soldier who was pressing on him, an Asian young man appeared in front of him. Before he could say anything, he was carried on the man's shoulders....

On the Park Street Bridge, Captain America was using his shield to block the incoming beams while rushing towards the Zetawi squad in front of him. At this time, Rogers' face was not only covered with black dust, but also had wounds of all sizes on his body.

Moreover, after fighting for such a long time, his physical strength had reached its limit. After calculating the distance between the two sides, Rogers used the shield's rebound to reflect the incoming beam to another Zetawi soldier.

But just as Rogers was about to rush to the enemy's position for close combat, his physical strength reached its limit and his speed began to slow down.

As he slowed down, a rapid-fire laser from the Zetawi soldier accurately shot at his feet, causing Rogers to fall to the ground. At this time, he could only give up the sprint and roll to the side.


Just as Rogers was struggling to get up and hide in the shelter nearby, a figure in a robe fell from the sky, and after landing, he instantly summoned rows of light blue energy ribs around his body.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

As the beams of light were blocked by Li Xin's ribs and skeleton arms, Li Xin's figure rushed to the enemy's position amid a gust of wind. Then, the light blue skeleton arms were waving wantonly among the enemy troops. With a few simple and rough grabs, the fully armed Zeta soldiers were instantly turned into meat patties, with blood and flesh splattered everywhere.

"Captain, can you get up and fight again?"

Li Xin pulled the captain up and said to him with a smile;

"Whoosh...What, are you sleepy already?"

Rogers, who was panting heavily at this time, knew the identity of the young man in front of him when he saw the scarlet three-magatama Sharingan.

However, when he saw Li Xin's immature face and the empty left hand, he paused and said;

"Maybe I shouldn't have arranged for you to go find Loki, kid...."

Before Captain America could finish, Li Xin interrupted him and quickly picked up Rogers' shield and threw it towards the group of Zetauri soldiers who had just come up.


After being thrown out quickly, the Vibranium Shield bounced back and forth on the bodies of the Chitauri soldiers, as if it was calculated. The shield kept jumping back and forth, hitting everyone accurately.

When the last Chitauri soldier was shot in the head by the shield bounced by his teammate, the shield bounced back towards Li Xin as if it was out of control. Just as Captain

America was shocked as if he had discovered a new world, Li Xin caught the shield and threw it into the air quickly. When the shield flew to the middle of a team of flying chariots, Li Xin quickly pinched the thunder seal;

""Little white worm!"

As a thick white lightning snake hit the shield, the powerful arc was instantly bounced to the surroundings. Finally, when Li Xin clenched his fist, the 'Little white worm' spread again in the middle!

""Crack! Pah!"

A huge area of lightning exploded in the air, and countless flying chariots were hit or scratched by the lightning, falling to the side and finally turning into sparks of explosion.

"This shield is of good quality, Captain."

After Li Xin received the fallen shield, he smiled and said to Captain Rogers beside him;

"Yes, use this shield well, mechanics are important...hehe"......

At this time, at Stark Tower, Tony, who had changed back to Mark 6, returned to the battlefield again. Although the engine of Mark 6 was damaged and the propulsion system was not stable, this was a helpless move.

Stark Tower was only for research and development, and the other armors were stored in the mansion in Malibu. In addition, due to the Cosmic Cube device on the roof, Jarvis had cut off the energy of the entire building, which resulted in Mark 6 not being repaired after returning to the factory. But Tony had no choice at this time. Although there were some problems with the propulsion system of Mark 6, his firepower system was still in full swing.

After Tony returned, the war was still in full swing. When he cleared the surrounding Chitauri flying troops, a Leviathan beast in the distance was already slowly attacking him.

Just as Tony was about to dodge, the propulsion system on his right shoulder burst into sparks at this critical moment. He staggered and began to fall.

But the huge Leviathan didn't care whether Tony stood firm or not. With a huge roar, its abyss-like mouth had already bitten towards Tony in the air.

"Susanoo! - Ah! Open it for me!"

Just as Tony was constantly retreating, Li Xin below was frantically running his pupil power and chakra, and his eyes slowly shed a trace of blood at this moment.

As the light blue chakra energy on his body condensed frantically, a half-body giant with a skeletal appearance took shape instantly.

But the powerful and cold chakra cyclone was still condensing frantically. In the blink of an eye, the skeletal Susanoo began to be covered with tendons and flesh, and was finally wrapped in the outer coat-like chakra. Suddenly, a half-body mighty and domineering ancient martial god giant appeared!

After the second form of Susanoo appeared, a powerful pressure began to descend on the city. When some people saw the tall body, they showed a trace of shock and fear....

"Lord God...this...This power is..."

At this time, on the Stark Building, Dr. Shavig, who was typing on the keyboard, exclaimed with wide eyes after seeing the light blue figure;

"turn out to be...You are the biggest monster among us....Ah Fei"

After feeling the pressure from the light blue body, Natasha couldn't help but murmured after a bitter smile;

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