"Jarvis, have you figured it out? Everything that follows must be carefully recorded."

After Tony landed on the ground, he kept looking at Li Xin in front of him, or more precisely, the nearly 6-meter-tall light blue giant!

As a huge long sword appeared in the giant's hand, an extreme sword light that wanted to cut off the world slashed towards the charging Leviathan!

"Divine power——Listen to the wind and cut!"


As a shocking red and black blade light slashed across, the Leviathan beast that covered the sky and the sun seemed to be frozen in mid-air.

""Bang! Crash!"

In an instant, endless sword energy burst out from the giant beast's body. In this bone-chilling red and black sword energy, the giant beast's body began to slowly fall to both sides....

After the Leviathan fell, countless dust and air waves were stirred up. The streets that were originally shrouded in shadows once again welcomed the light after being cut by this extreme blade.

This blade was like a cold moon in the night, piercing through the darkness....

The people on the street are not���I swallowed my saliva, especially when I felt the cold and sharp blade, my body seemed to be shrouded in a cold mist, and I couldn't feel a trace of warmth....

"Is this the divine power that Coulson mentioned, which razed the entire town of Brooms?"

Looking at the huge body slowly standing up in the smoke and dust, Tony couldn't help but let out a hint of shock while recording frantically;

"Hey! Who should I greet? I mean, does he have a name? Big Blue?"

After seeing the huge body, Tony said jokingly to Li Xin below:

"Susanoo, the third power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, the power of God..."

After turning to look at Tony, Li Xin crossed his arms and said with a proud look on his face; because in the process of opening Susanoo this time, Li Xin finally did not feel the crazy loss of pupil power, and he could easily stabilize this second form, and even integrate the power of God into that sword slash.

As long as he strengthens his chakra and pupil power, he can even continue to let Susanoo grow and transform into a new form.

If the chakra is full, the complete Susanoo may also be tried!

But now the chakra is insufficient and the body is not in its prime. It is better to save some before closing the portal in the sky....

"Oh my God, this is too crazy, is this really a power that humans can control?"

Seeing the light blue figure disappear, the people on the street also reacted from their shocked and dazed expressions;

Tony also showed envy for the first time, but when he saw Li Xin in the light blue figure, who was looking up at him, Tony's heart was filled with relief..........

At the SHIELD aircraft carrier,

Nick Fury was carrying a man-portable anti-aircraft missile. When he came to the deck of Area D, he saw an F-22 fighter jet ready to take off.

"Damn it! How dare they take off and launch a nuclear bomb without permission!"

Just as the fighter was about to take off, Nick Fury's anti-aircraft missile had already been aimed. As he pressed the trigger, a beam of fire instantly flew towards the fighter.


As the missile exploded behind the fighter, the F-22, which had not yet taken off, instantly drifted and skidded on the deck, and after hitting the fence on the side, it stopped with thick smoke.

However, before Nick Fury could relax, another fighter had already taken off behind him!

"call out——!"

Watching the flaming wake rushing into the sky, Nick Fury could only punch the door next to him angrily. After returning to the aircraft carrier, he immediately connected the headset and called Tony.

"Stark, can you hear me? There's a nuclear bomb heading for Manhattan!"

"What? How long will it take?"

At this time, Tony was cooperating with Li Xin and Thor in the air to dismantle another Leviathan beast, but when he heard Nick Fury's outrageous words, he immediately asked nervously;

"In three minutes at most, the nuclear bomb it carries will raze the city center to the ground...."

Nick Fury was leaning against the wall, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth as he said solemnly:

If this nuclear bomb cannot be stopped, not only will the entire Manhattan Island be blown to ruins, but he himself will also be firmly pinned with this shit pot on his head and be cursed by future generations forever.

"I see..."

After hearing the news, Tony stopped talking nonsense. After all, the missiles had already been launched towards this side. What else could he do?

In an emergency, Tony left the battle group and flew quickly towards the outskirts of Manhattan.

"Jarvis, transfer all the remaining energy to the thrusters!"

Although Tony was missing a main engine, his figure was always a little bumpy during the rapid flight, but his determination to rush towards the missile was so neat and tidy!

"The nuclear bomb has been launched and will explode in 2 minutes and 50 seconds. Mission accomplished...."

Over the ocean outside Manhattan, an F-22 fighter jet fired a missile at a target and then turned back without even looking at the consequences of the missile it had fired.......

On the top of Stark Tower, under the command of Dr. Shavig, Natasha finally slowly inserted the Mind Scepter into the shield of the device, and after a burst of intense energy rays, the spatial energy of the Cosmic Cube finally underwent some changes.

"I can turn it off! Did you hear that, guys? We can turn the wormhole off now."

""Turn it off, Natasha!"

Captain America Rogers said impatiently into the headset the moment he heard the news.

After all, watching the endless stream of Zetavio soldiers passing through the wormhole, everyone felt a sense of powerlessness and despair at this moment.

"Can't turn him off! There's a nuclear bomb coming over here, it's going to go off in a minute, maybe I can get this missile there..."

Tony, who was flying rapidly over the sea at this time, finally caught the trajectory of the missile. After the missile crossed the Manhattan Bridge, Tony finally carried the missile on his shoulder.

"Jarvis, use all your energy to turn, we have to put this damn ball into the basket!"

"Yes sir, but this time...You may not be able to come back, do you need me to contact Miss Potts?"

"All right..."

Tony looked at the city in the distance and the wormhole above it. After a slight pause, he finally agreed to Jarvis' request...........

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