"Ok, ok, you can take my wallet, but can you return the documents inside to me? Can't I just call it bad luck?"

The white man looked at the group of black people inside and said angrily but helplessly;

"What do you mean? My brothers and I are almost out of money to eat, so what's wrong with robbing you of your money? Get lost!"

One of the burly men wearing a gold necklace threatened viciously;

"Ok, great, I am unlucky today, but what I want to say is that people like you don’t deserve to eat at all."

The white man was also amused by these people and he also went over;

"What do you think of black people?"

A black man rushed up and deliberately bumped the white man with his chest, then said disdainfully:"You are so rich, what's wrong with us robbing a little?"

"No matter how much money he has, it's his."

Just when the white man was feeling helpless, a mysterious man wearing a white mask stood on the wall of the alley.

"Yes! Mysterious man with white mask! It's you, wow, awesome!"

The white man was excited and jumped up and laughed loudly.

Li Xin turned in the air and jumped high, blocking the white man. This action directly frightened everyone in the alley.

Several black people had exaggerated expressions on their faces, and the white man was even more excited and clenched his fists.

"I heard that you guys haven't eaten yet, so how about each of you take my punch?"

A cold voice came from under the mask; the black man was a little scared at this time, after all, this mysterious man with a knife on his back and a white mask is now the top star in Queens. So he turned his head and looked at his boss.

And the boss looked at his girlfriend next to him, looking at the masked man with shining eyes, and he felt an inexplicable anger in his heart, grabbed an iron rod in his hand and threw it directly at him; these people were obviously used to committing crimes in a gang, and they already had a certain tacit understanding. Seeing the boss coming up, everyone picked up their own weapons and rushed up

""Bang" There was a heavy blow. The first to fall to the ground was the black man who liked to bump chests. Then he kicked the iron rod away and dodged his head to the side. The black boss's punch missed in an instant, and he was still not able to react.

Li Xin directly elbowed the black man in the chest, then grabbed his arm and made a big turn, throwing it at the younger brothers who rushed over.

Looking back, he saw that the white man was excitedly taking pictures with his mobile phone.

So Li Xin quickly formed seals with both hands, Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Lie, Zhen, Qian, Xing. Then he recited in Chinese;"The five thunders have not yet occurred, and I have formed them. Kun is born without benevolence, and I will crack Qiangang."

After reciting the spell, Li Xin's body was flashing with lightning, and then he posed a posture ready to sprint towards the strong men opposite.

""Wait, wait, we are wrong, we are wrong, we know we are wrong, please stop using your magic power."

Several big men were frightened by this. There was lightning flashing on this man's body. Is he still a human? He would rather be locked up for a few days than to risk his life. He would have food and drink if he was locked up for a few days, but if he was electrocuted, he would be really useless.

The black man who stole the wallet knelt down quickly and held the wallet high in his hand.

The white man was even more excited at this time. He actually witnessed the extraordinary. This magical power made him forget to take the wallet. He quickly put his phone up to take a clearer picture.

"Sir, my name is Jason, I work at Hammer, I am your fan, can I take a picture with you, you know, I really like you so much"

Jason was already incoherent at this time.

Seeing that everyone was already lying on the ground, Li Xin also took back Yang Wu Lei, this guy (not)...He had already completed this heroic act. Although beating up these people would not be considered as fighting here, there was no need for it.

At this time, a policeman came in from outside the alley. He should be patrolling nearby. After seeing the situation inside, he immediately said something to his intercom.

Seeing the police coming, Li Xin did not stay any longer. He jumped high and disappeared between the buildings.

On a tall building, Li Xin looked at his system page [Heroic Dawn 80%]. But he knew that after the Blood Gang was dealt with, these people would ferment his reputation, and the mission would basically be completed.

Li Xin was lying on the bell tower of a church to rest when Catherine called and told him the address of the party in the evening.

However, Li Xin had something to do tonight and had no choice but to refuse, but he might go and take a look.

At 19:00 in the evening, Li Xin came to the roof of a villa. Some young men and women below were happily chatting and drinking drinks. Several young people were playing wrestling on the lawn.

Barbecue, music, and several young men were fiddling with musical instruments...This was the party address that Catherine had told Li Xin. It was mostly filled with alumni from Central City High School, many of whom looked familiar.

Jenny Taylor was also there, happily chatting with some of her friends. It was obvious that she had dressed up tonight, and looked prettier than she did at school.

The guy called Stanley was also there, licking his face and holding a cup beside Catherine, smiling awkwardly.

Li Xin looked at the mask in her hand and smiled slightly.......

In an abandoned unfinished building in a remote suburb, a large group of people were meeting to arrange something. The only strange thing was that there were several yellow faces in this group of people.

A black man was sitting on a sofa in a high-rise building, looking at the night view in the distance. This unfinished building was not only connected to water and electricity, but also transformed into a bar, rooms, etc.

"Boss, the news has spread, that person should be here soon."

At this time, a black man said to the black man sitting on the sofa.

""Let the people we invited below get ready. He is not an ordinary person. Let's be alert tonight."

Tucker, the leader of the Blood Gang, said seriously. The Blood Gang is actually one of the largest gangs in the United States, and the Blood Gang here is just one of them.

At this time, Li Xin had already arrived outside the unfinished building, because the bar that the Blood Gang leader often went to told him that the Blood Gang leader Tucker was waiting for him at this place tonight.

Looking at the unfinished building with lights on in front of him, Li Xin slowly raised his foot and walked in....

In response to the invitation from the Blood Gang boss, Li Xin decided to give the black boss a chance to fight head-on. He wanted to see what kind of 'Hongmen Banquet' the other party had prepared for him.’

""Mysterious man with white mask, you are really brave. You dare to come here alone?"

Tucker said loudly while standing on the empty second floor. But Li Xin just opened his Sharingan and began to observe the surrounding area.

"I know that people like you think you have some ability to change the world, but you are wrong. This world is beyond repair."

"Maybe you have had some painful experiences, but who hasn't? No one wants to live this kind of life, and neither do I. But there is no other way, we can only choose this."

"Do you understand? We are all victims. Why don't you join us and I'll give you my position?"

Tucker was still giving his speech loudly, but his level was too low. Li Xin didn't bother to pay attention to him and just quietly drew out the Tingfeng Knife.

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