Aphra is a female agent who has just been promoted to level 4. She is in a very good mood recently. S.H.I.E.L.D. has a strict hierarchy system. From the initial levels 1-3 (government employees) to the current level 4 (public confidential level), she can be said to have passed the internship period. Now not only the benefits have been improved. The most important thing is that she doesn’t have to do those boring administrative jobs anymore. Coming from the countryside, her dream is to become a top agent like her idol Maria Hill, so she works very hard every time. This time, she can finally start to go on missions with the team; and this time their mission is very simple, which is to observe the mysterious man with the white mask.

This time, they received instructions to come to the vicinity of this unfinished building, saying that a fight is likely to occur here, so they followed early, and sure enough, they saw their target not long after.

"It seems that he really intends to wipe out the Blood Gang alone," Captain Kaia said calmly while holding up a telescope;

"Captain, don't you think he is too arrogant to go in so openly?"A team member said;

"For such people, we can never judge them in the same way as ordinary people."

"Keep your eyes on this place and be ready to report to your superiors at any time."

As a Level 6 agent (top secret), Kaiya knew something because the green guy a while ago gave him a new understanding of the world.

Just by looking at it from a distance, he could feel the strong pressure and violent emotions. If he faced it head-on, he would probably just tremble.

‘Maybe the world has gone crazy...’Kaiya could only sigh in his heart.

Meanwhile, in the unfinished building, BJ Tucker looked at the masked man below who was determined to draw his sword. He could not admit defeat in front of so many of his brothers. He waved his hand and said,"Kill him."

Suddenly, many people wearing helmets and bulletproof vests appeared in the dark of the unfinished building, and they opened fire on Li Xin with their guns.

"Da da da...Da da da~" Suddenly, the whole unfinished building was filled with gunfire and sparks flew everywhere.

After shooting for a while, everyone gradually realized that something was wrong. A man wearing a helmet made a stop shooting gesture with his right hand;

"The person is missing, everyone pay attention to reconnaissance.

Li Xin had already dodged to a corner of the beam at the moment when the enemy was about to shoot. He did not want to expose himself to the range of fire.

When he finished observing and was ready to act, a dull gunshot came from a distance, and Li Xin suddenly felt a palpitation. At this time, a deep bullet hole had been blown open only one body away from Li Xin.

"Sniper? Did they hire mercenaries? No wonder their marksmanship has improved and their discipline has improved.

Li Xin felt a cold sweat on his back. He actually had such observation skills.

Li Xin took advantage of the situation and instantly went to the second floor. At this time, several people were scouting with guns raised. Tucker was no longer there.

"Palm Thunder!"There was a flash of lightning and a few screams. These unlucky guys were knocked down by the electric shock and fell from the second floor without a sound.

In this situation, Li Xin would not stop. It seemed that he could sense Li Xin's killing intent at the moment. There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, and Tingfeng Dao was also trembling slightly.

Li Xin dodged again. There was a burst of white smoke in the air. Suddenly, three identical white-masked men appeared and ran quickly towards the other people on the field.

When one of them jumped down from the air and was about to chop down a mercenary, there was another dull gunshot, and the head of the clone exploded instantly and turned into white smoke and dissipated.

"Haha, I found you."

Li Xin, who had been hiding on the ceiling, looked at the gunfire coming from the distant mountain.

The distance was about 1,000 meters.

He rushed to deal with the sniper first.

There was another burst of gunfire in the unfinished building, but they found that the masked man who was killed turned into white smoke.

On the distant mountain, a white man with a scorpion tattoo on his face dropped his gun and ran away, because he saw that the white masked man was chasing him at a very fast speed, and he had no confidence to fire a third shot.

That speed had already exceeded the limit of human beings, and he could not snipe at all.

"If you don't make a move, I'll be dead."

The white man was whispering angrily, because he turned his head and saw a man in a high-collared robe and a strange white mask jumping high.

The pair of red eyes facing the moonlight made him feel terrified, that was the smell of death.

A cold light flashed, and the white man jumped to the side with all his strength.

""Ah~" He screamed and found that his arm was spinning in the air.

Just as Li Xin was about to cut the second knife to send this person away, a cold light slashed towards him. The timing of this knife can be said to be very subtle and thrilling. Li Xin knew that it was not good, so he could only block it with a knife and dodge to the side in embarrassment.

""Ding~" There was a crisp sound of swords colliding, and Li Xin quickly distanced himself. What appeared in his eyes was a masked killer wearing a black killer costume holding a katana in both hands, and he was in a posture of swinging the sword.

"I was careless and hired a killer. I almost got into trouble." Li Xin looked at the sleeve on his right arm, which had a cut and a bloody scratch inside.

""Thunder~" Li Xin pinched the thunder seal with his hands, and then a flash of lightning rushed towards the man in black. He wanted to fight quickly. The pupils in the man in black shook, and he quickly threw an object under his feet, and suddenly a burst of white smoke burst out.

But how could Li Xin, who was determined to kill, let the other party slip away so easily? With the operation of the Sharingan, he soon found that the man in black was lying in a hole not far away, and was about to pull the haystack next to him to cover it.

A sharp knife flashed, and a masked head slowly rolled on the haystack.

At this time, the white man was holding his other hand with one hand and running quickly.

"This monster is too exaggerated. Are you kidding me? Ahem~ I should have left after firing the first shot...."

The white man's face was extremely pale. He had lost too much blood, suffered pain in his arm, and was psychologically traumatized. He could only rely on his willpower to flee forward.

Suddenly, he heard a strong gust of wind from behind. Before he could turn around, he saw a huge stinging pain in his body.

""Ah...cough cough," the white man looked painfully at the blade flashing with an arc of electricity coming out of his chest, and the blood at the corner of his mouth was uncontrollable like a waterfall.

Li Xin slowly pulled out the Tingfeng Knife, swung a knife flower, wiped the blood with his left joint sleeve, and turned to look at the unfinished building. The pair of blood-colored Sharingan looked so evil and terrifying in the silent night.

At this time, the captain of the unfinished building was listening to the report sent to him by his subordinates in the headset. In the short fight just now, they died 6 people.

Three were electrocuted, and the other three were killed by clones and knives, and the sniper outside was probably killed by him.

He quickly told Tucker about the situation. Perhaps retreat was the best option at the moment. But Tucker stood directly on his original platform."The plan will continue to be implemented," Tucker said with a gloomy face at this time; the captain of the mercenaries sighed, issued a retreat order to his team members, and hurriedly and quietly left the unfinished building.

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