In the hallway of the locker area, Jenny was carefully observing the bamboo sword that Li Xin brought today;

"Oh my god, Philip, your knife is so cool", a classmate said excitedly while looking at the knife;

"Is this sword a samurai sword?" A female classmate also participated in this discussion;

"This is a Tang sword. The blade of a Tang sword is wider and the center of gravity is forward, which makes it look heavy and powerful. The blade of a Japanese sword is narrower and the center of gravity is backward, which makes it look light and agile. This difference reflects the different understanding and use of weapons in the two cultures."

A knowledgeable man wearing glasses came over and said to the female classmate with contempt; this knowledgeable man is Cooper Alexander, a classmate of Li Xin, although the two have never spoken to each other.

"The answer is correct, Mr. Alexander," Li Xin said with a smile;

"But I am a little curious about Philip Li. When did you learn swordsmanship and Chinese Kung Fu?"Alexander stared at Li Xin and asked.

Although this Alexander has a wide range of knowledge, the atmosphere in the room always becomes cold whenever he joins in on the topic.

"Well...Do I need to explain this to you?" Li Xin asked with a questioning look on her face;


It seemed that Jenny also saw Li Xin's expression like this for the first time, so she couldn't help laughing.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the scene became lively again.

However, unlike the joyful atmosphere on Li Xin's side, Tony's mood today can be said to be terrible; from the moment he received the subpoena, Tony knew that the government's intention to take Iron Man for itself was exposed.

Although Tony had known that there might be such a day, it would still make him feel sick when it really came.

So today Tony specially chose a suit he wore when he was a playboy. He decided to disgust him back in the hearing in his best hippie way.

----Government Building in Washington, D.C.;

Senator Stern, who was presiding over the hearing, was talking nonstop about Iron Man's international influence; but Tony Stark, who was sitting in the audience, turned his head and chatted happily with Pepper Potts, who was sitting in the seat.

"Bang bang bang~" Senator Sent couldn't bear it anymore, so he took the hammer on the table and knocked on it.;

"Could you please continue with the previous topic? Mr. Stark, could you please pay attention for a moment?"

Sent said to the audience;

"What's up? Where's your honey?" Tony turned around with a smile on his face.

"Hahaha~" Tony Stark's humorous way caused the whole audience who came to the hearing to laugh.;

"Can you listen carefully?"Senator Sent said seriously.

"Of course"

"Do you have a special weapon?"

"I didn’t" Tony replied sincerely;

"you have not?"

"That depends on how you define the word 'weapon'."

"Iron Man is a weapon," Councillor Sent said, gesturing with his hands leaning on the stage;

"My device does not fit that description"

Tony replied seriously;

" would you describe it?" Sent asked in surprise;

"My description of it is its most accurate position right now, Mr. Congressman."High-tech prosthesis, that's the most appropriate description I can think of,"

Tony said seriously; there was another burst of laughter at the scene.

"That is a weapon, that is a weapon, Mr. Stark," Senator Stern said decisively;

"Please, if you really prioritize the happiness of American citizens..."Tony said, holding his forehead;

"My priority is getting the Iron Man weapons into the hands of the American people" Senator Stern interrupted;

"Then forget it, I am Iron Man, I am one with the suit," Stark said word by word.

"Handing over the suit means handing over myself, which is equivalent to selling my body or prostitution. Of course, it depends on which state you are in, so you'd better forget it."

After saying this, Tony leaned back in his seat;

"Look, I’m not an expert" Sent said again;

"In the field of prostitution? Of course you are not, come on, you are a congressman." Tony interrupted and the audience laughed again.

Senator Sent was offended by this, so he loosened his tie and said again:

"I'm not a weapons expert, but we have invited a weapons expert, so I will now summon Justin Hammer, our current main weapons contractor."

At this time, a middle-aged white man wearing glasses came over and nodded to the podium.

This man was Justin Hammer, the president of Hammer Industries. It can be said that Hammer has been living a very comfortable life since Tony stopped selling weapons.

However, when Tony Stark saw Hammer enter, he smiled and began to explain Justin Hammer's"entrance ceremony" into the microphone."

"I saw Mr. Hammer walk into the meeting while recording, but I wondered if there would be any real experts present."

Tony has always looked down on Hammer Industries, which can't produce high-tech weapons and can only imitate Stark Industries' products.

The audience laughed even louder at Tony's mockery.

""Bang, bang, bang." Stern banged the hammer again to remind the scene to be serious.

In response to Tony's ridicule, Hammer smiled, drank a sip of water and said;

"I'm certainly not an expert, but do you know who is the greatest expert?"

Hammer said as he stood in front of the podium.

"It's your father, Howard Stark. He is also our father and the father of the military industry."

Then Hammer put one hand in his pocket and held the microphone with the other hand while leaning on the seat beside him and said arrogantly to Tony Stark.

For Hammer, he wanted to surpass Tony Stark so much. This time he had such a good opportunity and he must"perform" well.

"But we can���Clearly, he's not a hippie, he's a lion...."

After that, Hammer continued to speak on the stage. He had memorized the speech countless times at home and had studied the movements to match each sentence.

"I wish I could leave my door unlocked, but this isn't Canada, and we live in a world with significant threats that Stark can't always anticipate."

"Thank you, God bless Iron Man, God bless America." After the speech, Hammer returned to his seat; after Hammer finished speaking, Senator Stern led the applause.

""Well said, Mr. Hammer, we will now invite Lieutenant Colonel James Rhodes to enter the venue," Stern said to the microphone with a smile.

Stark was obviously a little surprised by the arrival of his good brother Rhodes. At this time, the reporters at the scene were also taking pictures of Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes entering the venue.

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