Tony smiled and stood up and shook hands with Rhodes who was walking towards him;

"Man, I didn't expect to see you here."

"Yes, I'm here, what else can I do? Look forward," Rhodes said with a sigh;

Tony wanted to say something to Rhodes, but was immediately interrupted by Starn;

"I have before me a complete report on Iron Man's weapons, compiled and recorded by Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes. Please read the fourth paragraph on page 57."

"Do you want me to read a passage from my report? But I think it should be supported in a more comprehensive and detailed way,"

Rhodes looked at the Senate in disbelief and asked;

"Yes, many things have changed today, please just read that paragraph, thank you"

"If you only read this paragraph, you will not be able to reflect my final conclusion...."

"Read it, Lieutenant Colonel..."Senator Starn said in a deep voice.

Rhodes looked at the senator on the rostrum and then at Tony. He knew that if he only read this paragraph, it would be very unfavorable evidence to Tony.

Rhodes sighed and could only read helplessly:"Because his actions are not clearly governed by any agency...Iron Man poses a potential threat to the country and its interests..."

"But I also concluded that the advantages of Iron Man outweigh the disadvantages, which is a powerful approach for us....."

"Enough, enough, Lieutenant Colonel Rod," Stern hurriedly stopped

"I don't like teamwork, unless I'm the Secretary of Defense, and I can re-adjust my working hours." Tony also said to the serious microphone at this time; although Rod's testimony was unfavorable to Tony, Tony didn't blame him, and still used the hippie way to make everyone laugh

"If possible, we would also like to show you the images in the report."

Starn certainly knew what was in the images. As long as those cruel scenes were shown, Tony would face great public pressure.

Rhodes also knew this, so he immediately spoke into the microphone;

"I think it's too early to show this to people."

"Of course I know this, but please, Colonel Rhodes, please bring up the image," Starn continued to press; some images appeared on the TV screen of the hearing, and Tony took out his mobile phone after seeing the images. He decided to use the last method to disrupt this hearing.

Tony tapped a few times on his phone, and the TV screen was suddenly controlled by Tony.

"Wait a minute, man, let me see."

Tony held out his phone and pointed it at the screen.

"Maybe it’s time to show everyone the truth. Please look at the big screen," Tony said with a smile.

Then the video screen changed to show a man driving a military mecha in North Korea but fell to the ground before he took a few steps. Then the Gatling gun in his hand went off, and many people were accidentally injured at the scene.

Then in Iran....All military secrets, some accidents caused by failed mecha weapons

""Turn it off, turn it off, quick!" Starn was also anxious at this moment and shouted loudly on the stage; the audience and some politicians were shocked, and the reporters hurriedly raised their cameras and took pictures frantically

"Is that Justin Hammer? You're on TV." Tony said happily about the chaos at the scene;

Hammer went to the TV to find the switch, and the mecha on the TV suddenly twisted its waist, and the operator inside screamed violently.

Hammer at the scene also unplugged the power supply and the TV was turned off.

The tragic situation on TV caused concern among everyone at the scene. Many reporters were taking pictures frantically.

"I think most countries will need another five to ten years of research, but Hammer Industries will probably need another twenty years,"

Tony said seriously into the microphone;

"I.I.I want to say that the tester of the machine in the picture is not dead...."Hammer quickly defended himself into the microphone;

"I think the point is that he is making this, none of this matters..."

Seeing the meeting gradually getting out of control, Senator Sent also stood up and said hurriedly;

"The point is, no need to thank me, because I am the nuclear deterrent! We are safe! America is safe! And you don't want my things! But I can help you."

Tony stood up, made a world peace gesture and said loudly;

"I have successfully brought world peace!"

Tony gave his last passionate speech; all the people at the scene stood up and applauded Tony passionately; and this hearing ended hastily in this noisy atmosphere and a few curses from Starn at the end.....


At this time, in an old house far away in Moscow, Ivan Vanko was listening to the live broadcast. With simultaneous translation, he was preparing his weapons.

The whip on the workbench was in the final debugging stage. Ivan powered up the whips on the workbench, and the whips immediately became electric. It was as if the whips were made of lightning!

After Ivan equipped himself with the whips, he pressed the switch. There was a mechanical vibration sound, and the whips became electric.

""Snap!" Ivan Vanke swung the TV, and an arc of electricity flashed across the TV and the table, breaking it in half! The whip of lightning was so terrifying.


Li Xin had naturally seen the news about Tony's hearing. Just like in his previous life, hippies were making a scene at the hearing. Looking at the clips on the video, even the lines were exactly the same.

Li Xin was relieved. At the same time, he was thinking about when to go to S.H.I.E.L.D. There were too many Hydras in S.H.I.E.L.D., and even the senator at the hearing should be a Hydra.

"Maybe I should wait for Captain America to clean up some of it." Li Xin thought to himself. After all, he was not very good at it and was too lazy to do it. He just wanted to complete the system tasks in SHIELD and then do something to enhance his strength.

In California, Tony also returned to the"underground base" in the coastal mansion in Malibu, which made him feel the most comfortable."

"Wake up, Dad is home~" Tony snapped his fingers and clapped his hands.

Then a burst of cheerful rock music sounded in the underground base, and the virtual interface on the desktop began to gradually unfold.

"Welcome home, sir."

"Congratulations on the success of your opening ceremony, and the Senate hearing as well" Jarvis’s mechanical voice echoed around;

"And I have to say, the video of you wearing clothes is really refreshing, sir."

Jarvis said humorously after playing the most exciting clips of the hearing on the page; just as Tony was laughing happily, the mechanical arm successfully pushed the juicer down.

"Hey, sooner or later I’m going to tear you down and turn you into a wine rack" Tony said to Daze;

"And this disgusting stuff, how much do you have to drink every day?"

Tony poured himself a glass of green juice on the workbench and said after drinking it in one gulp;

"To suppress symptoms, daily intake has been increased to 80 ounces."

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