Midtown Tech High School in Queens, New York. Sitting in the back of the classroom, Li Xinzheng stared expressionlessly at the physics teacher on the podium.

"As shown in the diagram on the blackboard, how can we calculate the linear acceleration of point A and point B?"

The teacher began to look around the classroom, and he was going to randomly select a lucky audience member to answer this question.

Li Xin looked away immediately to avoid any eye contact with the teacher.

On the surface, Li Xin was watching the physics teacher studying hard, but in fact he was looking at the clock on the blackboard wall. All he was thinking about was when school would end.

Zhongcheng Science and Technology High School focuses on cultivating science talents. To study in this school, you need to have very excellent grades, and in this life, Li Xin rarely wastes his mind on studying.

Whether his grades are good or not depends on the grades of his classmates around him.

Li Xin has transferred to Zhongcheng High School for half a month. Under the arrangement of his grandfather, he is now He lives with his aunt.

His grandfather, Baird Hobart, and grandmother, Ada Hobart, had three children.

The eldest daughter, Darlene, and the second daughter, Bonnie, who is Li Xin's mother in this life, unfortunately died with his father, Li Gang, ten years ago. In addition, there is a younger son, Robert, who works in Boston.

The Hobart family has grown over the years, and the family members get along very harmoniously.

Li Xin's aunt Darlene is an executive at an advertising company in New York. At the age of 38, she belongs to the middle class and senior white-collar workers in the United States. Darlene has a son and a daughter. Her daughter Catherine is 17 years old and is also in Midtown High School, two grades higher than Li Xin. Her son Matt is 10 years old this year.

Her husband, John Jacob, is also a senior partner of an Internet company. It can be said that this family is a classic American elite family.

"Ding-ling-ling~" 2:45. The class bell rang on time.

Li Xin strode out of the classroom and came to her locker, entered the password and opened the locker.

She opened the almanac inside and found that today was a rare auspicious day.

When she was about to take her bag and leave, a beautiful blonde girl came over.

"Hey, Philip, where are you going after school?"

Jenny Taylor asked with a blushing face;

"Oh, Jenny, do you have something to ask me?"

Li Xin said after closing the locker;

"Yes, there is a new milk tea shop opened on 20th Street. Are you interested in going to try it together?"

Jenny looked straight at Li Xin. Ever since Li Xin transferred here, Jenny has been deeply attracted to Li Xin.

Her deep eyes exude a hint of danger, which has a special charm for young people of this age.

""Let's do it another day. I have other important things to do today."

Li Xin said to Jenny in front of him; girls of this age are the most innocent, with pure and moving faces and exquisite figures.

Li Xin also hopes to have a perfect high school life, but he knows that New York will soon be in chaos, and the world will be in chaos. He still hopes to be strong enough before considering these things........

After leaving school, Li Xin came to an abandoned unfinished building. After checking and finding that there was no one else here, Li Xin put down her bag and began to meditate with her eyes closed, entering the system interface. The system task page has been updated;

"1 Dawn of Heroes: 0% completion of the first stage"

【New York is a diverse city, a paradise for all those who yearn for the future. But where the light cannot reach, there is always darkness. Become a hero in the darkness and shine the light to those in the dark abyss.】

"The place where heaven and hell intersect is very suitable to describe the city of New York.

During the day, it is a well-known international metropolis, famous all over the world. But at night, this city will have another name,"Crime Capital".

People like the daytime here because you can feel that you are living at the forefront of the times and the center of the world.

Similarly, some people like the night here because it is a paradise for criminals at night.

The latest data from the New York Police Department shows that due to the surge in felony crime rates, the law and order situation on the streets of New York is worse than in the past 15 years. Last year, more than 170,000 felony cases occurred in New York.

In this era, the crime rate in New York can only be considered medium to high, and there is still potential to continue to rise.

The most famous place in New York is Brooklyn.

Of course, in addition to the wealthy living areas and some middle-class communities with good law and order in Queens, there are also slum areas with poor law and order management, and the more serious ones are the fourth and fifth blocks.

Gangs are rampant here and drugs are rampant. The most serious crimes such as murder, robbery, burglary, grand theft, car theft and rape are common, and people living here seem to see no hope.

Li Xin found the system inventory, which contained all of Li Xin's savings over the past ten years. This was a terrible card-drawing destiny system. Missions were rarely issued.

Li Xin now understood the system. Missions would only appear when you went to a certain place and encountered certain events.

When you completed a mission, the system would score you based on your completion rate.

A good score would naturally lead to a good reward, such as the character attribute (Kimi's driving talent) being of blue quality.

But if the score is very bad, the system will not punish you, but the reward will be very speechless.

My own card (Canadian electric eel singing talent) was for completing a mission called"School Bully".

Li Xin beat up all the people in the school who disliked him one by one and then settled the score. As a result, he got a"E"of the rating, and then drew a green quality card.

Kimi's driving talent is a blue quality card, and the difference is like the difference between heaven and earth.

Li Xin now has 3 chances to draw a lottery, and a purple quality guaranteed card. He decided to take advantage of today's auspicious day to draw them all.

Li Xin found the card drawing interface in the system, and a quaint door slowly opened. Inside was a cosmic background like a dark vortex, with countless light spots slowly shining.

Most of them were green and blue spots, very few purple spots, and a few red spots that were slightly larger than the purple spots. Of course, the most attractive one was the golden spot, floating quietly at the top of the space, emitting bursts of halo.

"Draw a card!"Li Xin closed his eyes and put his hands together.

At this time, the light spots in the space rolled and turned into ancient cards of various colors, flying out of the vortex and arranging in front of Li Xin.

Li Xin looked at the deck, a total of 72 cards, most of which were green and blue, only ten purple, no red, and no gold.

"The deck is arranged. Host, you now have three chances to draw cards and one chance to change the deck."

A mechanical voice sounded in his mind;

Li Xin decided to test the waters first and clicked the card draw button on the panel.

"Purple~Purple~" Li Xin prayed silently in his heart.

All the cards rolled over, a green light flashed, and a card with a dark vortex on the back appeared.

Li Xin wanted to slap himself, and clicked the card. On the front was a pack of powdery patterns.

"Item Card - Splatoon Powder (A hero can resist one illness, but a good man can't resist three puffs of diarrhea - Alchemist Xing Jifei)"

"Any food or drink added to this substance will become unusually delicious, but will also have a strong laxative effect."


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