Li Xin had already used this system to draw cards from all over the world. There were all kinds of cards. What you draw was entirely up to fate.

Put it in the inventory, there will always be a time to use it in the future.


At this time, the remaining seventy-one cards rolled again, and a blue light flashed and a card appeared.

"Blue quality, should be good" Li Xin clicked the card

"Skill Card - Mysterious Swordsmanship (The sage observes the mysterious and uses it to practice, and the strong word is called Tao - Yu Dayan, one of the Seven Heroes of Wudang)"

"Use this card to gain all of Yu Dayan's understanding of the Xuanxu Sword Skill."

Li Xin looked at the card introduction, but in his heart he was thinking about Yu Dayan. Although he was already disabled when he appeared in Jin Yong's martial arts novels, he was still known as one of the Seven Heroes of Wudang in the martial arts world. Naturally, this Xuanxu Sword Skill must have its unique features.

""Use" Li Xin clicked the card.

Then Li Xin's consciousness entered a strange state. Li Xin turned into the young Yu Dayan who was practicing swordsmanship on a cliff, chopping, slashing, slicing, chopping, picking, cutting, pushing, stabbing, sliding, stirring, collapsing, tapping, and pulling.

The power of each move and style, the skills of real and fake hidden murderous intent, were felt so real, just like he was practicing it himself.

And next to him, an old man with white hair and a youthful face, was watching quietly and giving instructions from time to time.

Zhang Sanfeng had a total of seven disciples, and he taught each disciple according to his aptitude. Yu Dayan was calm, strong and powerful, and he was interested in swordsmanship, so Zhang Sanfeng He taught Yu Daying the only sword technique he created, the 'Xuanxu Sword Technique'.

The name Xuanxu Sword Technique was actually taken from the homonym of"Xuanxu Taoism", from which it can be seen that this martial art is complicated and profound, and it coincides with the way of heaven. The way of heaven is unpredictable, and the Xuanxu Sword Technique is changeable and unpredictable.

Zhang Sanfeng created a total of 108 moves in the Xuanxu Sword Technique, taking the number of Tiangang and Disha. Unfortunately, Yu Daying only learned the first 36 moves, and was crippled before he could comprehend the last 72 moves, and he couldn't even move on his own.

As Yu Daying's long perspective ended, Li Xin opened his eyes, and every move of the 36 Disha moves of the Xuanxu Sword Technique had been firmly engraved in his mind.

""Huh~" Li Xin exhaled. It was a pity that there were only 36 moves. If there were 108 moves, this Xuanxu Sword Skill would probably be of purple quality.

Li Xin looked at the deck again. He still had one chance to draw a card. He could also change the deck and get a purple guaranteed card. After thinking for a moment, Li Xin decided to change the deck and draw

"System, change the deck, I use the purple quality guaranteed card."

After the ancient gate absorbed all the remaining cards, it spit out 72 light spots again, and in the purple halo, there were actually two red light spots!

The light dissipated, and the 72 ancient cards were arranged. The two cards with red halo made Li Xin feel itchy.

Li Xin's current Mangekyō Sharingan is a red quality talent card.

This is the rookie gift package obtained when the system awakened for the first time. After using it, you can directly skip Obito's painful eye opening process, and gain all of Obito's understanding of the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan.

And The Sharingan is the bloodline of the Uchiha clan, descendants of Indra, the eldest son of the Six Paths Sage. It can be opened and continuously evolved through strong emotional stimulation.

After using the card, Li Xin naturally had the blood of Indra in his body. Moreover, Li Xin has never stopped practicing chakra in the past ten years.

Because no one knows better than him how important it is to have great strength and talent in this dangerous universe.

Li Xin is very excited now. He makes the sign of the cross on his chest, puts his hands together, and mutters something like"Fujian roasted rat, trap you monkey, Ma Ge bless you"

""Draw a card!" Li Xin shouted.

The deck began to shuffle."Swish~swish~" Li Xin watched intently, his heart beating along with it.

Suddenly, a purple light flashed, and an ancient card emitting a purple halo stood in front of Li Xin.

"Skill Card - Five Thunders Righteous Method (The five Qi are accumulated into one, and the method is called Five Thunders Righteous Method - Unshakable Green Lotus Zhang Chulan)"

"Use this card to obtain all of Zhang Chulan's understanding of the Five Thunders Orthodox Method Yang Wu Lei."

Li Xin's mouth began to rise wildly.

"Well, it's great that I can use thunder magic. It's great that I can control thunder and lightning in the future."

Li Xin silently chanted in his heart, and then began to close his eyes to feel the strange feeling. When he opened his eyes again, he had become Zhang Chulan, who was only 7 years old.

A kind old grandfather next to him was instructing him how to use Qi and how to adapt to Yang Wu Lei.

Day after day, year after year. Zhang Chulan practiced thunder magic meticulously every day on the fence and in the fields.

Later, he began to improve Yang Wu Lei, control thunder and lightning, and how to force the arc into his body to stimulate his meridians. The scenes disappeared and froze. Zhang Chulan's understanding and experience of Yang Wu Lei were all engraved in Li Xin's mind without a single detail.

Li Xin opened his eyes again and began to pinch the thunder formula as if instinctively according to the memory in his mind.

"Thunder Goddess, quickly descend upon me with your magical powers, follow me to cure my illness, boom boom boom, I obey the command of the Supreme Lord Lao, hurry up and obey the command!"

I suddenly felt the five qi in my body, the heart and lung qi began to rise, and a pure white electric arc began to flicker and jump, dazzling. Looking at the flashing electric light around him, Li Xin could feel the wonderful connection between himself and the electric arc. Are these dry and hot electric arcs Zhang Chulan's Yang Wu Lei?

""Palm Thunder" Li Xin made a gesture towards a wooden box and released it. Suddenly, a burst of electric arcs appeared, and"bang!" The wooden box shattered.

After that, Li Xin practiced the"Thunder, Little White Worm, Little White Long Worm" and other moves in the unfinished building according to the method in his mind. Even if it was only half of the Five Thunders, the power was still terrifying.

"Hahahaha~" If someone passes by here at this time, they will���Someone in the unfinished building was laughing wildly.

At 17:30, Li Xin came out of the unfinished building sweating. He took out his phone and found Catherine in the address book and called her.

In the physics club classroom of Zhongcheng High School, Catherine's phone rang with a cheerful voice.

"Hey, Philip?"Katherine answered softly, covering her phone with her hand;

"Catherine, are you back?"

"No, I'm still in school. The senior year courses are very intense and we are still reviewing," said Catherine, looking at the study room where many people were still reviewing.

"OK, I'll pick you up at school in ten minutes."

Li Xin hung up the phone and rode her bicycle to school. As for why she rode a bicycle, it was because the 16-year-old Li Xin didn't actually have a driver's license. She wasn't caught in New Bern because she really couldn't be caught, and because the traffic police were actually fans of Li Xin.

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