A luxury car, led by two police cars, stopped in front of a hotel, and Tony, wearing a suit and sunglasses, slowly got out of the car, chatting with Miss Pepper Potts next to him.

Then the national leaders came forward to shake hands and take photos.

Li Xin also saw Happy holding a red and gold box in his hand.

"This should be the Mark 5, right? Is this Tony's card?"Li Xin looked at Tony's appearance, but Tony really deserves such a big display.

"Philip, when did you buy this pair of goggles? They are so beautiful."

Just as Li Xin was looking at the big screen again, Catherine said in surprise;

"Philip, I am very pleased that you finally bought yourself some decorations" Darlene also teased;

"Good taste, this looks like an antique pair of goggles," John said with approval; while they were chatting happily, Li Xin suddenly said to John seriously:"John, if there is any accident during the game, you can take Catherine and the others to evacuate to the safe passage and don't worry about me, okay?"

"What? I don't quite understand what you mean." John didn't quite understand what Li Xin said.

But Li Xin couldn't explain it to him. After all, no one would believe what happened, so he had to make up an excuse.

"I'm going to the P room viewing area in a while, you don't have to worry about me, meet at the hotel tonight."

After saying that, Li Xin walked towards the crowd. Although he knew that someone would cause trouble in this game, he couldn't remember clearly which section of the road it happened and the specific details, so he could only look for it himself to see where it looked like.

When Darlene saw Li Xin leave, her expression became a little absent-minded, because she found that Li Xin was getting more and more strange recently. John looked at his wife Darlene's expression, so he hurried forward to hug her and kiss her to comfort her and said;

"It's okay, Qing Ai, maybe it's just the rebellious period, the child wants some space of his own."

Catherine was also looking at Li Xin who was leaving in the distance in surprise,"You have been getting more and more abnormal recently, what are you hiding from us?..."


As Tony and Pepper entered the venue, they saw Rushman Natasha in a red dress walking slowly towards them.

"How was your trip, Boss?" Natasha greeted with a charming smile;

"Very good, nice to meet you~" Tony said as he picked up the wine glass brought by the waiter;

""What? When did it happen?" Miss Pepper Potts asked in surprise;

Tony began to explain carefully to Pepper, and then Natasha arranged for a magazine reporter to take pictures, and then led Tony to the location she had booked.

"This way, please, sir." Natasha was doing her assistant work competently, and the red dress perfectly outlined her graceful and sexy figure."

You are so beautiful, but I want to ask what my schedule is today," Tony said after putting on sunglasses;

"Um, you have a dinner party tonight at 9:30" Natasha replied with a smile over her shoulder;

"Perfect, I'll be there at 11 tonight.""I'll sit here," Tony said, and walked to a table in the corner closest to the track.

""Okay," Natasha said, and then she communicated with the lobby manager who had been following behind her, because this table was obviously occupied.

Then Tony and Pepper Potts stood up and greeted some acquaintances and friends."Hey, Elon, the electric rocket jet is good," Tony shook hands with a man in a suit and said; then Tony walked to the bar while discussing Natasha with Pepper, because Tony always felt that there was something wrong with Natasha.

""Hey, Tony, is that you? My good brother? Ahaha." Hammer came over to greet Tony and Pepper in the crowd at the bar.

Tony looked back helplessly and said hello. At this time, Hammer patted Tony's shoulder more cordially.

"Haha, how are you doing recently? You are not the only rich guy who drives a luxury car here," Hammer said humorously;

"Do you know Christine, the reporter from Vanity Fair?" Hammer said, introducing a beautiful reporter behind him; Tony turned around and looked at the beautiful woman he had spent a night with before and said with a sullen face,"Yes, I know her."

Pepper had naturally seen this woman before, so she also sneered and greeted her.

"Big news, the new CEO of Stark Industries, congratulations," Hammer pointed at Pepper Potts and deliberately turned around to say to reporter Christine;

"Yes, I know, my editor will scold me if I can't get an interview with Miss Potts for our"Strong Women" special issue."

Christine said to Pepper with a flattering look on her face

"Okay, sure." Little Pepper agreed happily.

"She was actually going to do an interview with me for Vanity Fair, but I asked her to do you a favor." Hammer said with a smile. Hammer always wanted to prove that he was better than Tony, and always wanted to take advantage of Tony's popularity.

"Oh, really? She did an"in-depth" interview with Tony last year," said Pepper with a smile.

After that, there was an awkward chat, and Pepper Potts couldn't stand it anymore."I have to go to the bathroom,"

Tony saw this and left quickly.

"Hey, man, don't leave me alone, look over here, 'Cheese~‘"Hammer pulled Tony to pose for a photo with a smile in the middle of a laugh.

At this time, Christine also hurriedly took out a recorder to conduct the interview;

"Is this your first meeting since the Senate hearing?"

"Yeah, ever since his contract was rescinded" Tony said, pointing at Hammer with a smile;

"No, just a delay...."Hammer said in a panic; ever since he was exposed to have problems with those mechanical weapons at the last hearing, his order contract was revoked by the US government, which is why he wanted to take advantage of Tony's popularity.

"Really? I heard that's not the case, and what's the difference between postponement and cancellation?" Tony said as he walked with a smile; at this time, Christine quickly pointed this sharp question at Hammer with a recorder;

"Well, that's a good question, but the truth is....Put this thing away first....."Hammer awkwardly pulled the recorder away.

"In fact, I want to show something at your expo," Hammer said as he sat next to Tony. If he could show his scientific research at the expo, Hammer would be confident that he could once again become the military expert that conquered the United States.

"Sure, if you invent something useful," Tony said slowly;

"Sir, your corner table is ready," Natasha came over and said. Hearing this, Tony quickly got up and left..........

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