"Yes, I have a spot at the show...."

After seeing Tony leave, Hammer began to speak seriously to Christine.

Tony naturally knew what Hammer wanted to do, so he turned around and pointed at Hammer and said;

"Hammer wants a booth at the Expo, Christine"

"We were joking, haha, we like to joke, you know, I know Tony very well, we have a very good relationship." Hammer laughed awkwardly to smooth things over......

At this time, Tony took out the blood tester in the bathroom

"Blood toxin content 35%"Tony shook his hands. Although drinking the bottle of life potion did have a temporary effect, it did not mean that the palladium poisoning would disappear. After these few days, the palladium poisoning seemed to penetrate a little faster.

""Hoo, call Philip," Tony said into the Bluetooth headset; after a phone connection sound, Li Xin answered the call,"Hello, rich man.?"

"You are in Monaco now, right? Look, I know this is not nice, but I want to ask you if you still have the life potion from last time?"Tony said anxiously;

"You must know after trying this potion that it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. If you can't completely get rid of the palladium element, all these efforts will be in vain."

Li Xin could only comfort Tony in response to his urgency;

"I know, but I have tried many methods, and I have searched through all my father's old things."

"Tony, if even you can't solve it, then no one in this world can solve it."

Li Xin hung up the phone after saying that. If this reminder didn't work, Li Xin would lose confidence in the future battle between the three heroes and Thanos.

Tony looked at himself in the mirror and sighed,"What could be worse than this?"

When Li Xin was still walking around the track, the big screen was playing a scene of Stark being surrounded by a group of people. A group of reporters were surrounding Tony, who was wearing a blue racing suit, and were interviewing him intensely next to the starting position of the track.

"Yes, I have wanted to try this for a long time." After saying this, Tony turned over and jumped onto the track.

"You know, the meaning of owning a sports car is to drive it."

Tony smiled and greeted the audience, and when the audience saw that Debolifei's name on the scoreboard was replaced by Stark, they cheered fiercely. But

Debolifei, who had already finished the hot tire lap, was stunned, because the command center told him that the boss wanted to race in his car and asked him to get out of the car quickly and give his seat to Tony Stark.

Every racing driver must have his own pride, so he quickly got out of the car and asked his coach, protesting with his hands spread out. But who made him Tony Stark?....

"With a"bang", Debolifi threw his helmet to the ground and left the table angrily. The coach next to him was about to comfort him.

But looking at his boss, he was even more worried. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation in his career, so he was also confused. He didn't know what to do next.

But what else could he do? He was Tony Stark....

""Boss, is everything ok?" the white-haired coach asked the fully-armed Tony cautiously; and Tony just gave a thumbs up to indicate OK.

As the departure warning sounded, the coach had no choice but to leave the starting area.

Stark's car had already started successfully on the track, and the ignition technician was about to leave the field. Tony held the steering wheel with a little nervousness, but then he was completely replaced by excitement, because he was Tony Stark, he was a genius.

"This kind of experience is like being a kid again," Tony murmured as he felt the roar of his engine. He thought of the first time he built an engine with his father.

Meanwhile, Hammer, who was still being interviewed in the venue, was talking to Christine about the future development of Hammer Company and his own great empire after Tony was out.

But Christine was staring blankly at the TV, which showed the scene of Tony turning over and entering the racing car.

Hammer turned around,"He’s going to race, isn’t he?" Hammer said helplessly and shocked. At the same time, he envied Tony very much in his heart. Why was he always the focus?

And Boz, who was waiting for Tony at another table, also saw the scene of Tony entering the racing car.

"Oh my God!" Pepper couldn't believe that Tony would do such a thing. You know, racing is a very dangerous thing!

"Natalie, Natalie. Do you know about this?" Boz asked with his chest heaving.

"Um, I just found out...."Miss Natalie also said without any surprise;

"This is absolutely not allowed. Quick, go and call Happy," Boz said angrily; and on the track, the indicator lights above lit up one by one, indicating a 5-second countdown. When the fifth light dimmed and went out, the cars started and rushed out almost in unison.

At the moment of starting, driver No. 6 relied on his faster reaction time to drive towards the middle track.

Tony naturally also felt that the sixth driver next to him was leaning towards Tony. He wanted to force Tony's car position and overtake at the start, catching Tony off guard!

But Tony deserves to be called a genius. Not only does he have superb driving skills, but also relying on the engine of Stark Industries, he immediately accelerated to keep his position, and then caught up with the car in front.

The racer in front was a little surprised to find that he did not get rid of Tony at the start, but he was a racer after all, and soon focused his attention on the race.




280km/h accompanied by the rapid roar of the engine, the instrument on the steering wheel is also madly increasing the speed. Tony started and squeezed the potential of this car madly on the straight road!

Then the front entered the first corner. The Monaco track is actually a very narrow track, and in addition, it is a street race. As long as there is no mistake in the operation, overtaking is basically very difficult.

When entering the first corner, the width of the track narrows sharply. Tony cuts from left to right and passes the first corner smoothly, tightly biting the position of the fourth car in front, and accurately eating the tail flow.

"I didn't expect Tony to be such a good driver...."Li Xin was in the audience watching Tony from the start to the corner he just passed and was really amazed. Maybe this is genius.

After that, Tony kept the parking space. Although he couldn't overtake, he could keep up with the pace of the F1 car!

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