"This person is Ava's classmate, right?" Mr. Wells asked Aiden beside him in disbelief.

"It should be him. We even had dinner together...."

Aiden was also shocked at this time. He didn't expect Li Xin to have such courage. It was so cool....

Ivan Vanko had already come to Tony's car on the track. With a"crack", an arc of electricity struck, and the upside-down car instantly became neatly split in two.

Tony had already hidden himself and walked behind Ivan. Tony picked up a racing board and hit it, but the two were not heavyweights after all. Ivan easily took it and threw it at Tony.

""Snap!" Tony quickly raised his shield to block the lightning but was still thrown away by it, and fell backwards.

At this time, Ivan raised the whip again and swung it at Tony. Just as Tony was trying to move backwards, he felt a strong force pulling him back to avoid the lightning whip.

Tony turned his head and looked at Li Xin, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately you are here. It seems that it was right to ask you to come and watch the race."

Li Xin put on the goggles and raised the steel pipe that he had dismantled somewhere on the road. His eyes had turned into three-magatama Sharingan.

"You retreat first, I'll help you stop him"

""Pah!" Just as Li Xin was talking, another whip came over, but this time it only hit the ground next to Li Xin.

"This is none of your business, kid, leave now"

Ivan, Vanke said to Li Xin in a deep voice;

"This is impossible, sir, you have to get past me first."

Li Xin said as he quickly attacked Ivan from the side.

Ivan sighed and had to whip Li Xin, but Li Xin dodged it easily by leaning sideways. Then he began to draw Ivan Vanko's attention to the other side.

Although Ivan's lightning whip looked intimidating, Li Xin could easily kill the other party if he wanted to.

But Li Xin would not do this. First, he did not want to kill someone in public and display his extraordinary power. Second, Ivan did not kill him, but was just driving him away.

""Shua~Pah!" The lightning whip continued to swing towards Li Xin, but Li Xin always managed to dodge it in advance.

Ivan's whip seemed to swing very hard, but in fact it was random, so Li Xin seemed very dangerous to outsiders, but in fact he was dodging casually as if he had turned on a script, and the lightning whip had no chance of hitting him.

At this time, Ivan Vanko seemed to have discovered that the young man on the opposite side was moving too exaggeratedly, and the position he swung was always dodged by the other party in advance. He was a bit like a clown swinging and slashing randomly here.

"You asked for this, a punishment from heaven!"

Ivan Vanko increased the power of the lightning whip in his hand again, and with a"crackling" sound, the lightning became even brighter!

However, the forward swing of this move was too slow for Li Xin. The moment the opponent raised his arm, Li Xin threw the iron rod in his hand forward with force.

"With a"clang", the iron rod hit Ivan's right wrist accurately. Ivan's whip, which was originally like a whip of thunder and lightning from heaven, suddenly stopped.

"Well done!"

Tony, who was standing near the guardrail not far away, saw this scene and clenched his fist to cheer, but then he saw a luxury car rushing over in front of him, and in front of the luxury car were Li Xin and Ivan Vanke.

"No no no, Happy!"

The roar of the car behind him turned into a violent braking sound. Li Xin naturally noticed it and turned to look at the luxury car that was about to hit him. Li Xin quickly dodged.


Li Xin cursed inwardly and jumped onto the guardrail next to him.

The car just rushed straight towards Ivan. Since Ivan was not as agile as Li Xin, and was a little confused because Li Xin had just interrupted his spell, he was hit by the luxury car against the wall with the sound of brakes, and fainted.

"Are you okay?" Happy asked Tony nervously.

Tony also followed Li Xinzheng's example and lay on the fence, looking at Happy with a frightened face.

"I'm fine..."

Tony looked at Ivan who seemed to have fallen into a coma and said, then he jumped down and walked towards the limousine, ready to get in and leave.

"Are you crazy! What are you doing? You want to die!" Pepper yelled at Tony in tears;

"We need to increase security!" Tony tried to communicate with the emotionally broken Pepper;

""Get in the car!" Pepper shouted again.

Tony wanted to explain that his car had nothing to do with the accident, but he could only go back to explain it. However, just as Tony opened the car door, he was pulled back by a strong force.

Before Tony could react, there was a"snap" and the door was split in half by a flash of lightning!


Little Pepper was completely overwhelmed by this thrilling moment and could only cover her eyes and scream.

""Throw the box over to me, give it to me quickly!" Tony said to Pepper, but when Happy was trying to reverse the car and hit it again, Pepper's mind had already gone blank.

Li Xin, who pulled Tony away, looked at the situation in front of him and didn't know what to do for a while. Pepper yelled that Li Xin had a headache.

""Pah!" Another whip of lightning went down, and a corner of the luxury car was directly chopped off!

But fortunately Ivan was not going for anyone, this was the other side where no one was sitting.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Xin hurried to the back seat of the luxury car, snatched the metal box from the little pepper who was covering her head and yelling, and then threw it back and dropped it right at Tony's feet.

"Nice pass!"

Tony stepped on the box and it began to change mechanically. Tony put his hands into the mechanical gauntlets that appeared in the box.

As Tony pulled the box to his chest and opened his hands, the box quickly spread all over Tony's body like a living mechanical part.

Seeing Iron Man about to appear, the audience who had not left the scene burst into cheers again.

"Please stop yelling, ma'am!"

After saying that, Li Xin quickly unbuckled Pepper's seat belt, picked her up and carried her on his shoulders, ready to leave here first. After that, the battlefield was handed over to Iron Man.

""Pah, pah, pah."

Happy was still in the driver's seat, watching in despair as his beloved car was being disintegrated bit by bit by the lightning whip.

Iron Man, who had completed his transformation, came to the side of the luxury car and kicked it away to a safe distance. Happy quickly unbuckled his seat belt, jumped out of the car, and rolled on the ground, his face flushed, with one hand making the sign of a cross on his chest. At this time, Iron Man and Ivan Vanko, who was full of fighting spirit, also officially started fighting.

""Pop, pop, pop!"

Tony was about to fire the energy cannon when Ivan's lightning triple whip hit him in the face and interrupted him........

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