After Iron Man was hit by the lightning whip, Tony stepped back to adjust the distance and raised his hand to fire the energy cannon again.

Iron Man's palm flashed with energy, and a sound of charging was heard."Bang" the energy cannon blasted towards Ivan.

""Pah!" But Ivan just dodged sideways and whipped the whip to accurately destroy the energy cannon.

Seeing this, the unbelieving Iron Man changed his posture again and fired another palm cannon.

""Snap!" But Ivan's lightning whip seemed to have automatic absorption, destroying the energy cannon again.

Just when Tony wanted to fire the palm cannon again, Ivan didn't give him a chance, and suddenly swung two whips at Iron Man,"Snap, Snap!"

Iron Man staggered and lost his balance after being whipped twice. Ivan instantly seized the opportunity, swung a whip on Iron Man's neck, and then wrapped another whip around Iron Man, and swung him into the air behind him with a move of"Heaven and Earth Return"."

"Bang! Bang!"The fierce sound of metal colliding and the sound of electromagnetic flow were loud in the center of the stadium. Seeing Iron Man being beaten and falling into a disadvantage, the audience stopped cheering and gradually became worried.

But Ivan was wearing only a"civilian suit" after all. Although he had the upper hand for a while, he failed to cause substantial damage to Iron Man. He only damaged some armor and lost some paint.

Just when Ivan wanted to throw Iron Man away again, Iron Man grabbed the whip on his neck, and then walked forward with the whip in a left and right lunge.

Seeing this, Ivan could only swing the whip twice randomly, but it was too late. Iron Man wrapped the whip around Ivan and ignored the flashing arcs on his body. He punched Ivan in the abdomen and face with two punches! Then he threw him over the shoulder.

Ivan fell to the ground instantly, and Tony bent down and took off the reactor on his chest, and the battle was over.

As the audience cheered passionately again, the fully armed armed police hurried up and pulled Ivan Vanko away.

"you....You lose, haha...."Ahahahaha,"

Ivan Vanko, who was dragged away by the police, said to Iron Man, whose armor looked badly damaged and black in appearance, spitting blood; and Tony looked down at the reactor in his hand. At this moment, he was also a little shocked, because he was too familiar with this thing....

""Bang~" Tony crushed the reactor in his hand, and looked at Ivan Vanko who was going away, not knowing what he was thinking.

With Ivan's arrest, the chaos ended. The police and medical staff, with the cooperation of the on-site staff, carried out cleaning and post-processing work.

And this classic racing event came to an end. However, for reporters, this year's Grand Prix is more exciting and worth reporting than previous Grand Prix.

With the end of the battle, Li Xin pulled up Happy who was sitting on the ground;

"You drive well, don’t drive like that next time," Li Xin said while pulling Happy;

""Young man, you are great, as brave as I was back then,"

Happy said with a smile, and then apologized for almost bumping into Li Xin.

At this time, the big screen at the scene also captured the focus of the scene, one was Iron Man, and the other was Li Xin, who was wearing a black sportswear and goggles on his head.

"As you can see, just after Mr. Stark showed everyone inexplicable high technology, a suitcase turned into the superhero Iron Man and successfully solved the terrorist who could control lightning."

"But there are a few who I think deserve our attention even more. They resolutely rushed into the stadium to fight the terrorist in the face of danger."

"Here I want to give special praise to that young man, who helped Mr. Stark at the critical moment."

When he said this, the commentator choked up, but he quickly adjusted himself and continued:

"This young man is just like you and me, an ordinary person, without any superpowers, but his courage to face the terrorists has won Mr. Stark precious time to transform. Ah, what a precious act of bravery!"

At this time, Li Xin looked at herself on the big screen, and she waved and greeted Happy like a child, and then left the scene with the police amid the applause and encouragement of the audience.

At the exit passage, a group of reporters surrounded Li Xin and interviewed her. Seeing this, the policeman next to her quickly blocked Li Xin's way.

"Hello, what were you thinking at that time? Why did you rush in?"

"Did you know you could lose your life over this?"

"What is your relationship with Tony Stark?"......

In response to these reporters' questions, Li Xin just wanted to explain herself;

"Yes, I am a fan of Iron Man, I have loved Mr. Tony Stark since I was a kid"

"I thought I might die, but even if I died, Mr. Stark couldn't die. Iron Man can protect everyone, but at the same time Tony Stark also needs everyone's protection."

"I have always believed that there are no heroes who fall from the sky, only ordinary people who stand up, and Tony Stark is a hero, we need him"

"What I want to say is that when heroes cannot fall from the sky, ordinary people can also stand up...."

Then, amid a flurry of snaps from the reporters, Li Xin was sent back to the hotel by the police.

Although Tony managed to get through the ordeal in his previous life, the situation at the scene was actually very dangerous. What if Ivan really whipped Tony to death?

Although Li Xin exposed himself to the public this time, he actually just performed a few left and right moves and then threw an iron rod to interrupt. Moreover, after gaining this wave of popularity, if there are any subsequent tasks of being a star, it will greatly increase the progress of the tasks.

The moment he returned to the hotel, Darlene rushed up to hug Li Xin and cried, saying;

"Don't you want to live? If something happens to you in such a dangerous situation, how can I explain it to Bonnie?"

John gave Li Xin a thumbs up. Catherine and Matt even regarded Li Xin as an idol.

""It's okay, don't worry. I just went down to help Mr. Stark delay for a while, and the terrorist didn't want my life."

Li Xin said comfortingly; but compared to the simple report from Li Xin, Tony was once again caught in the whirlpool of public opinion. After all, the Ark reactor technology was suspected to have been cracked, which was big news for the whole world.

In a corridor guarding the prison, Tony, in a suit, walked briskly accompanied by the local police leader.

"We checked his fingerprints but found nothing, not even his name."

"I don’t even know if he speaks English, he didn’t say a word after he came here," a prison official said in French;

"5 minutes" Tony replied in French; this was an opportunity he had gained through connections, and he wanted to ask this person in person

"This way."

The prison guard opened a cell door. Tony went in and closed the door.

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