At this time, Ivan Vanko was sitting quietly on the bench in the cell with handcuffs and bare chest, as if he had known that Tony was coming to find him.

"The technology is quite impressive, but the rotation speed is a bit low." Tony slowly walked to Ivan's side.

"You could have doubled the speed." Tony observed Ivan Vanko's face and found that he had never seen him before and had never had any intersection with him.

"Let the anti-energy be concentrated through the ionized plasma pipes. It works, but it's not very efficient. But it's still a good imitation."

Tony said and sat on the bench next to him, then continued;

"I don't quite understand. You only need to operate it a little bit and you can make a lot of money. You can sell it to North Korea, China, Iran. Or sell it directly to the black market, because you look like you have some gangster friends."

Tony said quietly while looking at Ivan's muscular body, tattoos and fierce face;

"Your family...are all thieves and butchers, and now you, like all guilty people, want to rewrite your own history. But you forget the lives that the Stark family destroyed."

Ivan Vanko finally turned around and said to Tony in stiff English;

"Speaking of thieves, where did you get your design from?"

Tony could naturally hear Ivan's sarcasm, so he looked into Ivan's eyes and asked back;

"My father, Anton Vanko."

Ivan Vanko also looked at Tony and answered quietly, as if he wanted to see what emotions he would have when hearing this name.

"I haven't heard of him." Tony really has no impression of this name

"My father is the reason you are still alive" Ivan looked at Tony and said slowly and mockingly;

"The reason I'm still alive is because you had a chance and you missed me"

"Really? If you can make God bleed, people will stop believing in him. If there is blood in the water, sharks will come around. Actually, I just need to sit here and watch the world swallow you up."

Ivan said with a mocking look on his face. Although he failed to defeat Iron Man head-on, he also knew that Tony's future would definitely be difficult.

"Watch the world swallow me, yes, in a cage? Don't worry, I will send you a bar of soap." After saying that, Tony turned away without saying anything more.

Just as Tony was about to open the door and leave, Ivan turned around and said again;

"Hey, Tony, after you leave, the death from palladium poisoning infiltrating the chest will be very painful."

Tony listened quietly and knocked on the door without saying a word. After seeing Tony leave, Ivan laughed happily in the detention room.....

At this time, Li Xin in the hotel also received a call from Happy. Tony arranged a car to pick up their family at the hotel and take Tony's private plane back to New York.

When they arrived in front of Tony's private plane, Happy and Li Xin had a deep hug.

"Fortunately, you are here today. We will be good friends from now on."

Happy was naturally grateful to Li Xin, the young man, for his key move in the early stage. If Tony had any accident today, Happy would never forgive himself.

Afterwards, with Matt's excited laughter, everyone boarded Tony's private plane. Looking at this luxurious private plane, Li Xin was envious.

There were not only kitchens, offices, bedrooms, but also bars and dance halls, as well as Tony's own modified temporary studio.

"Damn capitalists!..."

"Hey, thank you very much today. This is my business card. You can contact me anytime if you need anything in the future."

Pepper said to Li Xin thoughtfully on the plane.

Li Xin also understood Pepper at this time. After all, she worked hard to help Tony run the company. So many things happened not long after she took office as CEO. Tony's irresponsible attitude of hurting herself made her even more sad.

Later, Li Xin also saw Tony in the kitchen. At this time, Tony was squatting in the kitchen, looking at the fish in the tank in confusion, wondering what he was thinking.

"What, are you communicating with this fish?" Li Xin said with a smile;

"Oh, you came just in time. Thank you for today. Great pass today, man." Tony saw that it was Li Xin and hurried over to shake hands and said

"Are you okay? You don't look very well," Li Xin said after shaking hands.

Tony hesitated but turned his head and walked towards the fish tank. After using Iron Man today, his blood palladium toxin has reached 55%.

But Tony is not the kind of person who likes to ask for things from others. It was incredible when he said those words in the bathroom today.

"Yes, I want to make this fish into a dish, but I don't know where to start. Have you ever cooked before?"

Tony reached into the water tank to grab it, but the fish twisted a few times and shook Tony off, splashing some water on his face.

Just as Tony was about to find tools to catch the fish, Li Xin reached out and grabbed the live fish firmly.

As the fish struggled desperately in the air, Li Xin pressed the fish on the chopping board in an instant, then picked up the knife next to it and knocked the fish unconscious.

Then he quickly descaled and gutted it, and with a few smooth movements, he removed the internal organs and cleaned it. He placed it in front of Tony.

"Sometimes if you ask someone for help, things will be much easier,"

Li Xin said to Tony, who was a little surprised, with a smile;

"You are amazing. This is the first time I have seen fish cooked like this."

Then Jarvis showed several cooking methods on the TV in the kitchen.

Tony also began to fry the fish by imitating him, while Li Xin watched and occasionally helped.

Half an hour later, both of them looked at the fried fish in the pan, which was obviously burnt, and looked at each other at the same time.....

"Ha ha ha ha...."Tony suddenly laughed for no apparent reason, and a few tears fell from his eyes as he laughed.

Li Xin didn't know how much pressure Tony was under, and didn't know how to comfort him.

After Li Xin scooped out the fish, she picked up a piece of meat and put it in her mouth.

"It’s actually OK, but it just looks bad on the outside," Li Xin said, and then motioned for Tony to try it;

"It’s really okay, but if I want to give it to others, I need a more perfect dish."

Tony tasted it and it was indeed not that bad.

After summarizing the reasons for his failure, Tony caught another fish and prepared to make it again.

Finally, Tony spent three hours in the kitchen and, with Li Xin’s suggestion, fried a classic tomato scrambled eggs.

""Perfect, great," Tony said happily after taking a bite, and then couldn't wait to take the plate and go out to find Pepper.

Li Xin looked at some of the"failed products" on the other plates and thought that her new good friend Happy must not have had lunch yet..........

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