As Tony drove an Audi R8 sports car away from the cliff mansion, at a military base in Los Angeles, Rhodes was carefully dismantling the reactor from the Patriot's chest and putting it into a box.

"Is this his energy source?"

Looking at the glowing reactor in Rhodes's hand, an American soldier next to him looked at it eagerly and said;

"Major, this is not a scientific exercise, equip him with weapons quickly, okay?"

As soon as Rod finished speaking, an excited shout came from the door of the warehouse;

"Oh yeah! Great! Come on! Is today my birthday? Hahaha."

Hammer, who was standing at the warehouse gate, was eating a lollipop and walking towards the place where the Patriot armor was placed with an exaggerated pace.

"You got it, you did it, wow, the reality is so beautiful, look at it,"

Hammer said excitedly while looking at the iron armor on the stage;

Hammer has been in a very happy mood recently. Not only did he successfully conquer Ivan Vanko with his personal charm, but he also got some support from the Senate in his career.

Now he can not only equip the"Patriot" with his own weapons and equipment, but he also got a place at the Science and Technology Expo, where he can display his own weapons under the matchmaking of the US government.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tony was once again exposed to scandals, broke up with his brothers and was suspected of being crazy, and the white mask that frequently snatched his news panel on the hot searches some time ago also collapsed.

Hammer can be sure that in the future, New York will be full of his news reports, and he will become famous again and become the guardian of the United States.

After Ivan Vanko's reactor technology is figured out. And then Stark Corporation is completely kicked out, he has begun to imagine the scene of shitting and peeing in Tony's backyard, and this day is about to come.

At this time, Hammer just wanted to yell:"There has never been such a wonderful start!"

As Hammer stood beside the Patriot with a lustful look on his face, Rhodes took off his anti-static bracelet and crossed his arms over his chest before looking at Hammer and said;

"Hammer, I want to know what you can do for us?"

Hearing Rod's question, Hammer took off the lollipop in his hand and began to explain to these American soldiers by drawing pie patterns with his hands;

"You asked me what I could do for you.....First, I'm going to upgrade your system, and second, I think..."

"I'm not asking about that, I'm asking about firepower."

Before Hammer could finish, Rhodes interrupted him and said, he couldn't wait to see his iron armor fully armed.

"Then you have found the right person."

Hammer smiled and said, then he bit the lollipop in his mouth and broke it into pieces. He began to call on his men to push all the equipment over.

"Claridge's high-tech, semi-automatic 9mm pistol, is it too small? I agree."

After a brief demonstration, Hammer saw that Rod had no expression on his face, so he immediately put the gun aside and started to explain other products.

"M24 shotgun, pump-action...Ok, you are not a hunter..."

"This is a Belgian FN2000 assault rifle. Yes, the Belgians do more than just make waffles...."

"This is the Mielke 40mm grenade launcher, tear gas, smoke bomb, simple operation.."

Hammer looked at Rhodes every time he displayed a weapon, but Rhodes, who was usually quite humorous, remained silent and acted like an expert.

This was actually a trick Rhodes learned from his seniors in the military procurement department. If you don't know what to say during a deal or negotiation, then don't say anything. Just look at the other person and do nothing.

"You guys are really hard to please. Well, let me tell you that size is very important. Don’t listen to what others say is unimportant."

After Hammer finished speaking, he turned around and took out a Gatling gun from the box and began to explain excitedly;

"This is the Minigun M134 7.62mm machine gun, with six independent barrels, which are crushed to pieces and reduced to ashes. The young men in the army call it the Gazelle Uncle or the Dragon's Breath."

Hammer, who was carrying the Gatling gun, looked around again and saw that Rhodes still didn't speak. He could only nod awkwardly, then picked up a small box from the back and began to speak with a pious look;

"Top quality, my precious Cuban cigars..."

After saying that, Hammer opened the box and took out a small missile the size of a cigar. He carefully placed it in his hand and said seriously:

"This is a kinetic-kill Sidewinder missile carrier, with a secondary cyclotrimethylene trinitrile explosive, enough to blow up a castle and a castle hidden underground. If he were smarter, he would write his own book, which would definitely be more obscure than Ulysses, and he could read it to you himself.

Seeing that everyone at the scene was frightened, Hammer once again raised the small missile to the overhead light and said sincerely;

"This is my Eiffel Tower, my Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 3, my classic, so beautiful that it can raze any building to the ground.....So, I call it"ex-wife~"

After listening to Hammer, Rhodes and the soldier next to him also touched their chins and thought. It seems that everyone present understands how lethal the"ex-wife" is in the United States.

"This is my best weapon."

Hammer put the"ex-wife" under his nose, smelled it, sighed and continued:

"Do you want it or not? Please give me a hint. You are just like the Sphinx. I can't solve this mystery."

"I want it" said Rhodes at this time;

"which one?"


At this time, in an office of a research institute next to the Pentagon, Nick Fury was looking at the white coats next to him with an angry look on his face;

"You mean, the excavator and the man's body were burned to ashes? Right under your noses? Are you kidding me?" said an Asian man wearing a���The researcher in the lab coat immediately lowered his head and explained to Nick Fury;

""Sorry, sir. This is our negligence in our work, but it all happened so suddenly and so fast that we simply could not stop it."

The researcher then reported everything. It turned out that a new red-haired colleague had come today.

However, during the research, for some unknown reason, the strange hand and the corpse suddenly caught fire and the temperature was extremely high. Soon everything was burned to powder. When everyone was trying to put out the fire, they found that the newcomer was also missing.

Nick patted his head after listening. He was not stupid. The situation here must be man-made. Someone did not want him to continue his research.

However, there was a strange problem. Avery and Evan were identified as missing persons many years ago. Now not only have they reappeared, but they have also gained extraordinary supernatural talents. There must be some secret organization behind this that he doesn't know about.....

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