On a road heading to Malibu, California, a silver sports car was speeding. Accompanied by a burst of powerful music, Tony's Audi R8 sports car had four city model wooden boards on the passenger seat.

Although the conversation with Pepper in the company was not pleasant, he may have found the key to the future.

Half an hour later, in the studio of the cliff mansion, Tony put the city model in place, blew off the dust on it, and said;

"Jarvis, please make a digital structural wireframe. I need an operational projection."

As soon as the voice fell, a blue light scan was completed. Jarvis made the entire model into a 1:1 three-dimensional projection.

""The 1974 Stark Expo model has been scanned, sir," Jarvis replied in a mechanical voice; then Tony began to rotate the entire projected model, spread it out, and placed it vertically in front of him, and began to observe it carefully.

"What do you think it looks like? Jarvis, does it look like an atom?

Then Tony began to look at the projection carefully.���Subtract, correct. Both hands are gesturing towards the projection while thinking

"Delete Trail...Remove the gardening landscape, trees and other...Parking lot, intersection..."

As more and more things are deleted from the model, what remains looks more and more like an element structure.

"Using the pavilion as a framework, construct protons and neutrons..."

Tony's eyes gradually moistened as he watched Jarvis slowly construct the remaining projections until they finally formed a new element. He was very sure that this was a new element.

Tony then looked at the image of the new element condensed in his hand and couldn't help but feel a lot of emotion in his heart.

"Dad, I never thought you could still teach me after 20 years of absence."

"The proposed new element should be a viable substitute for palladium, but I'm sorry that it cannot be synthesized now."

Just when Tony was still in a daze, Jarvis's mechanical voice sounded at this time.

But Tony just looked at the arm robot leaning towards him and smiled stupidly and said;

"We are preparing for a major renovation, and we are going to start manufacturing the hardware."

Tony said as he walked towards the bar. Today was worth opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate, but when he took out the bottle and was about to open it, he suddenly said to Jarvis;

"Call Philip, this good news must be informed to my good friend."

At this moment, Tony's mind naturally emerged with the 16-year-old young man. He had been tortured by the palladium element for so long.

He was the only one who believed in him unconditionally and provided him with the life-saving potion when he was in the most painful time. Today, he finally saw hope. How could he forget him?

After a burst of connection sounds, Li Xin answered the phone.

"Philip, I found it!"Tony couldn't wait to say it as soon as he got through

"Wow, congratulations Tony, you have found the key to the future."

Li Xin, who was composing a new song in the company, praised Tony with a smile;

"Come quickly, I opened a bottle of good wine, but you have to come quietly, don't let Coulson, who is selling insurance, find out."

As the call ended, Li Xin also stood up and said goodbye to Kevin and the teachers who helped him compose music.

"Thank you all teachers. Today's song"Wait Wait Wait" ends here...."..............

Half an hour later, Li Xin came to Tony's studio with pizza.

"How did you avoid the agents up there?"

Tony asked confusedly while eating his pizza;

"Because I'm like the wind...."

Li Xin wore goggles and showed a handsome smile.

After the two of them had eaten and drunk their fill, Tony started to work. He took a hammer and smashed it against the wall. After a few hits, his hand was numb and the wall was broken.

"Huhu~, hey, are you just going to watch like this?"

Tony, who was resting his breath with a hammer, said dissatisfiedly while looking at Li Xin who was lying on the sofa playing games;

Li Xin moved his phone away and looked at Tony with a smile, then motioned with his hand for him to sit over first.

"Jarvis, play my song"Take Me To Your Heart". It was just released today."

As a beautiful and lively music sounded, Li Xin quickly formed seals with both hands, Wei Hai Chou Xu,"Shadow Clone Technique". Bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~bang~

Following four puffs of white smoke, four identical clones were already standing beside Li Xin.

"Oh, God! You can even clone yourself?"

Tony said to Li Xin, covering his head with a look of shock. Tony seemed to be getting more and more curious about Li Xin. He would have to make a set of armor to restrain him.

"Shadow Clone Technique, B-level Ninjutsu, so let me do all the rough work."

As he spoke, Li Xin began to lie comfortably on the sofa.

Tony only needed to tell Li Xin's clone where to hammer holes and where to run the wires, and after the materials arrived, he could just help out.

"Here, it's you, Philip No. 3, connect the line to this end, thank you."

Just as Tony was calling out to one of his clones, suddenly all four of them looked at him at the same time, some with a smile on their faces, some with anger on their faces, and some with sadness on their faces.

"Oh, hahaha, this is really funny, isn't it?"

Looking at this humorous scene, Tony couldn't help but hold his stomach and laughed, then turned to look at Li Xin and said;

"You can actually clone yourself, so when you are alone, can you play with yourself?"

"No, I haven't tried it, but it must be boring."

For some reason, Li Xin thought of Naruto in Naruto....

Afterwards, in the joyful atmosphere of the two, the device began to take shape gradually, and even Tony did not expect it to be so smooth.

As night fell, with the help of the clone, Tony's particle collider and prism accelerator were quickly assembled, and Tony also breathed a sigh of relief.

During this period, Agent Coulson came down once and watched Tony dismantle the house by himself and install so many pipes and other things that he forgot what he was going to say.

"You did all this?" Coulson asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am working for your team. Do you want me to work or to cause trouble for you?

Tony joked while holding a level ruler on the pipe.

"How did this thing get here?"

At this time, Coulson saw a shield in the pile of debris nearby, took it out and asked Tony

"Oh, that's him, give it to me, I need this thing for my success"

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