"Name, gender, where do you live?"

Li Xin said coldly to the white boy who was an Iron Man fan on a rooftop.

It can only be said that this boy is very lucky. People near the exhibition were evacuated urgently, and only he was still wandering around. What a coincidence that he was right next to the robot corpse.

"My name is...Peter..."Parker, sir~"

Facing the masked man, the boy stammered; because in the news and at school, everyone said that the masked man was a demon who killed people without blinking an eye, and the cold tone under the mask made him even more scared.

Li Xin was stunned when he heard it. Looking at the boy in front of him who was about the same age as Matt, he was actually the Spider-Man of the future? The time was right, but looking at his cowardly look...

"Ahem~ Am I that scary? Tell me, why don’t you evacuate with your family?"

Li Xin asked coldly, crossing her arms over her chest;

"I...I didn't know it got separated, and when the robot started flashing red, I knew it was going to explode...."

Peter explained sincerely, but he didn't know what he was saying anymore. He stood aside awkwardly and glanced at Li Xin's mask from time to time, curious to see if the eyes in the dark shadows were really as scary as they were said on TV.

"Peter Parker, are you cold? You're shivering."

Looking at this future Spider-Man, who was at a loss in front of him, Li Xin felt like a villain. All he could say was that these unscrupulous media were destroying people's innocence.

"No, I'm not cold, it's just that your voice is too scary, and Mr. Jonathan said you are a demon and your eyes are red, um, sorry..."

After Peter finished speaking, he realized that he had said the wrong thing again, and quickly bowed his head to apologize; because his good brother Ned's grandmother said that the masked man must be the oldest wizard in their country, and he likes to catch disobedient children to practice magic and sacrifice them.

"Forget it, tell me your address, I'll take you home and give you some courage training."

Li Xin naturally wouldn't argue with a child, so he straightened Peter Parker and said;

"Sir, I live in Queens like you, and I heard some people say you are a hero, you have changed the environment in Queens...."

After discovering that the masked man was not as scary as he was portrayed on TV, Peter Parker started talking.

"By the way, sir, did you really chop off that man's head? You can subdue the bad guys and hand them over to the police. They are trustworthy. We can trust them and they can trust us....And can you really breathe fire?..."

Seeing Peter Parker suddenly start to ask a hundred thousand questions, Li Xin suddenly felt a headache, so she stopped talking and directly carried Peter Parker and jumped high, running towards the direction of Queens;

"God, I...I can't open my eyes...Oh! Haha, this is so exciting..."

Peter, holding onto Li Xin's shoulders, was excitedly shouting as he watched himself jumping and shuttling wildly between tall buildings.

Peter Parker had never experienced anything so crazy and exciting before. Not only did he climb up the tall building with just a few jumps, but when he found himself about to hit the office building in front of him, the masked man could suddenly change his mechanics and continue running on the walls outside!

While Peter Parker was cheering and screaming excitedly, he had no idea that he had disturbed Tony and Pepper who were kissing on a rooftop.

"What the hell? Was that the masked man who just flashed by? Oh my God, is he carrying a child?"

Pepper was obviously startled by the scream, and asked with a questioning look on her face;

"Forehead...Yes, but I'm sure he's not trafficking children, so let's just ignore them, okay?"

Tony said as he continued to hug Pepper and kiss her; he just managed to coax Pepper and get rid of Rod, the light bulb, and now he just wanted to cherish the present and this night....

At the top of the Empire State Building in New York, Li Xin put Peter Parker down from her shoulders.

"Have you been to this place before?"

Looking down at the endless lights of thousands of houses, the endless stream of cars, the bright and warm windows, and the colorful neon lights, Li Xin said with admiration; and Peter Parker, who was still panting, was also shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of him. This was a scene he had never seen before;

"It turns out that New York night is like this, so...Beautiful,"

Peter said blankly for a moment, and he suddenly felt that being separated from his family tonight was not a bad thing, because the experience tonight was so wonderful and exciting, just like a dream;

"But countless sins are hidden under this beautiful appearance. If no one helps to clean up these sins, they will slowly spread until darkness engulfs everything and there is no light."

As an 11-year-old child, Peter Parker obviously couldn't understand what Li Xin meant, so he looked at Li Xin curiously and didn't know what to say for a while;

"Peter Parker, if you also have the ability like me, would you be willing to clean up the crime for this city?"

Looking at the young face in front of him, Li Xin said slowly; because Spider-Man's performance in his previous life was really a bit lame, he liked to do things carelessly without thinking about the consequences, and he always made a mess in the end, but fortunately, Iron Man and Doctor Strange were willing to cover for him.

"Me? Sorry, I never thought about it. If I could really fly over rooftops and walls like you, I think I would definitely help more people."

Peter didn't know why he said this, but at this time, he was no longer as afraid of the masked man as he was at the beginning; 'Maybe the masked man is a warm-hearted uncle, but he wears a mask because he looks too ugly'

Thinking of this, Peter asked the question he wanted to ask the most, which is also the question that everyone in Queens wants to know;

"Sir, may I ask why you are wearing a mask? Can I see what you look like? Don't worry, I promise I won't tell anyone!"

Peter looked up at Li Xin and said expectantly;

"Maybe some things can only be done better with a mask on. It can also ensure that the people you want to protect will not be affected by what you are doing. Of course, this is also a way of self-protection."

Li Xin looked at Peter Parker in front of him, but in his heart he was thinking about his grandfather and Darlene's family. Maybe he should leave that warm family....

The Hand and the Society went dormant after they realized they couldn't swallow me, but who knows when they will come back?

And the recent Angel Organization, SHIELD is now almost infiltrated like a sieve, maybe one day I will be exposed, maybe the farther I am from my family, the safer they will be....

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