While Peter Parker was still thinking with his head down, Li Xin stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder, then squatted down and looked into his eyes and said:

"I have remembered your answer just now. Now, I will teach you the first lesson of becoming a hero!"

After saying that, Li Xin lifted Peter up with a smirk on his face, and then walked to the edge of the building, letting Peter Parker hang in the air and look down from a high altitude;

"No, no, please, please, masked man, don't let go! Oh my God!...Woohoo, I will never say you are ugly again!"

Peter was feeling the 443-meter high altitude, dancing and shouting; tears were flowing from the corners of his eyes without knowing when.

"You still say I'm ugly? Okay, okay, today I must let you feel the feeling of free fall from a high altitude."

Li Xin originally wanted to take this opportunity to train the courage of the future Spider-Man, and at the same time satisfy his own wish to take the leap of faith from the Empire State Building. So, regardless of Peter's crying and shouting to stop him, he slowly loosened his hand with an evil laugh....

""Ah!!! God!!! I will definitely be your hater in the future!!!"

Peter kept shouting in the air while feeling the rapid free fall; at this moment, he deeply believed what the TV news said, the masked man was really a devil!

Seeing himself getting closer and closer to the ground, and about to fall to his death, a big hand lifted him up again and flew towards the distant house, leaving only a few drops of crystal tears waving in the air....

Ten minutes later, in a residential area in Queens, Li Xin put Peter Parker down from her shoulders. Peter, who finally returned to the ground, felt his legs go weak and he fell to the ground wailing.

""Oh, God, I'm finally home. I've never liked lying on the ground so much."

Peter said with difficulty, panting. The experience tonight was too exciting. He felt that his heart was about to collapse.

As if hearing the movement outside, the door of the apartment suddenly opened, and a beautiful woman who looked 20-30 years old hurried out. The moment she saw Peter, she came forward with red eyes and hugged Peter.

""Peter, where have you been? You worried us to death, you know? We have already called the police, my God."

The beautiful woman cried while hugging Peter. Some of her relatives and friends came up to check on him. They were relieved to see that Peter was fine, and then came to thank Li Xin.

Li Xin also saw a familiar face in the crowd, it was his high school classmate Jenny. He didn't expect to see her here.

Jenny was also curiously looking at the masked man not far away, and the sudden eye contact seemed to give her a familiar feeling.

After sending the man home, Li Xin didn't stay any longer.

He jumped and jumped onto the roof of the opposite side.

After looking back at Jenny, he disappeared into the night.

After seeing the masked man leave, Peter began to complain loudly, saying that there was a real devil under the mask of the masked man, who threw him off the roof of the Empire State Building, and then carried him to jump and shuttle between the various high-rise buildings.

He also said that he saw Iron Man on a roof, which made the fat boy Ned on the side envious....

On the second day after the robot out-of-control incident at the Hammer Industries exhibition, in a remote warehouse, Tony was sitting at the table watching the follow-up of the riot last night on the video.

In the corner of the warehouse, Li Xin, wearing a three-magatama mask, was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed; Li Xin had naturally greeted Tony, and in order to conceal their identities, A Fei and Tony did not know each other.

At this time, Tony, who looked overworked last night, yawned, picked up a document report on the table and was about to open it. The cover of the report on the table clearly read"Avengers Preliminary Report".

Just as Tony was about to open it, a black hand reached out and pressed the report down;

"I don't want you to open it because I'm not sure if it has anything to do with you."

At this time, Nick Fury, wearing an eye patch, sat down across the table and stared at Tony with his dead fish eyes; then he picked up another report next to him and handed it to Tony and continued;

"This one is Agent Natasha Romanoff's assessment of you. Please read it."

Tony took the report and pondered for a moment before starting to read it.

"Personality Overview: Mr. Stark exhibits obsessive-compulsive behavior; um, I have to say, that was last week."

"Self-destructive tendencies; I was dying; and then...A typical narcissist? Well, I am~"

"Uh...Avengers recruitment assessment, Iron Man, can be recruited. Oh, maybe I have to think about it~"

Tony saw this, put down the report and said to Nick Fury with a smile; although he was very happy that he was recognized, he was still prepared to be reserved and it was impossible for him to agree casually.

"There's more to come, keep reading."

Nick Fury still looked at Tony with those dead fish eyes;

"Tony Stark, do not recommend recruiting?"

After reading this, Tony looked at Nick Fury with a puzzled look, because isn't Iron Man him? This doesn't make sense.

But Nick Fury slowly leaned back in his chair, crossed his arms and looked at Tony without saying a word;

Tony looked at Nick Fury with a puzzled look and asked;

"What does it mean, since you recognized me, you don't recognize me? I have a new heart now, I will still treat Pepper well and have a relatively stable relationship...."

Nick Fury sighed softly, stood up, walked to Tony and said slowly;

"So I���I think it's best for us to just ask you to be a consultant at this time...."

After hearing what Nick Fury said, Tony slowly stood up and shook hands with Nick, then said with regret;

"You can't afford me, so let the guy behind you work for you."

Tony smiled and walked towards the door, while Li Xin walked to the table and picked up another report to read. After a quick look at her information, it was written at the end of the report: Masked Man A Fei, recommended for recruitment. (Reporter - Nick Fury)

At this time, Tony turned around quickly and said to Nick Fury:

"But I can give up my commission and ask you for a favor. Rod and I are going to Washington to receive an award, and I need an award presenter."

Nick Fury looked at Tony's malicious smile and knew who he was referring to as the award presenter.

"I'll find a way".............

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