After Nick Fury finished speaking, Tony left the warehouse with a smile on his face. He had wanted to do this for a long time. He couldn't wait to see his hater present him with an award.

After reading the report, Li Xin asked Nick Fury with a puzzled look on her face:

"I also contributed last night, and I killed more robots than Iron Man, so why wasn't I invited to receive the award? Oh, didn't I make any contribution?"There are so many black fans of the masked man outside, and it's not easy to get a chance to receive an award to whitewash himself. Li Xin also wants to go on stage and say a few words to make Ah Fei's image better;

"You don't have to go, your identity needs to be concealed, so I applied for other rewards for you."

Nick Fury handed over a bank card and continued;

"This is your salary card. There is 1 million US dollars in it now. From now on, A Fei will be an official level 8 agent." After saying this, Nick Fury patted Li Xin's shoulder with satisfaction and turned around to leave the warehouse.

"Wait a minute, sir, I need another place to stay.���A place where no one will bother you."

He was happy to receive his salary, but this was his first time to receive a salary. The previous missions were all working for free.

And he really didn't want to listen to those people in the Catholic church reciting the damn rosary on time every morning and evening.

After hearing this, Nick Fury turned around and looked at Li Xin with a surprised look on his face. Does he look like a real estate agent?

""Okay, I'll have someone contact you later, but you'd better investigate that damn Lucchese family as soon as possible, and then find me that damn Angel Organization. There aren't many people I can completely trust now."

It can be seen that Nick Fury has been under a lot of pressure recently. He probably found that there are more cockroaches than he imagined after investigating within S.H.I.E.L.D., otherwise he wouldn't let a newcomer like Li Xin investigate the Angel Organization.

"Don't worry, I want to find them more than you do."

Although he didn't know how deep the Angel Organization was hiding, and how many experimental subjects like Avery there were, he believed that wherever someone walked, there would be traces left......

Three days after the turmoil at the exhibition, New York seemed to be back on track. Hammer Industries was always criticized for product quality issues. After the company's CEO was arrested, the stock market began to plummet, and the company was once in danger.

However, the development of Stark Corporation next door began to flourish. Although it no longer produces weapons and missiles, it has once again become the world leader in new energy and technological products, far ahead.

Pepper also began to show her iron fist as the new CEO. Not only did she quickly reverse Stark's stock market, but she also maintained the reputation of Iron Man and the entire company through public relations in just a few days.

On a sunny day, Tony and Rhodes were invited to Washington to attend the commendation ceremony. As the hero who saved New York, Pepper also dressed up Tony carefully.

As the leaders, reporters and spectators arrived, the commendation ceremony began with applause;

"Today, I am honored to present this honor to Lieutenant Colonel Jameson Rhodes and Mr. Tony Stark, who are our national treasures...."

Senator Stern, who was obese and had lips like sausages, was on the podium, giving a speech with a professional smile, and standing behind him were Tony in a suit and sunglasses and Rod in a military uniform.

After Senator Stern finished his brief speech, he took the medals from the tray beside him and put them on the two people with a smile on his face;

"Thank you for your outstanding performance, Lieutenant Colonel, you deserve it."

Stern patted Rhodes on the shoulder to show encouragement, but when he put the medal on Tony, he deliberately pricked Tony with a pin, causing Tony to make a slight sound of pain.

"Oh, sorry, a little thorn can make people so annoying, right?"

After whispering, Stern turned around and continued to show his warm and kind smile to the audience, then put his arms around Tony and Rod to prepare for a photo.

When a reporter with a camera came up to take a photo, Tony raised his right hand with two fingers, showing his bright smile, and posed for his signature world peace photo pose, as if to announce to the world that the high-spirited Tony Stark is back......

At this time, a celebration party was being held in a luxurious villa in Queens, and the host of the party was naturally Ava Wells, a new female singer who was currently popular in the New York music scene.

With her song"Someone You Loved", she not only won the best single of the week on the European and American music charts, but also appeared on the American Billboard, and rushed all the way to the top five, with a trend of becoming the first to become popular.

Also on the Billboard was Li Xin's previous single"Take Me to You Heart", but Li Xin's song has been hovering between the top six and the top ten.

Unfortunately, Li Xin's main song"Wait Wait Wait" did not perform well in its debut, and only made it to the top ten of the new song chart. It was the result of the company hyping up the popularity of Li Xin when she stepped forward to save Tony in Monaco; it can only be said that these foreigners do not know how to appreciate and understand art.

In a luxuriously decorated boudoir in the villa, Ava was looking up and down in the mirror with the help of her assistant, looking at her outfit today. The sexy tube-top evening dress completely set off her tall and proud figure.

Her fair skin, big watery eyes, exquisite makeup and precious jewelry embellished to the right degree make her look like a fairy from heaven, making people who see her unable to take their eyes off her.

"Oh, my dear girl, you are so beautiful tonight~"

Mrs. Wells smiled���She looked at her daughter in front of her and praised her proudly; she had finally trained her daughter to be a hot star in New York, and after listening to Ava's new song, as a mother, she shed tears of emotion; she was only 18 years old and already very popular in New York, if she continued to develop like this, she might become a queen in the future, oh my, she couldn't help laughing when she thought about it.

After Ava smiled and responded to her mother, she turned to look at her assistant and asked;

"Mr. Philip hasn't arrived yet?"

A beautiful assistant next to him complained helplessly after hearing this;

"Miss, you have asked for the third time tonight. Don't worry, I called and Mr. Philip said he would come."

Ava couldn't help but snorted coldly when she heard the assistant's words. No one knew what Philip was busy with all day. When she called him, his phone was either turned off or he didn't answer the phone. He didn't even answer any of the company's commercial performances. His effeminate agent was so angry that he went to the gym and lifted weights with his personal trainer every few days.

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