At this time, on a street not far from the villa area, several expensive sports cars were chasing each other quickly on the street. If you look closely, these people driving luxury cars are basically young people.

And each car has a cool and beautiful lady in the passenger seat; whether it is yellow, black, or white.

Mercedes-Benz, McLaren, Ferrari, and Porsche shuttled quickly on the street. And in the front was a highly modified Nissan GTR.

It seemed that after reaching the agreed destination, the GTR stopped at the last intersection at the end of the street and waited for the traffic light. A moment later, luxury cars also stopped at the intersection and lined up together.

""Aiden, have your driving skills improved again? I feel that you passed the curve in front very smoothly. If you don't know, you might think you are an F1 racer."

A Mercedes-Benz next to them lowered its window, and a young white man was praising Aiden with a smile, but Aiden seemed not to hear him and just continued to look ahead.

Seeing that Aiden ignored him, the young man named Stanley turned around with a forced smile and touched the thigh of the young lady on the passenger seat to ease the embarrassment.

Just as everyone was waiting for the traffic light, a roar of an engine flashed by, and a Kawasaki motorcycle passed through many luxury cars from the right and stopped at the front traffic light, leaving all the luxury cars behind.

At this time, Stanley, who had been frustrated, instantly became angry. What a broken car was parked in front of him, so he stuck his head out and shouted to the front;

"Hey, the one in front, keep your junk two-wheeler away, don't block me."

Li Xin, who was having a happy meal at Ava's house, was also stunned for a moment after hearing the scolding behind him; so he turned his head to check if he was being scolded.

At this time, Stanley, who was sneering, was also slightly stunned after seeing Li Xin,"Damn, it's really a narrow road for enemies."

After Li Xin tried to look at this familiar face for a few times, he also remembered who this person was, so he raised his middle finger to him and made an international gesture. Then he opened his mouth slightly and uttered a Chinese quintessence;


When Stanley was about to retort, he heard the word"SB" and suddenly didn't know how to respond;

"SB? What do you mean? Phillip, don't leave, explain it to me clearly."

As the green light came on, Li Xin was too lazy to bother with these rich second-generations, so he stepped on the accelerator and started quickly, disappearing at the intersection in the blink of an eye.

When he arrived at the door of the luxury villa, Li Xin was shocked by the magnificent decoration style. And did the rich woman Ava move to a new place? He remembered that the last time he went to see Catherine in the guise of Ah Fei, it was not this place.

"Who cares? I don't have to give gifts anyway. I'll just leave after the meal."

Just as Li Xin parked his car in the parking lot, a family Ford car parked next to him.

""Philip? It's really you, haha."

Jenny came over with a smile as she got out of the car, and hurriedly greeted Li Xin; at this time, a middle-aged man in the driver's seat narrowed his eyes after seeing Li Xin, staring at Li Xin with murderous intent.

"Hi, Jenny, how are you doing recently?"

Jenny was obviously dressed up today, with delicate makeup, and a close-fitting black dress that revealed her fair shoulders. Her pretty and lovely face had a mature charm, which was a change from her previous youthful and lively style.

After Li Xinwei looked at him for a moment, she naturally did not forget to say hello to the middle-aged man in the car. After a simple hug with Jenny, she came to the car window and said with a smile;

"You must be Mr. Taylor, I am Jenny's classmate, Philip."

Li Xin stretched out her hand and shook hands with Mr. Taylor. Just feeling the sudden increase in strength, Li Xin's face did not change at all.

"I've heard of you. I know you're famous and popular in school, but I hope you know your limits. You know, I've been a boxer...."

After Mr. Taylor finished speaking, he turned his head and said loudly to Jenny;

""Baby~, I'll pick you up at 10 o'clock."

Mr. Taylor gave Li Xin a warning look and drove away.

As Mr. Taylor left, Jenny naturally took Li Xin's arm and prepared to go in together. But just as they were about to leave, the group of rich second-generations drove over in luxury cars. When Stanley saw Li Xin, he deliberately honked at him.

Facing the provocation, Li Xin once again shouted at him,"Are you SB? Shit Danny?"

As Li Xin's impatient voice sounded, the other rich second-generations also looked at Stanley with a smile on their faces, wanting to see how he would respond; and Stanley blushed for a moment as he felt the mocking and on-the-spot eyes of the people around him, especially the Asian girl next to him who was looking at Li Xin in shock, as if wondering how he dared to curse Li Xin, a yellow person.

"No, what does SB mean?"

Stanley blushed, but he was not a moron. After feeling the faint pressure from Li Xin, he calmed down instantly. 'I have confirmed from the look in his eyes that he is someone I cannot beat.'

Li Xin was too lazy to pay attention to him after seeing how scared Stanley was. He just wanted to have a feast, so he pouted at the Chinese girl next to Stanley and said;

"Maybe you can ask her.

Because when Li Xin was talking about the national quintessence, the girl's expression must have understood, so Li Xin guessed that the girl should be an international student from China.

Sure enough, after Li Xin left, the Asian woman next to him smiled and took Stanley's arm and said;

"Honey, he said you are Super Boy, SB is the abbreviation of our Huaxia" but Stanley frowned and asked;

"No, the"scattering money" he said, does that mean SB?"

Stanley always felt like he was being fooled, but he had no evidence.....

When Li Xin entered the villa, she couldn't help but sigh, what a wicked capitalist.

There were soothing music playing, and everyone present was dressed up brightly. Li Xin also met many acquaintances at the party, many of whom were classmates from Zhongcheng High School. Of course, they were either second-generation rich people from wealthy families, or elite students who performed well in school.

""Philip, God, you finally showed up. Have you forgotten that you are an artist now?"

Just as Li Xin was chatting with Jenny about some interesting things during this summer vacation, a fashionable, slightly gay white man walked towards him with his hands on his waist. This man was Jamie, Li Xin's music agent in the company.

"Long time no see, Teacher Jamie. How are you getting along with your coach boyfriend?".........

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