"Long time no see, Teacher Jamie. Are you getting along well with your coach boyfriend?"

Li Xin said with a smile after a simple hug. Jamie just smiled and covered his mouth with his hands when he heard it, and patted Li Xin's arm. It can be seen that he must have been very happy during this period.

"By the way, I recently created a new Chinese song called"Big Bowl of Wide Noodles" and I have sent it to your email. Please find a musician who understands Chinese to help me compose it later."

Li Xin's songs are actually quite popular in New York now, but because Li Xin rarely appears on TV shows and rarely appears in the public eye, he is now in a state where his songs are popular but he is not.

Although it should be enough to complete the task of"Idol Producer", Li Xin still decided to add more fuel to the fire and improve his score a little bit. After all, the most popular song of the university must be arranged!

"OK~I know you are very productive in music, but if you want to be a star, you have to listen to me. The company plans to promote you and Ava as a couple and have them on the show together...."

Before Jamie could finish, Li Xin interrupted him;

"No, no, forget it. I don't have time. Besides, I've already said that I only do music. Besides, the copyright fees of my songs should be enough for my performance."

Li Xin sold the song he wrote for Ava for 200,000 yuan, plus 20% of the song's income, plus his own income from these songs, which is actually financial freedom.

It's just that he is still young and inexperienced. Because the entertainment industry is very complicated and he can't grasp it, he really doesn't want to get involved too much and spend too much energy on this aspect.

"Well, this is the first time I have met a young person like you."Big Bowl of Wide Noodles", right? I will arrange it for you~" After seeing Jamie leave, Li Xin let out a sigh of relief. It seems that being a star is not easy.

Jenny on the side looked at Li Xin with a strange expression, because she didn't expect that someone would refuse the opportunity to become famous;

""Philip, you are so talented, why are you so low-key?"

Li Xin looked at Jenny and didn't know what to say to her. In fact, because there are more fans, there will be more haters. He is very satisfied with his current life. If he didn't have a mission, he would not get involved in the entertainment industry.

Just when Li Xin wanted to explain, there was a burst of applause in front of him. The eyes of the audience were cast on the figure who was slowly walking down the stairs. That was Ava, the protagonist of tonight's party.

Ava, supported by her mother, Mrs. Wells, took her slender jade feet step by step, smiling and greeting people, while looking for someone in the crowd. Finally, when she saw Li Xin, she smiled charmingly. After going down the stairs, Ava was about to come over to say hello to Li Xin, but her mother hurriedly pulled her in front of a tall and handsome young man.

"Ava, this is Mr. Werner Herbert, his family is a supplier to Stark Industries..."

When the handsome white man saw Ava, he took her hand and kissed her with a gentlemanly smile.

"Ava is so beautiful, isn't she?"

Jenny looked at Ava with envy. After all, no woman doesn't want to be the center of attention. Especially a girl like Ava, who has a good personality, good family conditions, and is so talented, is even more rare.

But Li Xin's mind has long been on the food on the side. After all, there will never be a lack of food at a rich party.

Even some pre-dinner desserts were made exquisitely by the chefs. Especially those chocolate cakes, each one was made small and cute, so that Li Xin, who originally liked chocolate, could not withstand such a test.

Li Xin quickly ate one by one, and in the blink of an eye, she used the technique of clearing the plate. Jenny on the side was stunned.

"Phillip, aren't you afraid of getting fat if you eat so much at once? And I remember that artists need to manage their body shape."

Seeing Li Xin eating so deliciously, Jenny couldn't help swallowing her saliva; after all, in order to maintain her figure, she needs to carefully calculate how much carbohydrates she eats every day;

"Fat? That's just the beginning."

In the blink of an eye, there were several empty plates on the table. As a cultivator, Li Xin's appetite was much larger than that of ordinary people, and the food was really delicious. Li Xin couldn't control himself for a while.

And since he found that high-calorie food like chocolate could help restore chakra, he had no idea how much sweet and lovely chocolate was ruthlessly devoured by him every day.

This scene happened to be seen by Stanley, who was bragging with his female companion, and he quickly pouted and said;

"What a country bumpkin, are all you Chinese people so rude?"

Stanley said to the female companion he brought tonight while mocking her. He naturally knew that his female companion was an international student from China. He only gave her a simple hint and she was quickly taken care of by him. This was also the reason why Tanley always looked down on Asians.

But the female companion not only did not feel that she was also humiliated, but she also followed Tanley to mock Li Xin.

After all, Li Xin had practiced for so many years, and his ears were already many times more sensitive than ordinary people. Naturally, he could hear these humiliating words clearly, so he slowly looked at Tanley and walked straight towards him.

Tanley also saw Li Xin walking towards him, and he clearly felt something was wrong."What do you mean, does he want to beat me in front of so many people?"

Li Xin calmly walked through the crowd, walked in front of Tanley, and then asked lightly;

"Say what you just said again.

In fact, Li Xin usually regards rich second-generation people like Stanley as idiots, and has never bothered to argue with him. But today, after repeated provocations, Li Xin decided to teach him a lesson and let him know why the flowers are so red.

The sudden tense atmosphere naturally attracted the attention of the people around. After all, people are animals who love to watch the excitement, so the people around turned around and prepared to eat melons and watch the excitement.

Seeing that Stanley didn't say anything, a good buddy next to him began to pat his shoulder and said;

"Stanley, why are you so cowardly? Haven't you always been ignoring this country bumpkin? Don't worry, we will support you."

Stanley saw that the atmosphere had reached this point. If he didn't do something, he would lose face in the future. Besides, this yellow-skinned monkey was too arrogant. He actually dared to cause trouble in such an occasion.

"I say, you are a damn Chinese country bumpkin, don't think I don't know that your family is a stinky car mechanic!"

Stanley said to Li Xin with a comfortable face, and the rich second generation beside him also laughed, and even his Chinese female companion laughed at Li Xin with him;...............

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