Seeing that a conflict was about to break out on the field, Aiden, who was considered half the host, said to the two of them;

"That's about it, Philip, right? I know you are Ava's classmate, but don't make trouble here."

Seeing Aiden also spoke, Stanley continued to say to Li Xin with a sneer;

"Forget it, I won't argue with you. I guess this is your first time in such an occasion. Just apologize to me and I'll pretend nothing happened."

Li Xin was also amused by them. He had to apologize to someone after humiliating him? Li Xin looked around and saw the expressions of these people. Most of them were looking at him with a funny expression.

However, Ava was chatting and laughing with a tall and handsome white man introduced by her mother, and she didn't notice this side.

"Oh, forget it, I'll apologize to her later." Li Xin sighed and said in a low voice; but Stanley thought Li Xin was apologizing to him, so he quickly stretched his head over and said loudly;

"What are you talking about? Apologize louder!"

But what he heard was not the flattering apology he had imagined, but a sharp pain in his ears, as if they were about to be twisted off.!

""Hey! Hey! My ear hurts, it hurts, fuck!"

When Li Xin stretched his head over, he twisted Stanley's ear and walked to the lawn outside the door. Stanley's screams of pain instantly caused a commotion, and everyone looked in the direction of the two.

Seeing this sudden scene, some people had a triumphant smile on their faces, some were watching with interest, and some were worried and shocked.

But these had nothing to do with Li Xin. He had long disliked the kid, and he always provoked him like a clown to seek a sense of existence, so he just wanted to teach this man a profound lesson.

After dragging Stanley all the way to the lawn outside, Li Xin grabbed his collar and threw him to the ground. As Stanley screamed in pain, one hand roughly pinched his face and the other hand took out his mobile phone to quickly take a few pictures.

"I hope you can remember clearly what you look like now."

Li Xin said, and then she clenched her fists and punched Stanley in the face, and then she punched him without any skills.

Stanley came from a wealthy family, and he had never suffered such grievances since he was a child.

However, he wanted to fight back but found that he could not do anything.

He could only scream like a pig being slaughtered and let Li Xin punch him one by one.

At this time, everyone in the living room also reacted and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

However, they only saw Li Xin pressing Stanley to the ground and rubbing him frantically, and no one came to help even though Stanley was crying and begging for mercy.

At this time, the big shots in the living room also came over. After seeing the scene outside, they were stunned for a moment. What kind of hatred and grudges did they have to fight like this? So the people around began to point their fingers at Li Xin and began to curse and condemn.

When Stanley was beaten for 3 minutes, Ava, Jamie and several security guards hurried over to stop Li Xin.

"Stop, stop Philip, what are you doing~ Ouch!"

Jamie was the most uncomfortable at this time, because the people around him had taken out their mobile phones to take pictures here, and Li Xin, who had just debuted not long ago, had such a big black material, and her future star journey would be bumpy.

Li Xin saw that the fight was almost over, and after looking at Ava, she hurriedly stopped, then took out her mobile phone again and took another picture of Stanley's face that had become a pig head, and said;

"I don’t need your apology, I just need you to remember what you look like now"

However, just as Li Xin threw the still sobbing Stanley to the ground, the two bodyguards took action;

"You dare to cause trouble here! I think you don't take my Thunder Hand Wen Tailai seriously at all!"

After the security guard finished his gesture, he punched Li Xin fiercely.

""Be careful! Philip!"

Seeing the bodyguard suddenly attack, Ava hurriedly shouted to Li Xin to warn him.

At this time, Li Xin, who was looking at the photo album on her mobile phone and smiling, just turned her head slightly and just dodged the punch.

Then she quickly grabbed the arm that was about to withdraw and twisted it. The bodyguard fell to the ground with a scream, holding his arm in pain, tears flowing out.


After this move was used and a strong bodyguard was quickly knocked down, the people around couldn't help but exclaimed; at this time, Jenny, who had a starry face, had a white man wearing glasses standing next to her. He adjusted his glasses and said;

"Phillip was able to easily subdue the terrorist in Monaco, so it is reasonable for him to subdue the unarmed bodyguard with one move. Therefore, what Phillip showed in school is far from his limit."

Jenny turned her head and saw that this knowledgeable guy was her classmate Cooper Alexander;

"Cooper, your sudden appearance is scary, and why are you here? Didn’t you say you never attend boring parties?

Jenny said speechlessly to this nerdy classmate;

"Am I really here? Maybe, maybe I just won the decathlon academic award this year. Ava's mother always likes to invite some outstanding talents in the school to the party, but I think you should be curious about the one you are pursuing. Cooper has actually been observing Li Xin privately, because he has always suspected that Li Xin has a relationship with the masked man;

"Oh my god, I am really convinced."

Jenny covered her head with one hand, not knowing what to say. Her best friend was right, talking to Cooper should be understood like doing a problem;

"��"Don't you realize why Philip is so low-key? He has mastered the mysterious Chinese Kung Fu at this age, and both songs on the billboard are from him, but he has basically never appeared in the public eye, except for the time in Monaco. Have you ever thought about why?"

After Cooper finished a long string of words, he adjusted his glasses and looked at Jenny quietly; at this time Jenny was also stunned, and couldn't help but think of the scene when the masked man sent her cousin Peter home that night, and the feeling of knowing when they looked at each other, and then the back of the masked man walking, seemed to overlap with Li Xin's figure for a moment.

Jenny looked at Li Xin on the lawn with some surprise, and said in disbelief for a moment;

"this...This is impossible"

"Have you ever observed that the masked man usually comes out after 3pm? That time is right after school, and Philip has never joined any clubs."

"There have been many bank robberies in Queens in the morning, but the masked man never shows up. Don't you think it's a coincidence?"

Cooper calmly analyzed the situation and adjusted his glasses again, then continued to say to Jenny;

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