"Actually, I have a way to test the relationship between Philip and the masked man....."

After that, Cooper whispered something in Jenny's ear, and Jenny looked serious.

At this time, outside on the lawn, Li Xin wiped the blood off her hands and said apologetically to Jamie;

"Teacher Jamie, you have seen that I can't get into the entertainment industry with my personality. You don't have to focus on me in the future."

Jamie was so angry that he put his hands on his waist and looked at Li Xin with regret. He was actually very optimistic about Li Xin's career. He was talented and handsome, and he had saved Tony Stark.

Jamie was confident that with a simple hype, Philip would definitely become a top star in New York, but he still wanted to keep Li Xin. After all, beating people was a small matter. Even if he knocked a traffic policeman to pieces, he could get you back with public relations as long as the money was in place.

"Listen to me, Philip, this is not a big problem. We have a very good public relations team, but you have to promise me that you will listen to me in the future, okay?"

Li Xin looked at Jamie who was about to stick to her face, and couldn't help but clenched her fists again;

"Let's ask someone to take the person on the ground to the hospital first...."

At this time, Ava finally spoke up to help Li Xin out. Although she didn't know why Li Xin wanted to hit this person, she believed that Li Xin was not a psychopath with a bad temper.

As several waiters and the remaining bodyguard came over and carried away Stanley and the bodyguard whose hand Li Xin had cut, Ava also frowned and began to question Li Xin.

"Philip, shouldn't you say something to me?"

After looking at the people around him, Li Xin sighed and apologized to Ava:

"Sorry, Ava, maybe I'm just not cut out for this kind of situation. I'll write a song to make it up to you. Maybe Stanley is right. I'm just a country bumpkin...."

"But I don't regret beating up that clown."

After saying that, Li Xin no longer lingered and thought about the feast, and turned around and walked quickly towards the door.

"Wait, Philip, the party hasn't even started yet...."

Seeing Li Xin leave so abruptly, Ava hurriedly chased after her, shouting; but the evening dress she was wearing meant that she couldn't run, and she almost fell after taking two steps. Fortunately, Jamie, who was beside her, helped her up.

At this time, Ava's mother and brother Aiden also came forward to check, but Mrs. Wells pointed at Li Xin's back and scolded her;

"What a barbarian, this kind of person has no idea what gentlemanly spirit is, and doesn't even know the most basic manners. This kind of person is really disgusting."

After saying that, he continued to instruct the butler beside him that such people would never be allowed to step into this place in the future; however, Ava had a gloomy face at this time, and looked at the two of them angrily and said slowly;

"Why are there so many"strangers" at my party?"

Aiden, who was standing by, touched his nose awkwardly after seeing his sister in a bad mood.

"Ava, that's Stanley, he said he's from your school too, so I...."

As Aiden was explaining, Ava suddenly interrupted angrily with red eyes;

"enough!...I'm tired, let's end the party tonight..."

After saying that, Ava wiped her tears and walked towards the house, but Mrs. Wells was not satisfied, because she had worked so hard to set up the game, how could it end just like that? So she said to Ava in a low voice;

"Ava, please stop being so willful, Mr. Herbert is still here."

After hearing her mother's words, Ava turned around and looked at her mother disappointedly, tears flowing from her red eyes again;

"Yes, you only care about your reputation forever, you don't know what I want at all."

After Ava finished speaking loudly, she quickly passed through the crowd who were talking and fled back to her room.

With the sudden change, the party seemed to be over before it even started, but some people who took pictures and ate melons smiled with satisfaction.

At this time, on the streets of Queens, a motorcycle was running fast on the street like lightning, and only a violent roar of the engine was heard, accompanied by a black shadow flashing by.

Seeing this speed of racing with the King of Hell, the residents living nearby couldn't help but shake their heads and sigh;

""It's really like a will-o'-the-wisp goes off, and your parents have raised you in vain."

The motorcycle was driven by Li Xin, and under his helmet, a pair of three-magatama Sharingan were slowly spinning, and the city scene was passing by him.

As he walked further and further away, there were fewer and fewer pedestrians, and Li Xin stopped in front of an old house in the suburb of Great Neck; this place was exactly the house Nick Fury had found for him, remote and safe, with no one to disturb him, and a cemetery not far away. People living here are generally welfare institutions such as nursing homes.

Yes, Li Xin has moved out of his aunt's house and started to be officially independent, and living here, he doesn't have to pay rent, and doesn't have to deal with people, just right for quiet practice.

While Li Xin skillfully took out the ingredients from the refrigerator to make dinner, he called Happy. Seeing the performance cars of the rich second generation, Li Xin decided to arrange one for himself; after a series of phone connection sounds, a deep voice on the other end of the phone answered the phone;

"This is Happy Hogan~"

"Happy, I'm Philip."

"Oh, Philip, my good man, your song is great, I've been listening to it recently, Wait Wait Wait~ It goes like this, right?"

Just as Happy was about to continue singing, Li Xin quickly stopped him and said;

"Happy, my good brother, I still remember the days when we played against Ivan Vanko in Monaco. I hope you haven't forgotten it."

"Of course, tell me what happened to you, I will definitely help you"

"Happy, I need a racing car..."

Li Xin asked Happy to buy a Mitsubishi EVO 4th generation. In fact, Li Xin had wanted this car for a long time. Mitsubishi EVO is basically as famous as Nissan GTR in China, and compared with Toyota's Supra, Honda's NSX, Mazda's RX and other models, it is not as well-known to the public as Mitsubishi EVO and Nissan GTR.

Moreover, in the most famous Hong Kong-Beijing Rally in China in the late 1990s, the Chinese team used the Mitsubishi EVO. The important thing is that this car is different from other street performance cars. Mitsubishi EVO was born to participate in the WRC (World Rally Championship).

It is a real track sports car with an extremely good foundation and modification potential.

As for why Happy was asked to do it, it was because Stark not only has a team in the F1 event, but also in the WRC. Professional matters should be left to professionals, and this is also Li Xin's first real performance car in this world.

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