After Kolya finished speaking, he put down his glass and stood up. He picked up the coat handed to him by a younger brother and left the bar in a hurry.

At this time, in a van outside the bar, Crow was lying on the passenger seat, smoking a cigarette with a comfortable look on his face. When a younger brother who was on guard saw Kolya get into the luxury car and leave, he hurriedly turned around and said to Crow;

"Boss, Boss Kolya has already gotten in the car and left."

Crow, who was smoking comfortably in the passenger seat a second ago, suddenly opened his eyes after hearing this, and his evil eyes were already filled with murderous intent.

"Brothers, let's dominate the West today!"

After Crow finished speaking, he raised the shotgun in his hand and began to load it, and then a"click" sounded....

Meanwhile, on the street not far away, in a luxury car, Kolya was lying in the back seat with his eyes closed. Ever since the appearance of the white mask, he has always felt irritated.

Because what he hates most is people like this, who are capable but alone, and have no weaknesses that cannot be targeted; and since his appearance, his career has also begun to go wrong.

But he has no choice. Even the killer and the monster could not take down the other party. As a gang leader, he can only pretend that nothing happened.

However, while he was still thinking, a vortex-like space twist suddenly occurred at the position next to him.

"What the hell!"

Just as Kolya looked over in shock, a mysterious man wearing a three-magatama white mask appeared and sat beside him.

Just as he was about to shout, Li Xin had already put his hand on his shoulder, and the space began to twist like a vortex again, and Kolya was actually sucked into the scarlet right eye!

Then, under the unbelievable expression of the driver in front, Li Xin once again turned into a space vortex, and then disappeared again.


When Li Xin reappeared on a rooftop beside the street, the luxury car had already turned into dust in a burst of fire.

At this time, in the base camp of the Cockroach Gang in the Dream Chasing Bar, Crow was sitting in the boss chair in the office with a smile on his face, and a black man was kneeling below him.

This man was the boss of the Cockroach Gang who had a majestic face just now.

The dance hall of the bar had already been through a hail of bullets and became shabby, and many Crocodile Gang brothers outside were hurriedly carrying the bodies on the ground one by one to the trucks that had been prepared outside.

"Cockroach bully, do you think you are the biggest in the whole West District? I, Crow, don't take you seriously!"

Crow said fiercely and stood up arrogantly, then handed the gun to Gary who was sitting next to him smoking;

"Boss, if you fire this shot, you will be the leader of the West District in the future."

Gary, who was originally smoking crazily with his head down, looked at the always smiling Crow, and his hands trembled for some reason; he could not tell whether he fell to the ground because of nervousness, excitement, or fear, because everything happened too fast, and the Crocodile Gang developed too rapidly!

It took only three days to take back the territory of the former Crocodile Gang, and the Crocodile Gang has grown from a dozen people at the beginning to a large gang of nearly a hundred people.

Most of them were conquered by Crow's personal charm. Of course, the Crocodile Gang was not without trouble from other gangs during this period, but Crow was chopped from the Tenth Avenue to the Eighth Avenue by him with a machete in these three days.

According to the younger brother, Crow basically didn't sleep these days, and he chopped back and forth for three days and three nights.

Although Gary knew that this was an exaggeration, Crow was really different. He didn't play with women, didn't want money, only talked about loyalty, and was only dedicated to fighting for his territory.

"Gary, I know you, haha, you are just a softie, you dare not kill me. If you kill me, Mr. Coria will not let you go!"

Even though the black man was kneeling, he still maintained his domineering aura, which was the aura that could only be cultivated by being a superior for many years. Gary was obviously also intimidated, and the hand holding the gun began to tremble slightly;

"From now on, there will only be one gang in the West District, and that is the Crocodile Gang!"

Gary seemed to have confirmed something, and then he slowly pulled the trigger at the black man's head;


A gunshot rang out, and the cockroach bully fell in a pool of blood with his eyes wide open, while Crow began to scream and cheer happily. At that moment, the other brothers, led by Crow, began to shout in unison;

"The Crocodile Gang! The Crocodile Gang!..."

Gary was also laughing happily amid the cheers of the crowd, because from today on, he was the leader of the West District!

"Brothers, let's go to the Platinum Bar tonight and we won't go home until we're drunk!"

As Gary spoke, the cheers of the crowd reached a peak, but Crow looked at Gary with a cunning look on his face, and then smiled and lit a cigarette for himself.

At this time, on an unfamiliar roof, Kolya slowly opened his eyes. Just when he thought he was just having a nightmare, he saw the figure leaning against the fence in front of him. It was the masked man who frightened the entire gang!

But Kolya was a man who had licked blood on the tip of a knife after all. He soon calmed down and touched the pistol on his waist.

"Good, the gun is still there...."

Kolya let out a sigh of relief. Although the masked man had a great reputation outside and was said to be a god, he was also a human being. If he was a human being, he would die if he was shot in the head!

Moreover, the gun was faster at a distance of seven steps. This masked man was so arrogant that he didn't even put away his gun, right? Well, well, let's settle the old and new scores together later!

"Tell me everything you know about the Angel Organization, maybe you can still survive."

Just as Kolya was pretending to be unconscious and looking for an opportunity, a message came from under the mask.���A cold voice

"No offense, but Avery came after you because you killed his brother first, and we didn't need to do this...."

Kolya slowly stood up and spoke while relaxing the masked man's vigilance, then suddenly began to lower his center of gravity, quickly drew his gun with one hand, and then shot!


The whole action of drawing the gun was done in one go, as smooth as flowing water. But just when he was about to smile, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.


Li Xin quickly drew his knife and accurately slashed at the rapidly flying bullet. The knife flashed across in an instant, and the bullet was neatly cut in half!............................

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