Seeing Li Xin cut off the bullet with one knife, Kolya's expression was as if he had seen a ghost. However, he was an old gangster who had been in the gang for so many years after all. He quickly adjusted his state again, continued to hold the gun with both hands, began to aim at the masked man, and then quickly pulled the trigger again, instantly using the"Magazine Empty Technique"."

"Bang Bang Bang....!!!"

As a burst of rapid gunfire rang out, Li Xin's pair of three-magatama Sharingan began to spin rapidly, and in an instant, the bullets shot at him in Li Xin's field of vision began to slow down.

"Ding ding ding..."

Several quick flashes of knife light flashed, and the bullets fired only produced a few sparks in the air from the friction with the metal, while the others were all dodged.

Just as Kolya couldn't see clearly, a black shadow flashed by quickly, and he had been grabbed by the neck by Li Xin and lifted up;


Kolya felt the force coming from his neck painfully. In an instant, his face turned pale and he couldn't breathe. His expression gradually became dazed. He slapped Li Xin's hands with both hands as if begging for mercy. Tears were already flowing down his eyes instinctively.


As Li Xin let go, Kolya fell to the ground, began to breathe in the air, and then violently retched and coughed.

Then Li Xin did not give him much time to breathe, and saw the Tingfeng Knife inserted downwards, and Kolya's index finger on his right hand was accurately cut off.

"I don't want to ask again."

Looking at Kolya, whose fingers were cut off and he was kneeling on the ground wailing in pain, Li Xin said coldly with an expressionless face;

"I said...I said...Please, please don't kill me..."

After finally feeling the pressure from the masked man head-on, Kolya could only lower his head and beg for mercy, then began to tremble and tell everything he knew;

"The Angel Organization should be the organization of Avery Tucker. I only know that the Tucker brothers used to be responsible for smuggling and trafficking human beings...."

As Kolya was sporadically telling all the information he knew, Li Xin's brows slightly furrowed, and then he slashed with the knife again;


As Kolya screamed in pain again, another of his fingers was cut off.

"What I want to know is not these, what I want to know is how you contacted each other and how to find the Angel Organization."

Looking at Kolya who fell to the ground again, clenching his teeth and showing pain, Li Xin put the knife aside and continued coldly;

"OK, OK, I get it, fat worm!...It's Fatty. He used to be in charge of finding children for Avery in the family. Because they only wanted children under the age of 14, he had asked me to help him before."

"But after Fatty Chong played with the 'goods' too much one time, they stopped buying from us. Now Fatty Chong is in charge of the young ladies' business in the family. I can help you contact him!"

Seeing Li Xin cutting off his fingers when he disagreed with something, Kolya continued quickly;

Kolya really didn't dare to offend this kind of person who didn't threaten or intimidate you, and would just use a knife when he was unhappy; so Kolya had to sell out his good brother.

After Li Xin listened to Kolya's words with his arms folded across his chest, he began to look at the other party slightly, because he was considering whether to kill him directly, but after thinking about it, he still launched an illusion; and in Kolya's perspective, as the pair of scarlet three-magatama Sharingan were infinitely magnified , until only those eyes were left in his world, his mind began to go blank, and his body slowly fell to the ground.

Then Li Xin grabbed Kolya with one hand, jumped high, and disappeared on the rooftop in a few flashes, until an alley where an off-road vehicle was parked, Li Xin carried the unconscious Kolya and slowly fell from the air; and a tall beauty wearing sunglasses in the driver's seat pressed the door opening button after seeing Li Xin appear, and as Li Xin threw the unconscious Kolya into the car, Agent Hill said to Li Xin;

"Agent A Fei, the commander hopes that you can be more cautious. The turmoil in the West District has been too great these days, and too many people have died. He is also under great pressure."

However, Li Xin just closed the door silently, and then said coldly to Agent Hill;

"What does it have to do with me if the gangs fight among themselves? I am only responsible for gathering intelligence for you and arresting the experimental subjects."

After saying that, Li Xin jumped high and disappeared into the alley, leaving behind Hill, who looked slightly angry. After a cold snort, he hurriedly drove away.

However, with the annihilation of the Cockroach Gang overnight and the disappearance of Coria, the entire West District and Brooklyn began to gradually change.

The Crocodile Gang began to quickly organize their territory, and the bosses and uncles of the Green Gang also began to discuss countermeasures in a hurry.

In a luxurious manor in Brooklyn, several white people in luxurious clothes were enjoying dinner together; as a middle-aged white man with a gray beard at the main seat waved his hand, the waiter at the table bowed slightly and bent down to leave the room. And this man was the leader of the Lucchese family, Claro Lucchese.

As the door closed, everyone sat up slightly, and the middle-aged man with a gray beard at the main seat took a look at the empty chair and began to say in a deep voice;

"Have you found out everything about Kolya?"

As Claro spoke, everyone else at the long table fell silent. Only a fat, bearded white man looked at his friend's empty seat and said slowly;

"Only the driver's body was found at the scene of the explosion, and there was no report of any arrest or investigation by the police. Judging from the scene, he seemed to have been kidnapped."

The fat man was naturally from the Lucchese family.���There was a fat bug who controlled all the prostitution services in Brooklyn. He was also the only one who had a good relationship with Coria. It was said that the two of them used to like to hold parties together and organize group sex together.


As soon as Fatty finished speaking, Claro, who was sitting at the main seat, slammed the table and said:

"Humph, what a joke! The kidnapping is tied to our Lucchese family? Cha, the reputation of the Lucchese family cannot be violated. And the Crocodile Gang, I hope someone can deal with them and stop them from going too far."

Although Coria's recent performance was indeed not satisfactory to Claro, he was a member of the core management of the Lucchese family after all, and Claro just didn't want the Lucchese family to be too involved with the Hand and Society or other organizations that conduct human experiments.....................

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