"Ah? Oh my God! Monster! A man-eating monster...."

Just as the middle-aged white man was about to shout, a sharp cold light flashed across his neck, and the man's head slowly fell down with a look of horror on his face.

Li Xin's Tingfeng Knife, which still had a trace of blood on it, slowly changed its direction and pointed at the maids who had already huddled together and covered their mouths tightly.

Seeing that these maids were so obedient, Li Xin swung the knife in a handsome way and sheathed it, then began to look at the venue below.

At this time, in the venue below, fierce auction bids were erupting, one was a white old man in luxurious clothes, and the other was a yellow strong man wearing sunglasses.

"I'll give you 180,000! Young man, I know you've become famous recently, but listen to my advice, young people should not be too arrogant~ The water in Brooklyn is very deep, you can't grasp it."

After the white old man finished shouting the price, he stood up, squinted his eyes and said slowly to the crow; and as the old man spoke, some big brothers who knew the old man's identity also began to help the old man to accuse the crow;

"Humph! Crow, we know that you have a great reputation in the West District recently and founded the East Star, but those of us who are involved in the underworld cannot avoid dealing with people from the white world, so don’t be too arrogant."

But Crow seemed to have not heard these remarks, and still shouted at the host with an arrogant expression:

"180,000...000 bucks~"

This time, as Crow finished speaking, a black man next to him couldn’t stand it anymore, so he quickly stood up and pointed at Crow and said loudly;

"Damn it! Crow! Are you here to cause trouble?"

But the crow just took off his sunglasses and said to the black man with a joking look on his face;

"How can you say that? Bidding is based on everyone's ability. Can you and that old man bid, but we at Dongxing can't?"

After hearing what Crow said, the black man glanced at the white old man, and then continued to say to Crow;

"How can you be so nagging? Every time you bid an extra hundred yuan, how about this? I will bid as much as the crow bids....1 dollar."

After the black man finished speaking and sat down, Crow immediately showed a hint of ridicule on his face, and then said to the host on the stage;

"Heh~ How do you calculate this 1 yuan?"

The host saw that the scene was getting a little out of control, so he said to the microphone with an embarrassed look;

"Yes, it is difficult for us to deal with this situation."

However, Crow slowly stood up, took a cigarette and put it in his mouth, and then said arrogantly;

"Is it difficult? Damn, then don't do it!"

After saying that, Crow flipped the table with one hand, and the whole venue gradually became noisy, and the black man was also shocked by Crow's operation.

"Doesn't he know whose territory this is? Doesn't he know how many big guys are here?"

The black man's brain was working quickly. He knew that Crow was very arrogant, but he didn't expect that this Crow would dare to be so arrogant!

Frank, who was sitting next to him, seemed to be accustomed to Crow's actions. At this time, he sat there with a look of despair, staring at the sky.

After Crow overturned the table, a group of thugs in suits and carrying submachine guns began to rush here in a hurry, and immediately pointed their guns at Crow and Frank who were traveling with him.

But at this time, Crow lit a cigarette for himself with a relaxed look, and then ignored the gun pointed at him, and spit a mouthful of second-hand smoke at the face of the strong man in front of him with a smile;

"Wow, so it’s great to have a gun, so it’s awesome to have a gun? Come on, I’ll count to three, and after three you shoot me in the head, okay?"

After saying that, Crow held the submachine gun in front of him with a smile on his face, and then put the barrel of the gun against his forehead.

Crow’s action not only confused the burly man with the gun, but even the audience began to admire him a little.

Everyone knew that Crow was very crazy and arrogant, but he was so arrogant that he threatened others when someone pointed a gun at his head. It was really unreasonable.

Even the black burly man who spoke just now was shocked by Crow’s arrogance and domineering feeling at this moment;

"You are awesome~ Crow, I respect you as a man."

The black man thought that he could not be as arrogant as Crow when he was pointed at by a gun, so he sighed and said; and after the black man finished speaking, some people in the venue who knew Crow's deeds began to nod in agreement.


As Crow looked at the sturdy man counting with an arrogant face, the sturdy man holding the gun and Frank sitting next to him began to forget to breathe and tense up.

Just when everyone was nervously watching whether the sturdy men would shoot, Sylvia, who was on the stage with an indifferent face as if she had no desire to live, saw a ray of pure white light flashing next to the gunmen.


With a violent flash of lightning, blood instantly burst out from the neck of each of the gun-wielding villains!


After Crow finished counting, he snatched the gun arrogantly and threw it to Frank beside him, then grabbed the burly man who pointed the gun at his head with one hand, shook him and said;

"I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it! Huh? I gave you a chance, but you didn't use it either."

Then the strong man fell down like the others, and then lay in a pool of blood with a stunned expression on his face....

This time, everyone present was frightened, especially the host. He hurriedly called for security and quickly looked towards the second-floor box, but he didn't see their boss Fatty at the window. Instead, he saw a mysterious man wearing a white mask, who was pinching the thunder formula and flashing lightning.

It was Li Xin who had just used the"Yang Wu Lei - Little White Worm" to control the lightning, which instantly exploded on the necks of these people, killing them with one blow.

"Go take the goods on the stage home, I'll finish here."

The crow stretched lazily with a strange cry, and then looked at everyone present with murderous intent. After listening to the crow's words, Frank also walked onto the stage with a gun, and pulled Sylvia out, but Sylvia stared blankly at the figure wearing a white mask on the second floor, and tears flowed out uncontrollably..........................

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