As the masked man appeared and killed the security guards in an instant, the people present quickly stood up and prepared to leave this place of trouble.

But at this time, some people with submachine guns began to emerge from the venue. These people did not say a word and started shooting at the white masked man.

"Da da da...!!"

With a burst of submachine gun fire, the entire venue was instantly filled with sparks, and the bigwigs who came to participate in the auction were also looking for cover in this chaotic situation.

The moment he saw another group of security guards coming, Li Xin instantly turned into a flash of lightning, and quickly shuttled through the venue. At lightning speed, those bullets could not hit him at all, and with Li Xin quickly drawing his sword in a few breaths, he chopped off the heads of security guards one after another.

The entire scene began to become completely chaotic, with the sound of machine gun fire, shouting, and screaming. Finally, with a few swift and sharp blade flashes, the security members who came to support had all fallen to the ground and died before they could see the figures clearly.

""Go, go, go!"

After the Crow at the entrance dealt with the guard at the door with two punches, he hurriedly shouted to Frank and the others to leave quickly.

But at this time, the gangsters in the venue were not so relaxed. Although Li Xin easily dodged the previous shooting, others were not so lucky.

In this not-so-large space, stray bullets were flying all over the sky. I don't know how many unlucky people didn't even know when they were shot.

After Li Xin put the knife back into the sheath, he looked at the corpses on the ground in the venue and the strong smell of blood, sighed lightly, and began to quickly form seals;

"Art fire escape ho fireball..."


As a big fireball burned in the venue, the buildings and facilities of the First Love Club were instantly ignited by the fire, and then the fire began to spread gradually until it became bigger and bigger. On a telephone pole outside the street, Li Xin slowly emerged, turned his head to look at the burning building for a moment, and then turned away.

In a dilapidated warehouse, Li Xin was carrying a fat white man who was in a coma and threw him to the ground fiercely. As soon as she saw Li Xin, a slim beautiful agent in front of the computer at the technical desk turned around and said to Li Xin with an annoyed look on her face;

"Do we have to burn down the house to catch someone? I thought I had informed you, try to keep a low profile."

Li Xin looked at her beautiful boss and didn't know how to answer for a moment. Should she tell her that there were too many bodies inside and it would be easier to just burn it?

"Chief Hill, the situation was urgent and I had no choice but to do it. I'll leave this fat worm to you. I have something to do tonight."

After that, Li Xin hurriedly left the warehouse under the incredible expression of Agent Hill. However, as a senior professional agent, Hill still smelled a strong smell of blood in the air. At the

Mengyuan Bar, after Crow stayed by the window of the office for a while, he immediately began to summon Dongxing's men.

Later, in an activity room, Crow shouted for revenge for Gary and overthrow the rule of the Lucchese family. Amid the cheers of the crowd, cars drove towards a luxurious manor on the outskirts of Brooklyn.

On the way there, in one of the luxury cars, Crow slowly said to Frank;

"Frank, after this battle, the situation in Brooklyn will be completely changed, and East Star will hopefully become the largest club, so have you figured out how to manage it?"

Frank was a little sad when he heard what Crow said. He didn't expect that he would become the big brother of the entire West District in less than a week.

"Crow, what do you mean by this?"

It was the first time that Frank saw Crow discussing something with him so seriously, and he was a little uncomfortable for a moment.

"I mean, you will be the next gang leader, and you are from here. Isn't it always your dream to change this place?"

Crow patted Frank on the shoulder after he finished speaking. Just as he was about to close his eyes and rest, he thought of the black girl named Sylvia, and then said to Frank:

"You should take good care of that girl named Sylvia. I used to have some connections with Bennett from the Dali Gang."

But Frank pouted after hearing this.

"This is the first time I see you like this. Don't worry, I will have a good talk with her."

As the cars were driving aggressively towards the suburbs, at this time in the manor where the Lucchese family was stationed, Claro was looking at the empty seat on the dining table with an angry face; just as Claro was walking back and forth in front of the long table, a white man at the table seemed to be a little dizzy, so he quickly stopped him and said;

"Don't hang around, boss. Even if you are caught by the police, they don't know what to say and what not to say."

After hearing this, Claro smashed a vase and said angrily;

"Cops? I'm just afraid that I was caught by the cops! The man in white mask has started to come, damn, it's because of that organization called Angels. Once you deal with such people, you will be involved in big troubles if you are not careful, fuck!"

Although the Lucchese family looks very powerful, only he knows that when he is in big trouble, it must be an existence that he can never afford to mess with.

But before Claro could finish speaking, a mysterious man wearing a white mask with three magatama, a long robe and scarlet eyes suddenly"grew" out from the ground behind him.

This person was Li Xin. After using illusion to get the information from Fatty, he came here to work overtime to avoid any more trouble.

"Wang Defa? It's the white mask!"

A big brother opposite Claro hurriedly reminded Li Xin after seeing him, but before he finished speaking, Li Xin had already put his hand on Claro's shoulder. Before Claro could react, he was instantly sucked into the right eye's divine power in a vortex of space distortion.

""Oh! God!"

Obviously, this horrifying scene frightened everyone present, and they didn't know how to express themselves for a moment. But soon, a strong man picked up the knife on the table and stabbed Li Xin.

But before he could react, a sharp cold light flashed, and the masked man disappeared in front of him. Just when he turned around and wanted to continue looking, his neck seemed to be full of warm liquid....


Tingfeng's knife was as fast as lightning, with a flash of cold light, and the sharp blade was like the cold moon in the night, chilling people to the bone; a white man with a big beard was about to open the door with a look of fear on his face, but he felt a sharp pain in his body. When he looked down carefully, a sharp blade had pierced his chest from behind.

With blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth uncontrollably, he fell down and pushed the door open. In his last sight, the corridor that was originally dedicated to luxury was already full of corpses and blood....

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