“Fury, what do we need to do?” Steve asked with a solemn look.

“Just wait for my arrangement, and I’ll force these frost giants out of the city later, and you will be responsible for performing “decapitation operations” and taking out the opposing commander.” Fury said in a firm tone.

“Hi beauty, do you have time to have a meal together in the evening.” Tony asked as he opened his mask and looked at Hill, who was working seriously.


Hill replied fiercely.

Fury turned to Hill and said, “Turn on the holographic projection.”


Hill nodded, his finger on the computer screen, lightly, and then the holographic projection of the troops building the military defense line on the ground appeared in the hall.

Fury walked over and pulled it with his hand, and the entire military position appeared in the hall very clearly.

Just looking at these phantoms, you can feel how serious this position is and how depressed the atmosphere is.

At this time, the news of the alien attack on the earth has caused a sensation around the world, and the alien creatures that people have been looking for and cannot get have actually descended on the earth, and the first thing they did after coming to the earth was to conquer.

The undisguised desire of aliens has attracted great attention from people around the world, not only ordinary people, but even high-level officials in various countries have called to inquire about the situation.

As the president of country M, the most powerful person on the planet is in Congress at this time, facing journalists around the world, giving speeches.

“We love peace, but we are by no means weak, even in the face of powerful aliens, we still believe that victory will definitely belong to us in the end, we have 300,000 soldiers into the battlefield, we have the most advanced weapons on earth, we must use our own weapons to tell the entire universe, we earthlings are not easy to bully.”

The president was in Congress, delivering a shocking speech, and for a while the reputation of the President of Country M reached its peak, and everyone believed that the Earth would be able to defeat those damned aliens under the leadership of the President of Country M.

And this battle with aliens is also broadcast live globally through artificial satellites in space, and the picture of this battle is transmitted very clearly to the video equipment of every citizen.

Fury, who was on the space carrier, looked at the battlefield that had been prepared, turned on the headset and said: “Let 10,000 bombers carry incendiary bombs, divide into three teams, and gradually deliver incendiary bombs from the east, west, south, and three directions of Kentra City, force these aliens out of the city, and let him fight us head-on.”


The headset replied, and then I saw the bombers that had been prepared for a long time, carrying a huge amount of incendiary bombs, moving in an orderly manner into three teams, departing from the airport and flying towards the city of Kentella.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Endless incendiary bombs rained down from high in the sky into the city of Kentera.

After the incendiary bomb landed on the ground, it quickly burned a huge flame tens of meters high, and this carpet bombing like washing the floor suddenly shocked the frost giant who was robbing in the city.

The hot flames made the temperature of the entire urban area rise rapidly, and also made these frost giants who did not like high temperatures very disliked.

Laufei, who was enjoying human cuisine in a luxurious building, was very upset by this suddenly rising temperature.


Laufey roared, and then said with a look of disdain: “Human beings really don’t know whether they are dead or alive, and they dare to resist, Enoch, gather the army, and give these foolish mortals a little color.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

A frost giant in armor replied respectfully

Laufey walked out of the building, looked at the bombers flying in the sky, constantly throwing incendiary bombs, quickly raised his hand, and then dozens of bombers in the sky that were closer to Laufey were frozen into ice and fell from the sky.


After the bomber fell to the ground, it was like glass, shattered into countless pieces, and the incendiary bombs inside the plane also turned into ice cubes, which shows how powerful Laufey


After the initial panic, the reacting frost giant quickly began to counterattack, and the ground began to slowly launch ice picks, which could easily penetrate the bomber’s protection and make these bombers fall.

Fury looked at the frost giant who had begun to fight back, and said in a serious tone: “Drop all the incendiary bombs at once, and then quickly return home.” Fast, the speed must be fast. ”


The remaining bombers, after receiving Fury’s order, quickly began to return, because they were now almost a live target.

After the plane returned, Laufey looked at the north without a trace of flame and knew that this was the passage left to them by the earthlings.

Laufey snorted angrily, even if he knew that this was a trap set by the earthlings, Laufey didn’t care, in Laufey’s heart, the entire Nine Realms, he was only afraid of Odin.

Laufey waved his hand and said angrily: “These small earthlings dare to attack us, it seems that the passage of time has made these foolish humans lose their awe, children, kill me.”

“Kill, kill, kill ,…….”

The shouts of the frost giants were deafening and resounded through the sky.

This palm-skinned giant army quickly rushed towards the north, dense, mighty, and unstoppable.

The artificial satellite in space zoomed in closer, and all the people on Earth saw the appearance of these aliens.

That hideous face, full of bloodthirsty look, strong body, all make people fearful, especially the kind of fierce momentum that is not afraid of death, but also makes every earthling feel afraid in the eyes of their hearts.

Fury, who was standing in the aircraft carrier, looked at the frost giants charging together, and said with a serious expression: “Launch missiles.”


In the six air bases near New Mexico, a row of missile launchers parked neatly in the square began to slowly turn the direction, adjust the appropriate angle, locate the landing site, and two minutes later, 40,000 Jericho missiles more than three meters long were quickly launched.

“The missile has been launched and is expected to land at its destination within two minutes.”

A clear reply was delivered to the ears of everyone watching the battle.

Finally, the time has come to fight, it is the earthlings’ thermal weapons that destroy the world and the earth! Or the mysterious magic of aliens!

The people prayed in their hearts for the victory of the earth.

Two minutes later, people around the world looked at the starry missiles in the sky, and one by one, they all raised their hearts to their throats.

As long as all these missiles exploded, people simply did not believe that any living things would survive.

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