Just when these missiles were about to land, a blue light rose in the sky, and then all the missiles in the sky were frozen into iron pimples, and after falling to the ground, they were shattered without causing the slightest damage to these frost giants.


The Avengers on the aircraft carrier, looking at this scene, couldn’t help but sigh.


When people around the world saw this scene, they couldn’t help but exclaim.

Although I know that the magic of these alien creatures is very powerful, after really seeing this scene, the people’s hearts can’t help but be a little disappointed.


Fury slapped the table a little angrily, and then said: “Fill all the planes with military phosphorus powder, set off in fifteen minutes, and load all tanks with incendiary bombs, I don’t believe they even freeze phosphorus powder.”

After Fury finished speaking, after a while, 10,000 planes, loaded with a full of phosphorus powder, set off, phosphorus powder is a powdered chemical, very flammable, as long as a little Mars can burn.

The frost giant, who was burying his head in the charge, suddenly found that the sunlight in the sky was blocked.

They looked up with some doubt and saw tens of thousands of planes flying in the sky.

Some white powder was scattered from these planes, and for a while the sky was white, almost blocking the view of these frost giants.

Some curious frost giants couldn’t help but reach out and touch these spilled powders, feeling that except for some smooth accidents, there was no use.

Just when these frost giants were puzzled, the tanks of the government of country M came over, fifty thousand heavy tanks, and a volley was fifty thousand incendiary bombs.

Although these frost giants have magic, they can’t block every shell.

“Boom, boom, ,……”

A few incendiary bombs fell into the phosphorus powder, and suddenly a sea of fire of nearly a kilometer burned in the center of the frost giant, and this sea of fire shrouded at least half of the frost giant.

“Yay, yes, yes,….”

The people who saw this scene all cheered, this is the first time they have harmed these aliens.

Even the president, who is inspiring in Congress, can’t help but laugh excitedly when he sees this scene.

However, the truth was cruel, and soon the cheering people around the world were slapped in the face by the frost giant.

I saw countless frost giants shrouded in a layer of ice armor, quickly running out of the sea of fire, and this heavenly flame did not cause much damage to the frost giant at all.

People’s ice magic, not only can freeze the enemy’s weapon shells, but also can be cast on their own bodies, flames this kind of thing, although the frost giants do not like it, but if you want to hurt them just by relying on this thing, it is simply impossible.

After all, as an extremely aggressive race, how could the Frost Giants not have some way to deal with the flames!

“Fak Squid”

On the space carrier, Tony looked at the frost giants wearing ice armor and said very unpleasantly.

“It is worthy of being a mythical and legendary creature, thermal weapons will not have much effect on them, it seems that only you can go on, help me find the weaknesses of these creatures.” Fury looked at the Avenger and said with a serious face.

“Yes, isn’t it! How is it possible for the three of us to deal with hundreds of thousands of frost giants. Tony said with a look of surprise.

“I will cover you, as you can see, any thermal weapon will be frozen into iron pimples by these frost giants, and their magic cannot be cracked at all now, so I need you to delay time, not to mention, we have Hulk.” Fury looked at Banner and said solemnly.

“Let’s go! Tony, give me a ride. Steve said with a firm look on his shield.


Tony nodded and followed Banner and Steve out of the command room.

Three people stood on the deck of the space carrier, and Tony grabbed Steve’s clothes and said, “Get ready, we’re going to jump.”

Steve took a deep breath and said, “Come on, I’m ready.”

After Steve finished speaking, Tony quickly closed his mask and flew off the aircraft carrier with Steve.

Banner looked at Tony and Steve, who had already flown down, stood alone on the deck and hesitated, then gritted his teeth and jumped off the aircraft carrier with his eyes closed.

After seeing his Avenger jump off the aircraft carrier, Fury took off his headphones, then took another earphone out of the drawer and whispered four words: “Nuclear bomb ready.”

Tony carried Steve to a few hundred meters above the frost giant’s head and quickly let go of his hand.

Then Steve took his shield and condescendingly smashed it at a frost giant.

The frost giant who was charging was smashed to death by Steve without paying attention at all, and Steve quickly got up and hit another frost giant with the buffer force of this frost giant’s body.


The two punched each other, and then each pushed back three steps, obviously evenly matched.

A bad premonition arose from Steve’s heart, relying on just an ordinary frost giant, his physical strength was similar to him, wouldn’t this be equivalent to having hundreds of thousands of himself.

And that’s not counting some powerful frost giants and their magic, thinking about it, Steve lost a sense of powerlessness.


An ice pick was shot at Steve’s shield, and Steve quickly shot towards the frost giant against the frost giant’s magic.

Fortunately, this frost giant is only similar in physical strength to Steve, and his fighting skills are much worse.

After Steve shook a punch, he kicked the frost giant’s jaw, kicking the frost giant backwards and flying out more than ten meters.

Seeing a human who had knocked his compatriots away, several strong frost giants around him all glared at Steve angrily.

Just when Steve felt that he was about to be beaten by the group, a green behemoth fell from the sky and very neatly smashed the two frost giants.


Banner stood up, roared angrily, and then stretched out a hand, grabbed the arm of a frost giant beside him, and turned it like a weapon.

“Boom, boom, boom.”

These frost giants are no different from chicken boys in Banner’s hands, and no one can take Banner’s move at all.

After a while, the entire small area of the venue was emptied by Banner.

The frost giant’s extremely powerful ice magic cannot break the defense at all when it hits Banner’s body, and the speed at which they cast magic is simply not comparable to Banner’s speed of shooting, and Banner is like a tireless fierce beast, galloping on the battlefield.

Steve wiped a cold sweat, and then followed Banner to deal with some of the frost giants who had fallen behind, and with Banner’s protection, Steve was almost in little danger.

“Boom, boom, boom…”

Tony here also performed very brightly, and the armor on his body opened, revealing the densely packed miniature missiles inside.

Tony flew fast while launching missiles.

These missiles specially deployed by Tony are indeed not small, and after this circle, I saw a lot of frost giants lying on the ground.

Some green blood, spilled on the ground, can be seen from here, in fact, human thermal weapons, can indeed harm these frost giants.

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